46th IFFI Pays Retrospective Honours to eminent Israeli film maker Amos Gitai Screens ‘Rabin- The last Day’

46th IFFI Pays Retrospective Honours to eminent Israeli film maker Amos Gitai Screens ‘Rabin- The last Day’ 
 46th IFFI Paid Retrospective Honours to eminent Israeli film maker Amos Gitai here today, with the screening of his film ‘Rabin, The Last Day’. Speaking on the opening of the Retrospective section, Amos Gitai said that cinema is a strong medium to question the working of the Government. He further added that he has made the movie, more as a citizen than a film maker.

Amos Gitai’s ten films are being screened under this section. Other films include Alia, Berlin-Jerusalem, Devarim, Esther, Golem, the Spirit of the Exile, Kadosh, Lullaby to my Father, Tsili, Yom Yom.

Amos Gitai was born on October 11, 1950 in Haifa. He graduated as an architect from the Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa and acquired a PhD in architecture at Berkeley University in California. He fought in the Yom Kippur War in 1973, during which he was injured. Attracted by directing, he became professional filmmaker in 1980 with House. From that point he created many films, both fiction and documentary that brought him considerable international recognition.

 ‘Rabin- The last Day is a gripping docu-drama which looks at the prelude and aftermath of the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. The story of the film is that – On the evening of Saturday November 4, 1995, Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin is shot down with three bullets by a Jewish law student at the end of a huge political rally in the centre of Tel-Aviv. Twenty years have passed, the prospects of peace have vanished, as have vanished the nineties and their dream of normalcy. For most Israelis, the elimination of Rabin, besides being a blow to democracy, ended any possibility of the Israel- Palestinian peace process progressing.


Country Focus section ‘Kingdom of Spain’ opens with the screening of ‘Isla Bonita’ at IFFI 2015 
 The Country Focus section ‘Kingdom of Spain’ opened with the screening of ‘Isla Bonita’ at IFFI 2015 here today.

Earlier today, the Counsellor of Tourism of Spain, Mr Ignacio Ducasse Gutierrez, and Spain’s Cultural Counsellor, Ms Alejandra Garcia Fuertes addressed a press conference on the Focus Country for IFFI.

Briefing the media, Alejandra Garcia Fuertes said that after the film “Zindagi na milegee dobara”, Spain and India are discovering each other in a new way.
Responding to a question she said Film scenario in Spain is changing and the Spanish people are interested to see Indian culture and lifestyle and India should make efforts to showcase its films in Spain.

Mr Gutierrez said that Spain offers a variety of landscape to film makers. Spain too, like India, has a long history. There are monuments, castles and other structures from various eras which make interesting locations for film shooting. Spain also has created infrastructure to facilitate shooting of films there, he explained.

In this section, the festival will present the best of Spanish cinema from Master filmmakers like Carlos Saura and Pedro Almadovarto the young and enthusiastic director Alejandro Amenabar. The section will also feature the newly find Leticia Dolera’s debut film “Requirements To Be A Normal Person”.

Films to be screened in the section:
1.       The Sea Inside/ Mar Adentro/ Alejandro Amenabar/ Spain, France, Italy/ 2004/ 125

2.       Thesis/ Tesis/ Alejandro Amenabar/ Spain/ 1996/ 125

3.       Goya in Bordeaux/ GOYA EN BURDEOS/ Carlos Saura/ Spain, Italy/ 1999/ 100

4.       Tango/ Tango/ Carlos Saura/ Spain, Argentina/ 1998/ 115

5.       Bad Education/ La mala educacion/ Pedro Almodovar/ Spain/ 2004/ 106

6.       Isla Bonita/ Isla Bonita/ Fernando Colomo/ Spain/ 2015/ 101

7.       Requirements To Be A Normal Person/ Requisitos Para Ser Una Persona Normal/ Leticia Dolera/ Spain/ 2015/ 95
Indian Panorama Jury Meets the press

Young film makers experimenting with technology hold promise: JURY 
 The Jury members of Indian Panorama including Chairman of feature film category Aribam Syam Sharma met the Press here today after opening of the segment. The other members were actress, filmmaker Bijaya Jena, writer-director Major Ravi,actor Phonsok Ladakhi from Feature Films and filmmakers Makarand Brahme and Bachaspatimayum Sunzu from Non- Feature film section.

Briefing the media, director, actor and music composer from Manipur Aribam Syam Sharma, said that taking advantage of technology, young film makers are experimenting and exploring film making. In this year’s films, beautiful shots that lost the quality in transition from celluloid to video have returned, promising quality films and bright future. Underlining the irony that he is known as an Indian film maker abroad but regional film maker in India, he urged that films in Indian languages made in various regions should also be called Indian films and not just regional films. “There seems to be some confusion about Indian films but for me an Indian film means a film made in different regions of India in different Languages” he explained.

Jury member Makarand Brahme said that digital cinema is coming of age and technology has made film making easier. People are experimenting with all available options, he said. At present, fiction and nonfiction films are being judged on the same parameters under non feature film section.  Pointing out the difference between the two, he emphasised the need to have different parameters for judging both kind of films.

Major Ravi, in his opening remarks, informed that in the feature film section, out of the 25 films shortlisted finally,  24 films were selected unanimously. But the jury had to redo the entire exercise as three films scored similar evaluation and competed for the 25thfilm, he explained.

Bijaya Jena said government support is required for regional media. Diversity is the beauty of India’s unity and films made across the country need to be promoted and seen by all. She said that the two films ‘Nanak Shah Faqir’ and ‘Valiya Chirakulla Pakshikal’ have been recommended for the UNESCO Peace Award and are going to Paris.

Phonsok Ladakhi said that films need to be made with wisdom as simply taking shots cannot be defined as a film till it has an element of wisdom in it.  

 Bachaspatimayum Sunzu expressed disappointment over the quality of films in the Non-Feature section as compared to previous years.

Nanak Shah Faqir is a Punjabi film about Nanak ji’s preaching of strength of love even in the face of persecution. Valiya Chirakulla Pakshikal is a Malyalam film based on ‘endosalfan’ a pesticide banned all over the world but used in Kerela on cashew plants causing deformities.

Col. Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore inaugurates the Indian Panorama section of IFFI, 2015

Indian Panaroma opens with Sanskrit film ‘Priyamanasam’ in Feature section and “Goonga Pahlwaan” in Non- Feature Film category

26 feature films and 21 non-feature films to be screened at the Indian Panorama 
 The Indian panorama Section at 46th International Film festival of India opened with the screening of ‘Goonga Pehelwan’ (non feature film) and feature film ‘Priyamanasam’ (Sanskrit) here today. At the inaugural event, the Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting, Col. Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore, did the honours to the Jury members of the Indian Panorama. The Minister also presented honours to cast and crew of ‘Priyamanasam’ and directors of ‘Goonga Pehelwan’. Indian Panorama opens with a Sanskrit film after three decades.  
The Jury for Feature Films, headed by ace filmmaker Shri Aribam Syam Sharma has selected 26 films out of 230 eligible entries. The other members of the Jury include Shri Tapan Biswas, Producer, Shri Mahesh Aney, Cinematographer, Ms. Bhagirathi, Actress/Director, Shri Dilip Patnaik, Director, Shri Phonsok Ladakhi, Actor/Director, Shri Praveen Sattaru, Director, Major Ravi, Director/Actor, Bharathi Pradhan, Writer/Critic, Fowzia Fathima, Cinematographer/Director, Bijaya Jena, Actress/ Director, Shri Panchakshari, Director and Shri M.K. Bhaskara Rao, Writer/Critic.
The Film ‘Priyamanasam’ (Sanskrit) directed by Vinod Mankara has been chosen as the Opening Film by the Feature Film Jury of Indian Panorama 2015. The Non-Feature films Jury chaired by well-known filmmaker Shri Rajendra Janglay has picked 21 films out of 146 eligible entries. The other members of the jury include Shri Vinoo Choliparambil, Editor/ Director, Shri Bachaspatimayum Sunzu, Producer & Director, Shri Makarand Brahme, Director,  Shri V. Rama Rao, Academician, Shri Pramod Purswane, Director and Ms. Meenakshi Vinay Rai, Director. The Non-feature film GOONGA PEHELWAN directed by Mit Jani, Prateek Gupta and Vivek Chaudhary has been chosen as the Opening Film by the Non-Feature Film Jury.
The Best Feature Film of 62nd National Film Awards 2014, titled “COURT” directed by Chaitanya Tamhane and the Best Non Feature Film “TENDER IS THE SIGHT” directed by Torsha Banerjee have been automatically included in the Indian Panorama 2015, by virtue of direct entry.
The Secretary, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Shri Sunil Arora and other officials were also present on the occasion.
Col. Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore inaugurates a Multi Media Exhibition and Signature film on National Film Heritage Mission at IFFI 2015 
 The Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting, Col. Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore inaugurated an exhibition on National Film Heritage Mission at IFFI 2015, in Panjim, Goa today. The Multi Media Exhibition is curated with a theme of National Film Heritage Mission, a prestigious project of Government of India, for Acquisition and Preservation of Filmic Heritage of the Country. The Mission aims at Preservation, Conservation Digitization and Restoration of film and filmic material. The exhibition organized by National Film Archive of India (NFAI)  encompasses posters and audio-visual content from the ‘Restored Classics’ of National Film Archive of India along with technical presentations explaining the processes of film restoration. The Minister took a round of the exhibition and was briefed about the exhibition.
While appreciating the efforts of the team dedicated for the mission, Col. Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore said that history is of interest to all, similarly the history of Indian cinema is also very interesting. This exhibition depicts how various aspects related to cinema have changed over the years, he added.  This preservation work will help the coming generation to see the history of Indian cinema. He also said that this heritage mission is important because of the use of technology in the restoration work. India is one of the few Countries implementing the film preservation and restoration, at such a massive level, in a mission mode, time bound manner, the Minister disclosed.
He also released a signature film on the National Film Heritage Mission produced by the National Film Archive of India. The film is aimed at creating awareness about the importance of film preservation process and promotion of NFHM objectives. The 3-minute signature film is created with a concept of ‘Cinema is Immortal only if, it is preserved...’. The film has been directed by a Pune based Director, Shri Ajit Wadikar and written by Shri Swapneel Sojwal. 
The Director, NFAI, Shri Parkash Madgum said that the exhibition is a part of spreading awareness about the National Film Heritage Mission which is an ambitious project of the Government of India for restoring the legacy of the country. He also said that the NFAI has restored nearly 300 films and digitized nearly 500 films. The exhibition displays 80 posters and 25 audio-visual clips from the Restored films of NFAI. We appeal all film lovers to come and join hands with NFAI in preserving the cinematic legacy of the country. 
The posters are being redesigned to incorporate some of the glimpses from the film, to depict the story and theme of the film. The audio-visual content has been taken from the restored classics from NFAI collection. The audio kiosk would give a pleasant experience, while listening to old melodies.
The exhibition is open for all during IFFI, till 30th November.
The National Film Heritage Mission project, at a cost of Rs. 597.41 Cr, will be implemented in a Mission Mode manner. The objectives of NFHM include assessing  the Film conditions and to ascertain the left over life of films, Preventive conservation of 1,32,000 film reels, 2k/4k picture and sound restoration of 1086 landmark feature films and 1152 short films; recording of new picture and sound inter-negatives of each film, Digitization of 1160 feature film and 1660 short films, Construction of Archival and Preservation facilities with global standards, Training and Capacity building programmes in the field of Preservation facilities with global standards, Training and Capacity building programmes in the field of Preservation and Film Archiving in co-ordination with International Agencies. The Mission also aims at IT solution for effective implementation of NFHM by creation of Comprehensive Web-based end to end IT management solution that will keep track of all aspects of the functioning of the mission.
Shri Sunil Arora, Secretary I&B, Shri Sanjay Murthy, Joint Secretary, Films, Ministry of I & B, Shri C Senthil Rajan, Director DFF and senior officers of the Ministry of I & B and NFAI were also present during the event.

Cinema has no Boundaries: Col. RajyavardhanRathore

Government’s world over recognize Soft power of Cinema: Col. Rathore

MoS Col. Rathore inaugurates Indian Panorama section at IFFI-2015 
Col. Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore, Minister of State for Information & Broadcasting said that Cinema is a powerful medium of communication and entertainment and the Government’s world over had recognized the cinema’s Soft Power. The Minister said this at the inaugural ceremony of the Indian Panaroma section at IFFI-2015.Shri Sunil Arora, Secretary I&Bwas also present on the occasion.

During his inaugural address ShriRathore also said that Film Festivals provided an excellent platform for bringing people of cinema and people who liked cinema together and then communicated this vast knowledge to the world. He also said that the festival builds a bond of friendship and provided a platform for all to learn from each other.

Col. Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore, Minister of State for Information & Broadcasting along with Shri Sunil Arora, Secretary I&B also felicitated the jury members of Feature and Non Feature Film category. They also felicitated the Directors and other cast & crew of the opening films in the Feature and Non-Feature category at the Indian Panorama section at IFFI-2015.

Indian Panorama was Government’s initiative to select films of cinematic, thematic and aesthetic excellence and to showcase to the world. This year out of record number of entries of 238 feature films and 146 non-feature films, 26 feature films and 21 non-feature films had been selected by the Indian Panorama Jury. The Indian Panorama jury for Feature and Non-feature categories included a team of highly acclaimed filmmakers and cinema stalwarts from different regions of India. The 13-member Feature jury and 7- member Non-feature jury was headed by ShriAribamSyam Sharma and ShriRajendraJanglay respectively.

The selection in the feature film category included 7 Bengali, 5 Hindi, 4 Malyalam, 4 Marathi and 1 each in Kannada, Konkani, Sanskrit, Tamil and Wancho (Arunachal Pradesh) languages.Priyamanasam and GoongaPehelwan were the opening films in the Feature and Non Feature Films category respectively. 

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