Studies on Improvement of Life of STs

Studies on Improvement of Life of STs 

 The Government of India has undertaken a number of studies through Commissions/Committees on different aspects issues concerning improvement of life of tribals.  A Steering Committee on Empowering the Scheduled Tribes was constituted under the Chairmanship of Dr. D.N. Tiwari, Member, Planning Commission in the year 2000. A Commission was also constituted viz. Scheduled Areas and Scheduled Tribes Commission headed by Shri Dilip Singh Bhuria under provision of Article 339(1) of the Constitution in 2002. Another High Level Committee on socio-economic, health and educational status of Scheduled Tribes in India was also constituted in   2013 under the Chairmanship of Prof. Virginius Xaxa.       
 The  aforesaid Committees  have  studied  comprehensively  the different  aspects of tribal  development  and made recommendations on   socio-economic, health and educational status  of Scheduled Tribes.       An overview of the recommendations made through these studies are given below:-

         The Steering Committee on the Empowering of Scheduled Tribes had recommended on:-
1.      National Policy for Empowering of Tribals
2.      National Resettlement and Rehabilitation Policy
3.      Personnel Policy
4.      A National Plan for Action for PVTGs
5.      Special Strategies
6.      Health Care
7.      Food and Nutrition
8.      Education
9.      Basic Minimum Services
10.  Employment and Income Generation
11.  Micro Credit Facilities
12.  Agriculture and Shifting Cultivation
13.  Forestry Development
14.  Water Resources
15.  Tribal Women
16.  Tribal Youth
17.  Tribal Children and the Tribal Girl Child
B. The Scheduled Areas and Scheduled Tribes Commission had recommended on:-
1.   Scheduled Areas
2.   Institutional  arrangement  for Scheduled Tribes
3.   Planning Commission
4.   Tribal Sub Plan
5.   Land
6.   Forest
7.   Agriculture  and allied  sectors
8.   Industry
9.   Health
10.  Panchayat

C. A High Level Committee  on socio-economic, health and educational status of Scheduled Tribes in India had recommended on:-

1.      Legal and administrative Framework
2.      Livelihoods and Employment Status
3.      Education
4.      Health
5.      Land Alienation, Displacement and Enforced Migration
6.      Legal and Constitutional Issues
7.      Delivery of Public Goods and Services
            This information was given by Union Minister for Tribal Affairs Shri Jual Oram in a written reply in Rajya Sabha today. 

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