Vishwakarma Rashtriya Puraskar & National Safety Awards for the Performance year 2015 on 17th September 2017

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Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar to give away Vishwakarma Rashtriya Puraskar & National Safety Awards for the Performance year 2015 on 17th September 2017

Golden Jubilee Award Presentation Ceremony of Vishwakarma Rashtriya Puraskar & National Safety Awards 
The Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India, has been operating the “Vishwakarma Rashtriya Puraskar (VRP)” (Previously known as Shram Vir National Awards) and “National Safety Awards (NSA)” since 1965.  These Award schemes are operated by the technical wing of the Ministry, namely the Directorate General Factory Advice Service & Labour Institutes (DGFASLI), Mumbai – an attached office of the Ministry of Labour & Employment. DGFASLI renders technical advice/service to workers, their representatives & managements in factories and docks to make the industrial activities safe and to promote workers’ health & well-being. It is 50th (Golden Jubilee) Award presentation Ceremony being organised  by the ministry.

Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar, the Minister of State for Labour & Employment (Independent charge), will give away Vishwakarma Rashtriya Puraskar and National Safety Awards for the Performance year 2015 on 17th September 2017.
Vishwakarma Rashtriya Puraskar (VRP)
            VRP is awarded in recognition of outstanding suggestions given by a worker or group of workers and implemented by the management during the previous calendar year resulting in improvement in quality, productivity and working conditions such as safety, health and environmental conservation in the industrial undertakings where “Suggestion Schemes” are in operation.
            VRP is awarded in the form of cash prize and a certificate of merit in three categories: Class ‘A’ – Five (5) of Rs. 75,000/- each, Class ‘B’ – Eight (8) of Rs. 50,000/- each and Class ‘C’ - Fifteen (15) of Rs. 25,000/- each.  There are 28 award winners out of a total of 212 applications received from different industries for the Performance Year 2015. This year these 28 awards are being shared by 111 individuals.
National Safety Awards (NSA)
The NSA is given in recognition of outstanding safety performance of industrial establishments, construction sites, ports and installations under AERB to stimulate and maintain the interests of both the management and the workers in accident prevention programmes.  The awards are given under twelve schemes, out of which ten are meant for Factories /Construction sites /Installations under AERB and two are for Ports.  Under each award, a Shield and a Certificate of Merit is given to each of the Award Winners and Runners-up.  The establishments are classified in different schemes on the basis of working of highest man-hours. 
The criterion for presentation of these Awards is indicated as below:
·         Lowest Average Frequency Rate over a period of three consecutive years ending in the contest year as compared to the National Average for that group of industries.
·         Accident Free year based on man-hours worked during the contest year.
For the Performance year 2015, the total number of NSA Award Winners and Runners-up in all the twelve  schemes adds up to126 (73 winners & 53 runners-up), which are selected out of 394 applications received under various schemes.
The VRP and NSA awards work both as an impetus as well as a catalyst to unleash the latent and untapped potentials of the promising workers at the plant level while recognizing the excellent performance of the companies in preventing accidents and promoting safety at work place.  They stimulate and sustain the interest of both the managements and the workers alike in accident prevention and safety promotional programmes. The applications of these awards are invited through widely publicity all across the country. The applications thus, received for VRP as well as NSA are adjudged by a Tripartite Awards Committee consisting of representation from employers’ organizations, employees’ organizations and Central/State Governments. This Tripartite Committee is constituted by the Ministry of Labour & Employment, Govt. of India. Apart from the tripartite representation, there are also experts on the Committee from renowned Institutions, Universities and industry in the field of safety, health, environment, productivity and quality.

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