Universities- RPS 2015 to Non-Teaching Staff of Universities and JNTU


UNIVERSITIES - Revision of Pay Scales - 
Recommendations of Tenth Pay Revision 
Commission in respect of Non-Teaching staff 
of Universities and Jawaharlal Nehru
Technological University - Orders- Issued.

G.O.Ms.No.76 Dated:24.06.2015
Read the following:
1. G.O.Ms.No.95, G.A.(Spl.A) Department, dated: 28.2.2013.
2. G.O.Ms.No.294, Finance (PC.I) Department, dated: 26.10.2013.
3. G.O.Ms.No.10, Finance (PC.I) Department dated:06-01-2014.
4. G.O.Ms.No.4050, G.A (Cabinet) Department, dated 15.12.2014.
5. G.O.Ms.No.46, Finance (HRM.V-PC) Dept., dt.30-04-2015.
6. G.O.Ms.No.47, Finance (HRM.V-PC) Dept., dt.30-04-2015.
7. G.O.Ms.No.48, Finance (HRM.V-PC) Dept., dt.30-04-2015.
8. G.O.Ms.No.49, Finance (HRM.V-PC) Dept., dt.30-04-2015.
9. Circular Memo No.3856-A/29/A2/HRM.V-PC/2014., dt.26-05-2015
10. G.O.Ms.No.67, Finance (HRM.V-PC) Dept., dt.30-04-2015.
11. G.O.Ms.No.68, Finance (HRM.V-PC) Dept., dt.30-04-2015.
12. Circular Mermo NO.3572-J-A/29/TA-A&L/2015, dt.18-06-2015
            In the Government Order first read above, orders were issued constituting Pay Revision Commission, appointing Sri Pradip Kumar Agarwal, IAS (Retd) as Pay Revision Commissioner to evolve the principles which may govern the structure of emoluments and those conditions of service of various categories of employees of the State Government, Local Bodies and Aided Institutions, Non-teaching staff of the Universities including Agricultural University, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Work charged employees and full-time contingent employees.

2. The Government, in the order fourth read above, appointed a Group of
Ministers to hold consultations with the service associations. Accordingly, the Group of Ministers held extensive consultations with the service associations submitted its deliberations to the Government.

3. The Government, after due consideration of the submissions of the Chairman and other office bearers of the Joint Action Committee of Employees, Teachers, Workers and Pensioners of Andhra Pradesh, and the Chairman and other office bearers of the Andhra Pradesh Secretariat Employees Co-Ordination Committee, and a view to promote the welfare of the employees and to reinforce their commitment to the development of the new State of Andhra Pradesh, has agreed to implement the recommendations of the Tenth Pay Revision Commission on the Revised Pay Scales with certain modifications. Accordingly, Government issued the following orders.

1. G.O.Ms.No.46, Finance (HRM.V-PC) Dept., dt.30-04-2015.
2. G.O.Ms.No.47, Finance (HRM.V-PC) Dept., dt.30-04-2015.
3. G.O.Ms.No.48, Finance (HRM.V-PC) Dept., dt.30-04-2015.
4. G.O.Ms.No.49, Finance (HRM.V-PC) Dept., dt.30-04-2015.
5. G.O.Ms.No.67, Finance (HRM.V-PC) Dept., dt.12-06-2015.
6. G.O.Ms.No.68, Finance (HRM.V-PC) Dept., dt.12-06-2015.
7. Circular Memo No.3572-J-A/29/TA-A&L/2015, dt.18-06-2015

4.. Government have accepted the recommendations of the Tenth Pay Revision
Commission on the revision of the Pay Scales of Non-Teaching Staff of all
Universities and decided to extend the fixation benefit of 43% as was allowed to the State Government employees, along with the other recommendations of the Tenth Pay Revision Commission on the Compensatory allowances viz., DA, HRA and CCA.

5. Accordingly, Government hereby Order that-

(a) The Revised Pay Scales, 2015 shall be as set out in Schedule I. The
corresponding revised pay scales for the existing scales shall be the scale
against each existing scale specified therein. These scales shall be
common to all the employees in various categories except where
specified otherwise in the Departmental Pay Schedule (Schedule-II)
appended to this order. Holders of posts not included in the Schedule-II
will be governed by the Revised Pay Scales corresponding to the existing
scales as shown in the Schedule-I.

(b) The Orders issued in references 5th to 12th read above relating to Revised
Pay Scales of DA, HRA, CCA, Stagnation Increments, Automatic
Advancement Scheme, Special Pay and Allowances issued in respect of
Government employees shall apply to mutatis mutandis to the Non-
Teaching staff of Universities.

(c) The Revised Pay Scales, 2015 shall be deemed to have come into force
notionally with effect from 01-07-2013. The monetary benefit shall be
allowed from 02-06-2014.

(d) The Salary in the Revised Pay Scales, 2015 will be paid in cash from the
month of April, 2015 payable on 01-05-2015.

(e) Regarding the arrears of Salary in the Revised Pay Scales, 2015 for the
period from 02-06-2014 to 31-03-2015, orders will be issued separately.

(f) Interim relief paid from 01-01-2014 to 01-06-2014 shall not be recovered.
Interim Relief paid for the period beyond 02-06-2014 will be adjusted
from the monetary benefit payable on account of implementation of
Revised Pay Scales, 2015.

(g) The Universities shall meet the additional expenditure from their sources
and shall not seek additional funds for this purpose.

6. The Interim Relief shall not be included as pay for the purpose of fixation in
the Revised Pay Scales, 2015.

7. All the Registrars of Universities and the Audit Officers are requested to
follow these instructions for the purpose of pay fixation and payment of arrears and audit thereof. These are modified in the context of applicability to the Universities and reproduced below for ready reference

(a) Instructions to the Registrars of Universities:

(i) All the Registrars of Universities are requested to communicate these
orders to all the employees who were in service under their control as
on 01-07-2013 including those who were on leave, under suspension,
deputation, Foreign Service and the employees retired on or after 01-07-
2013. In respect of the employees who died while in office on or after 01-
07-2013, these orders have to be communicated to their legal heirs.

(ii) They are also requested to communicate the Proforma of Statement of
the Pay Fixation appended to this order (Appendix-I) to the subordinate
officers under their control and issue instructions to fix the pay of the
employees in the Revised Pay Scales, 2015.

(b) Instructions to the Heads of Universities/Officers looking after establishment:

(i) The Registrars of the Universities/ Officers looking after the
establishment shall prepare a list indicating the names and designations
of all members of staff according to the monthly pay bills in
quadruplicate and furnish them to the Audit Officer of State Audit/
Deputy Director of State Audit. Drawing Officer should ensure that no
member of the staff whether on duty or on leave or under suspension
shall escape inclusion from the list. Proforma for furnishing this
information is given in Annexure-I to this order.

(ii) The Officers concerned shall record the entries of fixation of pay in the
Revised Pay Scales, 2015 in the Service Registers of the employees
concerned before preparation of claims. A copy of the pay fixation
Statement shall also be attached to the Service Register of the employee.

(c) Instructions to the Drawing and Disbursing Officers of Universities:

(i) (a) The salaries in the Revised Pay Scales, 2015 shall be paid in cash
from the month of April, 2015 onwards.

(b) Regarding the arrears of salaries on account of fixation of pay in the
Revised Pay Scales, 2015 for the period from 02-06-2014 to 31-03-
2015 orders will be issued separately.

(c) In the event of death of any employee before the issue of these
orders, the legal heirs shall be entitled to get the benefit of Revised
Pay Scales, 2015 as stipulated in (a) and (b) above.

(ii) The claims on account of fixation of pay in the Revised Pay Scales, 2015
shall be preferred in duplicate in the establishment pay bills form and
presented to the Audit Officer, State Audit Department concerned along
with pay fixation statements in triplicate together with the Service
Register of the individual concerned with up to date entries. The bill
should be superscripted in “RED INK” as “Claim for Pay Fixation
arrears in the Revised Pay Scales, 2015” to make it distinct from other

(iii) The pay fixation claims shall be prepared in three parts:

Part-I: From 01-07-2013 to 01-06-2014 for which the fixation is

Part II: From 02-06-2014 to 31-03-2015, for which arrears of pay
fixation in the Revised Pay Scales, 2015, are to be paid as per
the orders that will be issued separately.

Part-III: From 01-04-2015 onwards to the date of fixation of pay in the
revised Pay Scales, 2015 for which the arrears shall be paid in

(iv) The Drawing Officer shall ensure that the bills are supported by all
supporting documents in duplicate indicating the details of the
employees, before submitting the claims to the District Audit Officer of
the State Audit Department as the case may be.

(v) All the Drawing and Disbursing Officers are requested to intimate the
employees working under their control as to how much of the amounts
worked out due to fixation in the Revised Pay Scales,2015 are adjusted
notionally, amounts calculated from 02-06-2014 to 31-03-2015 and
amount paid in cash from April, 2015 in the proforma appended
(Appendix-II) to these instructions.

(vi) If the Audit Authorities report any erroneous pay fixation, the Drawing
Officer should check again, with reference to the pay fixation already
approved. If pay fixation was approved by a higher authority, the fact
should be reported by the Drawing Officer to the concerned Authority.
Suitable action should be taken to rectify the erroneous fixation

(vii) The Drawing Officers should invariably indicate the particulars of pay
and allowances in the fixation statements correctly.
(viii) The Drawing Officers should not alter any column of the pay fixation
statement. They should not include any new item. They should not omit
to mention any information against the column.

(d) Instructions to the Audit Officers:

(i) Audit Officers, State Audit Department shall obtain from all the
Registrars of Universities, a list indicating the names and designations of
all the members of staff according to the monthly pay bill in
quadruplicate in the Proforma in Annexure-I. It should be ensured that
no member of the staff whether on duty or on leave or under suspension
or under training or under deputation / Foreign Service escapes
inclusion from the list.

(ii) After obtaining the list in Annexure-I, the respective Audit Authorities
mentioned above shall chalk out a programme to verify and check
whether the pay fixations are in terms of the G.O 5th cited.

(iii) Audit Officer of State Audit Department shall check the pay fixation
claims from 01.07.2013 in the Revised Pay Scales, 2015 with reference to
the Service Registers etc., and admit the bill.

(iv) After such verification the respective officers should record in column (5)
of Annexure-I, the result of such verification and attest the entries and a
report may be sent to the Director of State Audit as to the number of
pay fixations completed and balance pending at the end of each month
by 10th of succeeding month. The Director of State Audit Department
shall in turn consolidate and forward the particulars to the Finance
(HRM.V-PC) Department by 20th of that month.

(v) In case any erroneous pay fixations are detected, the audit authorities
shall note the details of erroneous pay fixations in the proforma
indicated in Appendix-II to this order.

(vi) The Audit Authorities shall report the number of cases, where erroneous
fixation was noticed and the total amount ordered to be recovered from
the individuals to the Registrar of the University concerned.

(vii) The Audit Officers of the Universities shall follow the usual procedure of
furnishing one copy of the schedules along with bills to the Accountant
General and shall credit the arrears as per the orders to be issued in the
matter. The second copy of the schedules shall be furnished to the
Drawing Officer with voucher number.

8. The Registrars should note that where Special Pay has not been sanctioned
specifically to any particular category the same shall be treated as discontinued and it shall not be allowed in the Revised Pay Scales, 2015. The Registrar on receipt of the verification reports from the audit authorities shall prefer the claim before the Finance Officer of the University. The Finance Officer shall maintain a separate register after the claim of the pay fixations are passed for payment. Monthly accounts shall be prepared and sent with the vouchers including arrears of pay fixation in the Revised Pay Scales in normal course as per the schedules of dates. The Finance Officer of Universities and Comptroller of State Agricultural University are requested to issue necessary instructions to their subordinate officers for following the above procedure with regard to admission of pay fixation and reporting system. The Finance Officer shall also inform the Government the total additional expenditure incurred on the implementation of the Revised Pay Scales, 2015 to the Government in Finance (HRM.V-PC) Department.

9. The G.O. is available on Internet and can be accessed at the addresses
http://www.aponline.gov.in, http://goir.ap.gov.in and http://www.apfinance.gov.in.

                                                                   MS. HEMA MUNIVENKATAPPA
                                                            SPECIAL SECRETAY TO GOVERNMENT

Statement of fixation of Pay under Revised Scales of Pay Rules, 2015
(Amounts in Rupees)

# In respect of employees holding Special Grade / Special Promotion Post Special Ad-hoc Promotion Post, fixation shall be in the corresponding relevant Revised Scales assigned to the post.

As per para 7 (c) (v) of G.O.Ms.No.76, Finance (HRM.V-PC) Department, date 24-06-2015.)

1. Name of the University                                                         :
2. Designation of Drawing and
Disbursing Officer                                                                       :
3. Name and Designation of the employee                            :
4. Amount of arears of fixation of pay in the Revised
Pay Scales, 2015.                                                                         :
i) From 01-07-2013 to 01-06-2014 (Notional)                    : Rs.
ii) From 02-06-2014 to 31-03-2015.
(Period to which Orders are yet to be issued}                      : Rs.
iii) From 1st April, 2015 till the date of fixation of pay
in the Revised Pay Scales, 2015 (paid in cash)                     : Rs.

Station:                                   Signature of the Drawing and
Disbursing Officer
Date :
Official Seal:

[See Rules 2 (4), 3(1) and 3 (2)]

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