Health Sector Jobs

Rural Development – Rajiv Education & Employment Mission in Andhra Pradesh (REEMAP) – Constitution of Sub-committee on “Health Sector Jobs”– Orders – Issued.
Government is committed to providing employable opportunities to the unemployed youth in Andhra Pradesh. Towards operationlizing this, Government have decided to impart Skill Trainings so as to make youth employable and access opportunities in the private sector. As per the Skill Gap requirement estimated by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), by the year 2015, the incremental requirement of health workers would be 5.6
million. REEMAP, the State Level Agency which has been established to coordinate Skill Building efforts of 8 departments has already identified considerable opportunities in Retail, ITES, BPO etc. However, the Health Sector is by and large unexplored.
2. The Chairman, Public Health Foundation of India in his presentation to the Hon’ble Chief Minister and Senior Officers of the State Government said
that huge opportunities are available in Health and allied sectors at the grass-root level as well as in administrative, technical and management
3. In order to realise the Health Sector potential for employment and initiate Skill Trainings in a big way, Government have decided to constitute a
Sub-committee on Health Sector Jobs within REECAP.
4. The Composition of the Sub-committee shall be as follows:
Chairman : Principal Secretary – Health & Family Welfare
Convenor : MD, REEMAP
Members :
 i. The Principal Secretary to Govt.,Rural   
    Development Dept.,
ii. The Commissioner, Health & Family Welfare
iii. Representatives of:
a) Public Health Foundation of India
b) Indian Medical Association.
c) M/s Apoll Hospitals, (Sector Skill Council).
d) AP Para Medical Board
e) EMRI, Hyderabad

5. The Committee shall hold consultations with employers/health service providers, reputed medical institutions, training partners and identify the demand in various areas in the health sector. Keeping in view the demand as well as the skill competency, qualifications required, the Committee shall evolve a detailed strategy for short term trainings leading to sustainable
employment for the benefit of unemployed youth in Andhra Pradesh.

6. The Committee shall also suggest specific courses, curriculum, duration, indicative costs, evaluation and a mechanism for certification which
would ensure quality standards in the delivery of services.
7. The Committee shall submit its interim report on their plan of action within one month and final report on detailed implementation strategy within
3 months positively.

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