The Andhra Pradesh Teachers (Regulation of Transfers) Rules 2015-16

Rules - The Andhra Pradesh Teachers (Regulation of Transfers) Rules 2015-16 -
Orders – Issued - Regarding

G.O.Ms.No. 63 Dated:31.08.2015
Ref : CSE Lr. Rc.No.800/Esst.III/2015, Dated: 20.08.2015.
O R D E R :
In order to facilitate and regulate the transfers of Headmasters Grade II
Gazetted and teachers working in Government / ZPP / MPP schools in Andhra
Pradesh School Education Service and Andhra Pradesh School Education
Subordinate Service, Government have decided to issue rules relating to transfers.
Further, Under Right to Education (RTE) Act 2009, every child in age group
of 6 to 14 years will have to be provided upto Eight years of Elementary Education
on admission to an age appropriate class in the vicinity of his / her neighborhood.
Further, there is a need to rationalize the staff in schools and posts in Primary
and Upper Primary as there are some schools with over strength of students vis-àvis
the sanctioned teaching posts and on the other hand some schools with
uneconomic strength of students with more teachers. Government also desired to
ensure appropriate school/class level teacher – pupil ratio and strengthen
academic monitoring / support to teachers at mandal and divisional level.
Keeping the above in view, there is need to regulate the staffing pattern by way
of transfers.

Government have decided to call for the applications for transfer of
teachers through online and conduct web counseling duly obtaining the options as
was done in the transfer counseling of A.P. Model Schools, Admission into DIETCET
etc. The Headmasters/teachers shall apply online in the IP address given for
the purpose.

In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 78 and 99 of A.P. Education
Act 1982 (Act 1 of 1982) and under Article 309 of the Constitution of India and in
supersession of all the earlier Rules and guidelines on transfer of teachers, the
Government of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following Rules regulating the
transfers of the categories of Headmasters Gr.II Gazetted, School Assistants and
S.G.T.s and their equivalent categories in the A.P. School Education Service and
A.P. School Education Subordinate Service working in the Government Schools and
Z.P.P. and MPP Schools in the State.

A.P., Teachers (Regulation of Transfers) Rules, 2015 - 16

1. Short Title and Applicability:

        (1) These rules may be called the Andhra Pradesh Teachers
                             (Regulation of Transfers) Rules, 2015-16.

        (2) These rules shall be applicable to Headmaster Gr.-II
             Gazetted in Andhra Pradesh School Education Service and
             School Assistants / Secondary Grade Teachers and other
             equivalent categories in Andhra Pradesh School Education
              Subordinate Service, herein after referred to as Teacher in
              these Rules.

          (3) These rules shall come into force with immediate effect.

2. Transfer Counselling
             All the transfers shall be processed by applications filed
            and options exercised through an online processes.
            Transfer orders will be issued by the Transfer Committees
              constituted for each district / zone.

3. Schedule of Transfer
            The Commissioner of School Education, shall draw
             schedule and communicate the same to the competent
             authorities for effecting transfers from time to time.

4. Competent Authority for postings & Transfers
           The appointing authority concerned shall issue transfer
           and posting orders based on the web options exercised by
           the Teacher by the Committee constituted for the

5. Criteria for Transfers
          (1) The following categories of Headmaster Gr.II Gazetted /
               Teacher in the Government / ZPP /MPP shall be

             (a) Those Teachers who have completed 8 years’ service in
                  a particular school and the Headmasters Gr-II who have
                  completed 5 years of in particular school as on 1st
                  August (for the transfer year 2015-16 the cutoff date
                  would be 1st August) shall be compulsorily transferred.

•                       .    Provided those who are going to retire within two
                             (2) years from 1st August of the year shall not be
                            shifted until and unless the incumbent requests for
                            such transfer

             (b) The male Headmaster Grade-II/Teacher aged below 50
             years as on 1st August of the year and working in Girls High

           (2) If no women HMs / Teachers are available to work in Girls
                 High Schools, then male HMs / Teachers who are over and
                 above 50 years of age may be considered for posting to
                 such schools.

            (3) Headmaster Gr.II Gazetted/Teacher who has completed a
                  minimum period of two years-service in a School as on 1st
                 August 2015 of the year shall be eligible to apply for

           (4) The teachers shifted under Rationalization i.e. Primary
                Schools and Upper Primary Schools and SGTs in High
                Schools (provided if required number of teacher posts are
                sanctioned in High Schools) shall participate in the
                Transfers Counseling regardless of years of service in the

           (5) The Headmasters Gr.II Gazetted/Teacher who have
                 completed 8 years’ service as NCC officer should be posted
                 in a vacancy in a school where there is NCC unit. If there is
                  no vacancy, they may be posted in a school where there is
                 no NCC Unit, so that the NCC teacher may open a new NCC
                 unit in the school.

           (6) All transfers shall be effected from within the Present
                Management, Agency Area to Agency Area, Plain Area to
                Plain Area.

           (7) Preference shall be given to HM Gr II, who have studied
                Urdu Language as 1st Language/Urdu as main subject to
                Urdu Medium Schools.

6. Entitlement Points - Common Points

           (a) Entitlement of points shall be awarded to the Headmaster
                Gr.II Gazetted / Teacher who applies for transfer in the
                 following manner

           (b) For service in the present school, basing on its location, as
                per the following scale, as on 1st August 2015 of the year

            (i) Service in category IV areas             Five (5) Points for
                                                                           every year of service

           (ii) Service in Category III areas           Three (3) points per
                                                                          every year of service
           (iii) Service in the Category II areas        Two (2) points per
                                                                           every year of service

            (iv) Service in the Category I areas        One (1) point per every
                                                                            year of service

            (c) The Habitations / Towns shall be classified under following
                     categories, viz,,

                  Category – I                                     All Habitations / Towns
                                                                           where 20% and above
                                                                          HRA is admissible

                  Category –II                                   All Habitations / Towns
                                                                         where 14.5% HRA is

                  Category –III                                 All Habitations / Towns
                                                                        where 12% HRA is

                  Category-IV                                  All Habitations where
                                                                        12% HRA is admissible,
                                                                        and which do not have
                                                                        connectivity through
                                                                        an all-weather road as
                                                                        per the norms of
                                                                        Panchayat Raj

                   (d) i) The District Collector shall publish the list of habitations
                             in the district which do not have connectivity through an
                             all-weather road as per the norms of Panchayat Raj
                             (Engineering) Department in consultation with the
                             Superintendent Engineer, P.R. of the district for this
                              purpose, and the same shall be final.

                         ii) For the Service rendered:                  0.5 point for every year
                                                                                        of completed service in
                                                                                        the total service in all
                                                                                        categories as on 1st
                                                                                        August 2015 of the year

6.A. Performance Related Points                                                   Entitlement

                       (a) The teachers who secured National or State award         5
                             issued by the Central / State Government can be            points
                             availed only once in the 8 year period.

6.B. Institution Related Performance

Increase in previous year’s
enrolment by 10- 20% is ensured
during each of the last 2 years
As per Child
Info data base
for the school

Attendance of children in a
school by average year wise
Above 95%

90% – 95%


100% Transition of children within
their school or catchment area
Govt. Schools
5th to 6th class
7th to 8th class
8th to 9th class
- HM
- Counter
certified by

a) Marks of A and A+ grade
obtained by students in Class III,
V & VIII in a school in the Annual
Assessment Survey for that year
AAS 2015.
If 80% and
above students
in the class got
A and A+

If 70% to
students got


School Average performance in
SSC Exam
- HM certificate
- Counter certified by
Dy. EO
Cross verified with DG

95% to 100% pass percentage
90 -94.99%



6.C. Individual Related Performance Points

Teacher attendance in the
institution at present cadre
- HM
- Counter
by Dy.EO/MEO

Above 95% attendance of total
no. of working days for last 2


90% -94.99% attendance of total
no. of working days for last 2


If the children of Govt. teacher
are studying during the last 2
years in Govt./Aided schools (If
both are working as teachers,
one of the spouse will be entitled
for these points)

certified by
with Aadhaar
seeded child

( c )
Initiative in raising of funds/
for developing the school
(last 2 years only)
- HM
- Counter
certified by

Worth of more than 3 lakhs


2 – 2.99 lakhs


1 – 1.99 lakhs


Performance in SSC Results
100% pass in concerned subject.


90% and above pass


Participation of children in
competitions at District/ State
Level from the schools
a) Essay writing
b) Elocution
c) Drawing
d) Quiz, etc.
Points to be given to the HM &
concerned Teacher
- HM
- Counter
certified by

Participation in sport & games :
Points to be gives both for
- HM
- Counter
certified by





Zonal / District


If teacher is residing at working
habitation for last 2 years
(applicable to HM / Teacher
working in category IV schools
certified by

Conduct of science exhibition at
school level with local
contribution inviting neighboring
schools in the Mandal
a) Science Projects/Shows
b) Green Crops &
c) Arts
certified by

i. The criteria for determination of the above
performance parameters shall be two preceding
academic years.
ii. Above all should be Certified by the HM & Counter
signed by MEO/Dy.E.O.
iii. Applicable to the HM / concerned Teachers.

7. Special Points (Extra Points):


The President and General
Secretary of the recognized
Teachers’ Unions at the State and
District Levels.

10 points

Un-married Headmistress Gr.II /
unmarried female Teacher

10 points

Headmaster Gr.II Gazetted /
Teacher, whose spouse is working
in State Government or Central
Government or Public Sector
undertaking or Local Body or
Aided Institution in the same
District and opted for transfer
nearer to and towards the place
of working of his/her spouse,
Benefit of spouse points shall be
applicable to one of the spouses
once in 8 years, and an entry
shall be made in this regard in
SR. A copy of certificate issued
by the competent authority shall
be enclosed to the check list to
consider cases under this

10 points

Headmaster Gr.II Gazetted
Teacher who is working as NCC
Officer, if they have completed 8
years’ service in the school

10 points

Headmaster/teacher who are
enthusiastic and have inclination
to teach in English Medium in
English Medium schools / Parallel sections

5 Points

Teachers who are Physical
Science teachers and who opt to
teach Mathematics permanently
in future and who have the
requisite qualification

5 Points

Teachers/HMs willing to opt for
difficult and remote area schools
5 Points

8. Rationalization Points

The teachers who are affected by
rationalization process they are
eligible for extra points over and
above already secured. The
teachers who have completed 8
years’ service are not eligible.
10 points

9. In case of a Tie in Points Secured

                                 In case the entitlement points two or more applicants are
                                 equal, the inter-se seniority shall be determined as below:

                           (a) Applicants having disability of more than 40% but less than
                                70% (Ortho-handicap. / Visually challenged/ Hearing
                                 Impaired) shall take priority

                           (b) Subject to the above, the seniority in the cadre shall be
                                 taken into account

                           (c) Priority to the candidate basing on the date of birth
                                 (Senior) besides rule (a) and (b).

10. Minus Points:
                           (a) If disciplinary action is initiated
                                  for irregular attendance/
                                  Unauthorized absence, not
                                  completing syllabus, indiscipline
                                  etc. by competent authority
                                (i) Major penalty awarded                                  5 Points

                               (ii) Minor Penalty Awarded                                3 Points

                            (b) 10th Class Pass Percentage is less                    5 Points
                                   than 30% 

                            (c) The Headmaster Grade-II and                           5 Points  
                                  the concerned subject Teacher
                                  of the school in which the pass
                                  percentage in the S.S.C. Public
                                  Exam (March) is less than 30%

11. Preferential Categories
                               The following categories shall take precedence in the
                               seniority list, in the order given below, irrespective of
                               their entitlement points.

                               (a) Physically handicapped i.e., those with not less than 70%
                                    orthopedically-handicapped / Visually challenged/Hearing

                              (b) Widows

                              (c) Legally Separated Women

                             (d) Headmaster Gr.II Gazetted / Teacher who is suffering with
                                   the following diseases, in which he/she is undergoing

                                             i. Cancer
                                            ii. Open Heart Surgery, including Stunts
                                           iii. Neuro Surgery
                                           iv. Bone TB
                                            v. Kidney Transplantation / Dialysis
                                           vi. Neuro- Surgery
                                          vii. Back-ach Surgery (Spinal Chord Plates diseases)
                                         viii. Losses of Platelets in Blood

                            (e) Applicants with dependents i.e., Mother, Father, children,
                                 Spouse who are mentally retarded and are undergoing

                            (f) Children suffering with holes in the heart by birth and
                                 undergoing medical treatment available only at specified
                                 places to which they are seeking transfers

                          (g) Applicants with dependent children suffering from Juvenile

                               Note 1: For the purpose of (a, d, e & f) above, a copy of
                               the certificate issued by a competent authority i.e.,
                               District Medical Board / State Medical Board should be
                               enclosed to the application for consideration of
                               preferential categories. However candidates selected
                               under PH quota and recorded in SR need not furnish any
                               fresh certificate.

                              Note 2: The Headmaster Grade-II Gazetted / Teachers
                               should avail either the preferential category (Rule 8)
                               or the special points Rule 7 (1 to 6) once in 8 years and an
                               entry be made in SR.

                              Note 3: The teachers who have availed the preferential
                              category or spouse category in the earlier transfer
                              counselling and now shifted under Rationalization without
                              completion of 8 years of service shall be given the
                               respective benefits / entitlement points along with the
                               Rationalization points.

                         (h) Teachers shall exercise their option for their willingness to
                                teach in English medium in the English Medium High
                               Schools / English Medium Parallel High Schools. They shall
                               be treated as English Medium teachers and will be posted
                               for teaching in English medium henceforth. The required
                               training will be provided. Preference will be given to the
                               teachers who exercise the option for posting in the said
                               school. Transfer shall be issued to the extent of
                               requirement in the Schools.

                         (i) Where there is dearth of Mathematics Teachers, the
                              School Assistants (Physical Science) who are willing / opt
                              to teach the Mathematic subject permanently /
                              continuously in future shall be treated as a Mathematics
                              teacher. Posting shall be issued to the extent of
                              requirement in the Schools.

 12. Notification of vacancies:

                        (1) The following vacancies shall be notified for the purpose
                               of counseling:

                        (a) All the existing clear vacancies, except the leave

                        (b) Resultant vacancies after rationalization

                        (c) All the vacancies arising due to compulsory transfers as per
                              Rule V.

                        (d) Resultant vacancies arising during counseling.

                        (2) After assessing additional requirement, additional
                              Posts/Teachers to be provided to ensure School and Class
                              level Teacher Pupil Ratio & for strengthening academic

                                  I. For upgraded UP Schools, where enrolment
                                      justifies allocation of additional teachers

                                 II. For High Schools where the class strength is over
                                      50 students

                        (3) The competent authorities shall notify the vacancies with
                              the approval of District Collector (District Cadres) or
                              Commissioner and Director of School Education (Zonal
                              Cadre), as the case may be after duly affecting
                               rationalization by taking into consideration of teacher
                              pupil ratio as notified by Government under rationalization
                              from time to time.

13. Publication of vacancies and seniority list:

                        (1) The following lists shall be published in the website
                               specified for the purpose and also displayed at the O/o
                               Regional Joint Director of School Education and District
                               Educational Officer concerned:

                         (a) The lists of category wise schools (category I, II, III and IV),

                         (b) The School wise vacancy position of Headmaster Gr.II
                               Gazetted/School Assistant/Secondary Grade Teacher and
                               equivalent categories for counseling.

                          (c) Subject to the procedure prescribed in clause (2) below,
                                the list of names of the Headmaster Gr.II Gazetted /
                               Teacher who applied for transfer with entitlement

                          (2) After the last date for applying for transfers as
                                per schedule, the seniority list shall be prepared, using
                                software for generating the entitlement
                                points management wise, category wise, subject wise,
                                medium wise and the seniority list with entitlement points
                                shall be published in the website specified for the purpose
                                and also on the notice board of District Educational Officer
                                 /Regional Joint Director of School Education.

14. Online Application

                           (1) The Headmasters/teachers shall apply for transfer in the
                                 prescribed online services for web based allotment at

                           (2) Only online applications received through the website will
                                  be considered for transfer.

                          (3) The applicants shall thereafter obtain the printout of the
                                application from the specified website and submit the
                                same duly signed to their respective authorities, viz.,
                                Mandal Educational Officer/Headmaster High
                                School/Deputy Educational Officer, as the case may be.
                               (This is only for verification – hard copies are not
                                   processed for transfer).

                         (4) The Headmaster Gr.II Gazetted / Teacher who is eligible
                                as per the criteria prescribed in Rule 5 may apply online
                                through website specified for the purpose in the
                                 prescribed proforma and the particulars furnished in the
                                 proforma shall be final and no modification shall be

                           (5) An applicant seeking to apply under Preferential categories
                                / spouse category shall also submit along with application
                                the latest certificate from the competent authority in that

                           (6) After receipt of applications, the authorities concerned
                                 shall display the provisional seniority lists and call for
                                 objections if any. After redressing the objections /
                                 grievances, the authority shall display the final seniority
                                 along with the entitlement points in the website / notice

                            (7) Once the Headmaster / teacher submits an application
                                  through online it shall be final. No teacher is allowed to
                                  apply twice on online

                            (8) If any Headmaster Gr.II Gazetted / Teacher who is
                                  compulsorily transferable under Rule 5 does not apply
                                  online or having applied does not attend the counselling
                                  (physical or online), he/she will be transferred to the
                                  available left over needy vacancies.

15. Receipt and disposal of objections:

                             (1) Objections if any in respect of the seniority list and
                                  entitlement points published as per Rule 13 (2) may be
                                  filed online. The District Educational Officer / Regional
                                  Joint Director of School Education, as the case may be, by
                                   any applicant together with evidence in support of such
                                 objection within the time specified for this purpose in the

                              (2) The District Educational Officer / Regional Joint Director
                                   of School Education, as the case may be, shall cause
                                    verification of all objections and pass orders disposing of
                                  the same. In cases where objections are upheld, the
                                   District Educational Officer/ Regional Joint Director of
                                   School Education shall cause the necessary corrections in
                                    the seniority list and publish the same on the website.

16. Counselling
                              (1) Transfers and postings of Headmasters/Teachers shall be
                                    done on the basis of entitlement and performance points
                                    as specified in these rules.

                             (2) After finalization of seniority lists and notification of
                                   vacancies Options shall have to be exercised by the
                                   teachers through web based counseling / option.

                             (3) Transfer orders shall be issued by the respective
                                    Committee on the basis of the final lists drawn online duly
                                    following the above procedure.

17. Committee for Transfers
                              The following committees are constituted for the purpose
                               of issue of transfers.

                             (1) For Transfer of Head Master Gr. II Gazetted in
                                   Government High Schools

                                    a) Senior Officer of the Department nominated by
                                         the Director of School Education, not below the
                                          rank of a Joint Director.

                                     b) The Regional Joint Director of School Education
                                          concerned or his nominee as the Member Secretary

                                     c) The District Educational Officer concerned as
                                          a Member.

                               (i) The senior most officer shall be the Chairman of the

                              (ii) The Committee shall be the competent authority for
                                    transfer of all Headmaster Gr.II Gazetted in the
                                    Government High Schools in the respective Zone. The
                                    transfer shall be effected within the Zone by way of

                            (iii) The Regional Joint Director of School Education
                                    concerned shall be the competent authority to issue
                                    posting and transfer orders of the Headmasters Gr.II
                                   Gazetted working in Government High Schools, after the
                                   approval by the Committee

                             (2) For Transfer of Head Master Gr. II Gazetted in Zilla
                                   Parishad High Schools:

                                      a) Chairman, Zilla Parishad /Special Officer– Chairman

                                       b) Collector/ Joint Collector – Member

                                       c) RJDSE or his nominee -- Member Secretary

                                       d) Chief Executive Officer- Z.P. – Member


                                (i) The Committee shall be the competent authority for
                                     transfer of all Headmaster Gr.II Gazetted in the ZP High
                                     Schools in the District

                               (ii) The Regional Joint Director of School Education
                                      concerned shall be the competent authority to issue
                                      transfer orders of the Headmasters Gr.II Gazetted working
                                      in ZP High Schools, after the approval by the Committee.

                               (3) For Transfer of Teachers in Government High Schools

                                            a) Collector / Joint Collector -- Chairman

                                            b) Chief Executive Officer Z. P. - - Member

                                             c) District Educational Officer – Member Secretary

                               (4) For Transfer of Teachers in Zilla Parishad / MPP Schools

                                              a) Chairman, ZP /Special Officer – Chairman

                                              b) Collector / Joint Collector -- Member

                                              c) Chief Executive Officer Z. P. - - Member

                                              d) District Educational Officer – Member Secretary

                                  Note: The District Educational Officer concerned shall be
                                  competent authority to issue transfer orders to all the
                                  teachers working in the Government Schools and ZPP /
                                  MPP Schools after the approval by the Committee.

18. Issue of Transfer Orders:

                                  (1) Based on the web options and issue of orders by the
                                        respective committees, the appointing authorities
                                        concerned shall issue posting orders to all the HMs
                                       /Teachers of one category in one proceedings only, duly
                                         enclosing the names of the teachers transferred and places
                                       of postings on transfer in one annexure. No individual
                                       transfer orders shall be issued.

                                 (2) The teacher / HM who are to be compulsorily transferred
                                       and who do not apply for counseling, shall be given posting
                                        orders in absentia to the left over needy vacancies at the
                                        end of the web counseling of that particular category of

                                  (3) Headmaster Gr.II Gazetted / Teacher shall not be posted
                                        in the Schools located in the same Gram Panchayat, If they
                                        completed 8 years of service.

                                 (4) Once transfer orders are issued by the competent
                                       authority with the approval of the committee, review or
                                        modification of orders shall not be considered, either by
                                        the committee or by the competent authority.

                                  (5) In all the orders of the transfer the condition is to be
                                        included that the orders shall be subject to outcome of
                                        SLP in Supreme Court of India and other pending cases.

                                  (6) The transfers effected shall be displayed on website and
                                        also at the office of Regional Joint Director of School
                                        Education, District Educational Officer and ZP after
                                        completion of counseling.

19. Date of Relief and Joining:
                                   (1) The Headmaster Gr.II Gazetted / Teacher who are on
                                          transfer shall be relieved within 7 days from the present
                                          place of working on receipt of the transfer orders and he /
                                          she shall join in the new school where they are posted on
                                          the next day of issue / receipt of orders.
                                         Provided the Teachers (including subject teachers) who
                                         are transferred under Transfer Counseling shall be relieved
                                         subject to the condition that there shall be 50% of regular
                                         teachers (fraction shall be treated as One) working in the
                                         school and also only the senior most Teachers (including
                                         subject teachers) shall be relieved.

                                          i. If only one Teacher (including subject teachers) is
                                             working in the School and got transfer he / she
                                             shall not be relieved without substitute

                                         ii. If two Teachers (including subject teachers) are
                                             working in the School and got transfer, the junior
                                             in the school shall not be relieved without

                                        iii. If three Teachers (including subject teachers) are
                                             working in the School and got transfer, the two
                                             juniors in the school shall not be relieved without

                                        iv. If four Teachers (including subject teachers) are
                                              working in the school and got transfer, the two
                                              juniors in the school shall not be relieved without

                                         v. Likewise, if eleven Teachers (including subject
                                             teachers) are working in the school and got
                                             transfer, the six juniors in the school shall not be
                                             relieved without substitute.

                                   (2) A Headmaster Gr.II Gazetted / Teacher who does not so
                                         join cannot claim compulsory wait, under any
                                         circumstances, for any reason.

20. Appeal:

                                      (1) An appeal against the orders of the District Educational
                                      Officer shall lie with the Regional Joint Director of School
                                       Education concerned, and an appeal against the orders of
                                       the Regional Joint Director of School Education shall lie
                                       with the Commissioner and Director of School Education
                                       Such appeal should be submitted within 10 days.

                                  (2) All such appeals shall be disposed off by the Appellate
                                        authorities concerned within 15 days from the date of
                                        receipt of the appeal.

                                (3) The teachers have any grievance on the transfer
                                      counseling should avail all levels of appeal provisions
                                      before going for other legal remedies.

21. Revision:

                                (1) The Commissioner and Director of School Education may
                                      either suo-moto or on an application received from any
                                     person aggrieved by the orders of the Transfer Committee
                                     may call for and examine the records in respect of any
                                     proceedings of transfer to satisfy himself about its
                                     regularity, legality or propriety. If, in any case, it appears
                                     to him that any such proceedings should be revised,
                                     modified, annulled or reversed or remitted for
                                    reconsideration, he may pass orders accordingly or remand
                                    the case with any direction so as to rectify any violation of
                                   rules or discrepancy. Such orders shall be implemented by
                                    the authority concerned.

                            (2) The Commissioner & Director of School Education may stay
                                    the implementation of any such proceedings, pending
                                  exercise of its powers under sub-rule (1) above.

                            (3) Revision exercise and issue orders shall be completed
                                  within 4 weeks from the date of issue of the transfer
                                  orders. No extension shall be permissible.

22. Punishment for furnishing false Information & violation of Rules

                              (1) Anybody who has submitted false information and
                                    certificates, and the officers, who have countersigned such
                                    false information, shall be liable for disciplinary action in
                                    addition to prosecution, as per rules.

                             (2) The Member-Secretary who has issued orders in violation
                                   of these rules or instructions issued by Director of School
                                   Education from time to time in the matter shall be liable
                                   for disciplinary action as per rules.

                             (3) The transfer orders, once issued and the appeals are
                                   disposed off and revision orders issued, shall be honoured.
                                   And the HM/Teachers shall join the place of posting
                                   without any further delay. Any eligible leave shall be
                                  granted by the respective authority only for special cases
                                  and on humanitarian grounds. For any unauthorized
                                   absence “no work-no pay’ provision shall apply.

                                                                                  SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT

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