Approved guidelines for allocation of AIS officers according to Pratyush Sinha Committee recommendations

Approved guidelines for allocation of AIS officers borne on the undivided cadre of Andhra Pradesh, on the basis of the
recommendation of the Pratyush Sinha Committee , between the successor States of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.

1. The main features of the AIS Cadre of the undivided Andhra Pradesh (AP) with
respect to 'Direct Recruits & `Promoteest and 'Reserved' & 'General' categories should be reflected in the cadres of the two successor States of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh to the extent it is possible to do so.

2. The allocation of AIS officers should correspond to cadre strength distributed to
the two successor States of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. The cadre strength of the
undivided State of Andhra Pradesh is to be allocated to the two successor states in the ratio of administrative districts falling under them i.e. 13 in residual Andhra Pradesh and 10 in Telangana. The allocation of officers would also be done in the same ratio. Any surplus or deficit in the undivided Andhra Pradesh cadre and categories in relation to total authorized strength should be proportionately distributed between the two successor States, save what is specifically provided for in these guidelines.

3. Direct recruit (DRs) and Promoted Officers (PQs) borne on the undivided Andhra
Pradesh cadre on the day immediately before the appointed day i.e. 2nd June, 2014,
would be distributed between the two successor States in the same ratio in which the
respective cadre strength of DR and PQ quota have been distributed between them i.e. any surpluses or deficits of officers in position vis a vis the total authorized strength of the undivided state would be divided proportionately between the successor States, to the extent it is possible to do so.

4. The existing 'in position' strength against the promotion quota would be divided
between the two successor States in the ratio in which the 'promotion quota' cadre
strength of the undivided state has been allocated to the two states. The number of
officers to be allocated to the two successor States would thus be determined. Thereafter based on their domicile status as intimated by the State Government, a list of officers would be prepared for the two successor States. The officers having their domicile in residual Andhra Pradesh and Telangana would be put provisionally in the two states respectively. If there is an excess of officers in any successor State in comparison to the number of officers to be allocated to that successor State, the number of officers in excess would be moved to the other successor State so as to bring about a balance. The shifting of officers would be done based on a roster whose modalities have been described later.

5. At the outset, the number of DR officers to be allocated to each successor State is
to be worked out. To determine it, the ratio of DR officers in position to the total
sanctioned strength of DR officers in the undivided State would be computed. The same ratio would be applied to the allocated strength of DR officers in the two successor States to derive the number of DR officers to be actually allocated to any successor State.

5.1 The first task would be to compute the number of DR insider officers of
each category i.e. UR, OBC, SC, ST to be allocated to the two successor states. In the list of officers belonging to OBC, only the officers of 1995 batch onwards will be included, as reservation for OBC was initiated from CSE-1994. An All India Service officer, whether 'insider' or 'outsider', who belongs to a reserved category Le. SC/ST/OBC as per his/her declaration to the UPSC or made at the time of initial joining would be considered belonging to that category only, even if he/she qualified for the service on general merit. In para 5 above, the total number of DR officers to be allocated to each successor state has already been arrived at. In order to get the number of DR insider officers out of it, the ratio of the 'in-position' DR insiders to the 'total DR officer in position' in the undivided state of Andhra Pradesh will be calculated. The same ratio would be applied to the figure arrived as per para 5 above for the two successor states to determine the number of officers to be allocated as DR insiders to them.

5.1.1 The total number of DR insiders having been computed, the next task is to
find out the category-wise number. For this, the ratio of UR, OBC, SC and ST officers 'in position' to the 'in-position' DR insiders in the undivided Andhra Pradesh would be
calculated. The same ratios would be applied to the number of DR insiders of each
successor state to arrive at the category- wise numbers.

5.1.2 The number of officers to be allocated to the two successor states would
thus be determined. Thereafter based on their domicile status, a list of officers would be prepared category wise for UR, OBC, SC & ST for the two successor states. The officers having their domicile in residual AP and Telangana would be put provisionally in the two states respectively. If there is an excess of officers in any successor states in comparison to the number of officers to be allocated to that successor state in that category, the numbers of officers in excess would be moved to the other successor state so as to bring about a balance. The shifting of officers would be done based on a roster whose modalities have been described later.

5.1.3 As far as the domicile status is concerned, it would be determined as per the
information contained in the UPSC dossiers/ Training Institute where the officer joined for the first time. In the absence of such information, the basis of determination would be as per the following in their descending order of priority. The succeeding information is to be referred only when preceding information is not available:-

(i) The Permanent postal address of the officer/applicant in the absence of which the
postal address as per entries available in the Detailed Application Form of UPSC /
dossier of the Training Institute where an officer goes for the training at the time of
joining the service.
(ii) The place of birth of the applicant, the district and State in which it is situated as
given in the Matriculation examination certificate or equivalent of the officer.
(iii) The domicile factor as determined in accordance with the Presidential Order issued as per Article 371-D of the Constitution of India.
(iv) The address of the educational institution(s) where the applicant underwent
education (matriculation level).
(v) The home town, district and the State to which the father of the officer originally
5.1.4 /t is clarified that an All India Service officer who goes to his 'Home
State' by way of a change of cadre on the grounds of marriage or other reasons will be treated as an outsider in that State and be shown against outsider quota.
5.2 In para 5.1 the process for computing the number of DR insiders category wise
to the two successor states has been elaborated. The same procedure would be
adopted for determining the number of category-wise DR outsider officers to the two
successor states with the difference that in place of DR insider officer, DR outsider would be substituted.

5.2.1 The number of officers to be allocated to the two successor states having
thus been determined, the allocation of the DR outsider officers of various categories of the undivided state to the two successor states would be done through operation of a roster in each category i.e., UR, OBC, SC and ST, the modalities of which have been
explained later.

5.2.2 In order to facilitate better understanding of the procedure as outlined in
para 4 and 5 to 5.2.1 above, an illustrative example is being given below:

(A) An illustrative position in the undivided cadre:

S. No. Description Calculation
1. Total authorized strength of existing cadre of Andhra Pradesh - 200 ( DRQ- 140, PQ-60)
2. No. of officers in position 140 (DRQ-100, PQ 40)
3. No. of officer available for distribution -140 (DRQ-100, PQ 40)
4. No. of Insiders and Outsiders in DRQ (vis-à-vis in position strength)
Insider- 36, Outsider-64
5. No. of insiders category wise (vis-a-vis in position strength)
UR 18 OBC 10 SC 6 ST- 2 Total- 36
6. No. of outsiders category wise (vis-a-vis in position strength)
UR 32 OBC 16 SC 12 ST- 4 Total- 64

(B) An illustrative distribution of DR Officers between Andhra Pradesh and Telangana
S. No. Description Calculation
1. Total No. of DR posts available for distribution (Sanctioned Strength)- 140
2. Total No. of DR officers available for distribution (In-position strength) 100
3. Shortfall 40
4. Distribution of Total No. of DR posts available between the successors states in ratio of 13:10 (vis-à-vis sanctioned strength) AP: 79 Telng: 61 Total- 140
5. Distribution of Total No. of DR officers available between the successors states. (vis-a-vis in postion strength) AP: 56 [100/140 * 79] Telng: 44 [100/140*61]
6. No. of Insiders to be given to Telangana (in postion) 16(36/100* 44)
7. No. of outsiders to be given to Telangana (vis-a-vis in position strength) 28(64/100* 44)
8. No. of Insiders to be given to Andhra Pradesh (vis-à-vis in-position strength)
20 (36/100* 56)
9. No. of outsiders to be given to Andhra Pradesh (vis-à-vis in-position strength)
36 (64/100* 56)

10. No. of insiders to be given                   UR 8 (18/36 *16)
category wise in Telangana                        OBC - 4 (10/36 *16)
(vis-a-vis in position                                    SC 3(6/36*16)
strength)                                                        ST- 1 (2/36*16)
  Total- 16
11. No. of outsiders to be given                  UR 14 (32/64* 28)
category wise in Telangana                         OBC - 7 (16/64* 28)
(vis-a-vis in position                                     SC 5 (12/64* 28)
strength)                                                         ST- 2 (4/64* 28)
 Total- 28
12. No. of insiders to be given                   UR 10 (18/36* 20)
category wise in Andhra                             OBC - 6 (10/36* 20)
Pradesh (vis-a-vis in position                    SC 3(6/36* 20)
strength)                                                        ST- 1 (2/36* 20)
 Total- 20
13. No. of outsiders to be given                 UR 18 (32/64* 36)
category wise in Andhra                             OBC - 9 (16/64* 36)
Pradesh (vis-a-vis in position                    SC 7 (12/64* 36)
strength)                                                        ST- 2 (4/64*36)
 Total- 36
(C) An illustrative distribution of Promotee Officers between Andhra Pradesh and Telangana

S. No. Description Calculation
1. Total no. of posts in PQ in the existing cadre (sanctioned Strength)   60
2. Total no. of officers in PQ in the existing cadre (in-postion)              40
3. Distribution of Total No. of PQ posts available between the successors states in ratio of 13:10 (Sanctioned posts) AP: 34(13/23*60) Telng: 26(10/23*60) Total: 60
4. Distribution of Total No. of PQ officers available between the successors states (vis-a-vis in position strength) AP: 23 [34/60 *40J Telng: 17 [26/60*40]
5. No. of officers available with domicile status of Andhra Pradesh 16
6. No. of officers available with domicile status of Telangana (vis-a-vis in position strength) 24
7. No. of officers with domicile status of Telangana to move to Andhra Pradesh (vis-a- vis in position strength) 07

6. For any procedure based on a roster system to be credible, it is of utmost importance that the process of fixation of roster size and allocation points should be
clearly understandable by the stakeholders. The process should be transparent and the
outcome should be capable of being determined uniquely.

7. The process of allocation of officers of the above categories has already been
explained in para 4 and 5. Basically, what is being sought to be done is to draw out the
excess officers from the surplus state to the deficit state. An illustration would help
understand the principle easily.

7.1 Let us presume that based on the application of domicile principle,
Telangana is getting 24 officers from promotion quota whereas it should have got 17
only. The successor state of Telangana thus has 7 excess officers and accordingly
successor state of Andhra Pradesh would be short by 7. The task is therefore to locate the 7 officers from Telangana list and shift them to successor state of Andhra Pradesh. The 24 officers are arranged in accordance with their seniority. The roster size has to be so determined that all the 24 officers are covered within the roster. To determine the size, 24 would be divided by 7 which gives a figure of 3.429. It would mean that roster size of would vary between 3 and 4 i.e. some rosters of size 3 and some of 4 so that all 24 officers are covered. Which roster would be of size 3 and which of 4 is determined in the following manner.

7.2 The first time we divide 24 by 7, we get 3.429. Since the integer is 3, the size of the first roster would be 3. We are however left with a remainder of 0.429. Next
time when the division takes place again, we get 3.429. Size would again be 3 but the
new remainder 0.429 would be added to the pre existing remainder of 0.429, which now  becomes 0.858. A stage will come when after a division; the cumulative remainder would become 1 or more than 1. In that transaction in which it so happens, the roster size would become 4. The process would continue till all the 24 officers are covered.

7.3 All the officers having been covered in one roster or the other (in this case
there will be 7rosters, 4 of the size of 3 and 3 of size 4), the next task is to determine the roster points the officers falling on which, would be shifted in this example from AP to Telangana despite being domiciled in AP. Where the roster size is 9, the officer on the middle point that is 5th place in this case, would be shifted. Where the roster size is 8, it will be the turn of the 5th officer again as he is next above the middle point. The principle inherent in the above illustration is expressed in the following mathematical terms.
"Where the size of the roster block so prepared is an even number, the point next below to the number arrived at by dividing the roster block by two will be the point for allocation; and where the size of the roster block is an odd number, the mid-point will be the point of allocation. For example, if the "proportion is '1: X', the block size will be (1+10. Now, in case, (1+,19 is even, the roster point for the relevant State will be {(1+,19/2) +1; and if (1+)0 is odd, the roster point for the relevant State will be {(X + 1) +1)/2."

7.4 The officers falling on the roster points slated for shift, however, would be
eligible for a swap with any of the officers included in his roster if such an officer has
given his option to shift to the state not of his domicile. Where more than one officer
falling in that roster have opted for a shift, the one who is the senior most amongst them would have the precedence. In case none in the roster wants to shift, the officer falling on the roster point slated for shift would have to move.

7.5 In the normal course, the officer who would fall on the roster point slated
for shift would have the opportunity to shift to the deficit cadre. However, if he is
unwilling to do so based on the option he had given earlier to the State Government, he would be eligible for a swap with any of the officers included in his roster, if such an officer had given his option to the State Government earlier to shift to the deficit state notwithstanding his domicile in the surplus state. Where more than one officer falling in that roster had opted for such a shift, the one who is the senior most amongst them, would have the precedence. In case no officer in the roster had opted for such a shift, the officer whose name had fallen on the roster point slated for shift, would have to move to the deficit state, notwithstanding his unwillingness to do so.

8. Determination of the size of the roster block and the allocation point would
be done based on the same principle. But, since none of the DR Outsiders has his/her
domicile in the undivided Andhra Pradesh, the process of determination of the size of the roster block and the allocation point requires little bit of elaboration.

8.1 Like in the first example, it would be easier to understand the process
through an example. Let us assume that there are 80 DR Outsiders in the undivided State of Andhra Pradesh who are to be allocated between residual Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. As per the ratio, 45 of them would have to be allocated to the residual
Andhra Pradesh and 35 to the State of Telangana. There could be two ways in which the size of the roster block could be determined. If we initiate the exercise with the intention to allocate 45 officers to residual Andhra Pradesh, the size of the roster block would be dependent on the ratio of 45 out of 80 whereas if the exercise is done with the intention to allocate 35 of the 80 officers to Telangana, the size of the roster block would be 35 out of 80. In the previous instances of allocation of officers from the undivided States of UP, Bihar and MP to the successor states, the size of the roster block had been determined with reference to the smaller successor state in each case. Going by those precedents, the size of the roster block should be determined by the figure of 35 out of 80. However, in view of the suggestion of the Government of Andhra Pradesh, the question whether the process would be initiated with reference to the residual Andhra Pradesh i.e., to adopt the roster of 45 out of 80 or Telangana i.e. the roster 35 out of 80, would be determined by a drawing up of lots.

8.2 It has also been decided that whatever may be the outcome of the lottery, it
would be applicable for all the rosters of UR OUTSIDERS that is for categories of DR, OBC, SC and ST. The lot would be drawn in the full presence of the Committee and in the presence of one representative each from the Associations of three All India Services belonging to the existing cadre of Andhra Pradesh, the names of whom would be decided in the respective General Body Meeting of the Association by passing a Resolution to that effect. While drawing lots, 25 tokens each from Andhra Pradesh and Telangana will be taken so as to make sure that the process is more objective.

8.3 Based on the outcome of the lottery, the size of the roster block would be
decided in the same manner as is laid down in para 7.1 and 7.2 for DR insiders and
promotee officers. If the outcome of the lottery is for taking the ratio of 45 out of 80, then the officers who would be earmarked for Andhra Pradesh would get determined in the same manner as indicated in para 7.1 & 7.2. On the other hand, if Telangana comes out of lottery, then in the roster block, the points which are slated for Telangana would be determined on the same principle.

8.4 The tentative allocation for all the 80 officers thus having been determined,
the officers of one batch will be grouped together. Depending on the outcome of the
lottery, the first opportunity to either go to the state to which he/she is earmarked or
attempt to swap with another in the batch who would like to go to that state instead,
would be that of the officer falling on the roster point. The modalities thereafter would be the same as has been described in para 7.1 & 7.2 above.

8.5 Since there may be very few SC, ST and OBC officers in a batch, in order
to facilitate greater choice to them, such officers need not be grouped batch-wise but the allocation would be done from the roster block which in the normal course would be spanning a few batches.

9. After finalization of distribution/re-allocation of the AIS officers in the manner
mentioned above, if an AIS officer feels aggrieved by such distribution/re-allocation in his/her case, he/she may make a representation to the Central Government within three months from the date of disclosure of such distribution on the website of this department. Such representation would then be considered by the same Advisory Committee which would give its recommendation in this regard in order to ensure a fair and equitable treatment to all.
10. If it is decided to change the cadre of any of the AIS officers on the basis of what has been stated in point number 9 above, there will not be any consequential change in the strength of the cadres already finalized.

* **
Allocation/distribution of AIS officers borne on the undivided cadre
of Andhra Pradesh between separate cadres of Andhra Pradesh and

1.    Notice

1.2           Distribution of IAS Officers
1.3           Distribution of IFoS Officers
1.4           Distribution of IPS Officers

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