(Telangana State Industrial Development and Entrepreneur Advancement) Incentive Scheme 2014

Industries & Commerce Department – Incentives for setting up of New
Industrial Enterprises in Telangana State– T-IDEA (Telangana State Industrial
Development and Entrepreneur Advancement) Incentive Scheme 2014 -
Orders – Issued

G.O.MS.No. 28  Dated:29.11.2014
Read the following:-
1. G.O.Ms.No.61, Industries & Commerce (IP) Department, Andhra
Pradesh, Dated 29-06-2010
2. G.O.Ms.No.42, Industries & Commerce (IP) Department, Andhra
Pradesh, Dated:05-05-2011
O R D E R:
Government  is  extending  various  Incentives  for  encouraging
establishment of new industrial Enterprises in the State since 1961. In the
reference 1 st read above, Government has issued certain incentives to Micro,
Small, Medium, Large & Mega industries under Industrial Investment
Promotion Policy 2010- 2015, including the policy for promotion of Scheduled
Caste/Scheduled Tribe entrepreneurs. This policy was stated to conclude by
2. In order to bring out an attractive new industrial policy by the Government
of Telangana, extensive consultations were also held with Industrial
Cherlapally, Telangana Spinning Mills Association, ASSOCHAM, etc to elicit
their views in formulation of the New Industrial Policy.
3. Series of meetings were conducted with number of industrial associations,
line departments and Heads of Departments concerned and finalized the draft
Industrial Investment Promotion Policy 2014. A detailed study was made on
the Draft Industrial Investment Promotion Policy 2014, covering the incentives
being offered under the existing policy. After careful examination, the
FOR STATE OF TELANGANA 2014 giving major emphasis for Creation of
Quality Infrastructure, promotion of Manufacturing Investment Zones and
Industrial Corridors, special focus on MSMEs, growth enabling incentives to
create a level playing field, to tap the potential of ever expanding service sector
related to industrial activity, fostering industrial clusters, promotion of anchor
industries for creation of ancillary base, Capacity building and skill
upgradation, inclusive development to build competency in Women and
Scheduled Caste & Scheduled Tribe Entrepreneurs, Quality Competitiveness,
Export Promotion, promotion of cleaner technology, leveraging existing
strengths for value addition, special focus on thrust sectors, revitalization of
OF TELANGANA 2014, the Government approve the following fiscal
benefits covering the categories of (a) Micro/Small Enterprises (b) Medium
Enterprises & Large Industries (c) Women Entrepreneurs and (d) Mega
Projects under the T-IDEA (Telangana State Industrial Development and
Entrepreneur Advancement) incentive scheme
4.1.0  Micro and Small Enterprises (MSE’s)
Small Enterprise means a Unit having the investment on plant and
machinery up to limit as defined by the Government of India from
time to time.
Micro Enterprise means a Unit in which Investment on plant and
machinery up to limit as defined by the Government of India from
time to time.
4.1.1  100% reimbursement of Stamp duty and transfer duty paid by the
industry on purchase of land meant for industrial use.
4.1.2  100% reimbursement of Stamp duty for Lease of Land/Shed/
Buildings and also mortgages and hypothecations.
4.1.3  25% rebate in land cost limited to Rs.10.00 Lakhs in Industrial
Estates/ Industrial Parks.
4.1.4  25% Land conversion charges for industrial use limited to Rs.10.0
4.1.5  Fixed power cost reimbursement @ Rs. 1.00 per unit for 5 years from
the date of commencement of commercial production.
4.1.6  15% investment subsidy on fixed capital investment subject to a
maximum of Rs.20.00 lakhs.
4.1.7  Reimbursement of 100% net VAT/CST or State Goods and Services
Tax (SGST) for a period of 5 years from the date of commencement
of commercial production.
4.1.8  Interest subsidy under Pavala Vaddi Scheme on the term loan taken on
the fixed capital investment by New Micro and Small Enterprises in
excess of 3% per annum subject to a maximum reimbursement of 9%
per annum for a period of 5 years from the date of commencement of
commercial production.
4.1.9  Seed capital assistance to First Generation Entrepreneurs to set-up
Micro Enterprises @10% of the Machinery cost, which will be
deducted from the eligible investment subsidy.
4.1.10 50% Reimbursement of cost involved in skill upgradation and training
the local manpower limited to Rs.2000 per person.
4.1.11 50% subsidy on the expenses incurred for quality certification/ patent
registration limited to Rs. 2.00 Lakhs.
4.1.12 25% subsidy on specific cleaner production measures limited to
Rs.5.00 Lakhs.
4.1.13 To extend investment subsidy to the identified service activities
related to industries setup in all Municipal Corporation limits in the
state as per the list appended as Annexure - I.
4.2.0 Medium Enterprises & Large Industries
Medium Enterprise means an industry in which Investment on plant
and machinery up to limit as defined by the Government of India from
time to time.
Large Industry means an industry in which investment on plant and
machinery is less than Rs 200 crores except Micro, Small and
Medium Enterprises.
4.2.1 100% reimbursement of Stamp duty and transfer duty paid by the
industry on purchase of land meant for industrial use.
4.2.2.  100% reimbursement of Stamp duty for Lease of Land/Shed/
Buildings and also mortgages and hypothecations.
4.2.3  25% rebate in land cost limited to Rs.10.00 Lakhs in Industrial
Estates/Industrial Parks.
4.2.4  25% Land conversion charges for industrial use limited to Rs.10.0
lakhs only for Medium Enterprises.
4.2.5  Fixed power cost reimbursement @ Rs.1.00 per unit for a period of 5
years from the date of commencement of commercial production.
4.2.6  Reimbursement of 75% net VAT/CST or State Goods and Services
Tax (SGST) for a period of 7 years from the date of commencement
of commercial production for Medium Scale Enterprises or up to
realization of 100% fixed capital investment, whichever is earlier.
4.2.7  Reimbursement of 50% net VAT/CST or State Goods and Services
Tax (SGST) for a period of 7 years from the date of commencement
of commercial production for Large Scale Industries or up to
realization of 100% fixed capital investment, whichever is earlier.
4.2.8  50% Reimbursement of cost involved in skill upgradation and training
the local manpower limited to Rs.2000 per person. 50% subsidy on
the expenses incurred for quality certification/ patent registration
limited to Rs. 2.00 Lakhs only for Medium Enterprises.
4.2.9  25% subsidy on specific cleaner production measures limited to
Rs.5.00 Lakhs.
4.2.10 Infrastructure like roads, power and water will be provided at door
step of the industry for standalone units by contributing 50% of the
cost of infrastructure from IIDF with a ceiling of Rs.1.00 Crore,
subject to (a) the location should be beyond 10 kms from the existing
Industrial Estates/IDA’s having vacant land/shed for allotment and (b)
cost of the infrastructure limited to 15% of the eligible fixed capital
investment made in the industry.
4.3.0 Women owned Enterprises
(Units established as sole Proprietress or invariably having 100% share
in Partnership/Private Limited Companies)
4.3.1 Additional 10% investment subsidy on fixed capital investment subject
to a maximum of Rs. 10.00 lakhs to MSE’s.
4.3.2 All other benefits as per para No.4.1.0 (Micro & Small Enterprises).
4.4.0 Mega Projects
4.4.1 Mega Project means the Industrial unit, which sets up with a capital
investment of Rs.200 Crores and above or a project that creates
employment to more than 1000 persons.
4.4.2 The Government will also extend tailor-made benefits to Mega Projects
to suit to a particular investment requirements on case to case basis.
4.5.0 Existing Micro/Small/Medium Enterprises Industries
50% subsidy on the expenses incurred for quality certification limited to
Rs. 2.00 Lakh.
4.6.0 Infrastructure support:
4.6.1 To provide Rs.100.00 crores of budget every year for promotion of
quality infrastructure like roads, power, water, waste management etc.
under Industrial Infrastructure Development Fund (IIDF) Scheme.
4.6.2 Promotion of National Manufacturing Investment Zone (NMIZ) along
National Highways to capitalize the strengths in line with Government
of India initiatives for value addition within the State.
4.6.3 Promotion of Industrial Corridors to leverage the existing strengths for
optimum utilization of resources
4.6.4 Reservation of 30-40% of the land for MSMEs in the upcoming
industrial estates developed by Telangana Industrial Infrastructure
Corporation (TSIIC).
4.6.5 TSIIC shall allocate 15.44% of number of plots to Scheduled Caste
Entrepreneurs and 9.34% of number of plots to Scheduled Tribe
Entrepreneurs in new Industrial Estate and preferential allotment to
SC/ST entrepreneurs in Existing Industrial Estates
4.6.6 Telangana Industrial Infrastructure Corporation (TSIIC) shall allocate
10% of number of plots to Women Entrepreneurs in the new Industrial
4.7.0 Other benefits (to all categories)
10% of water is reserved for industrial use from the existing projects as
well as future projects.
4.8.0 Facilitation of Industries
4.8.1 Strengthening of existing Single Window Clearance System by the
Telangana State Industrial Project Approval and Self Certification
System (TS-iPASS).
4.8.2 Creation of “Investment Promotion Cell”
A Cell would be created in the Commissionerate of Industries to
facilitate the investors in effective manner with adequate infrastructure
and outsourcing the support services to facilitate investors by providing
pre-investment services and also to facilitate them to get requisite
clearances under the TS-iPASS till the project is commissioned.
4.9.0 Textile Sector
Government is contemplated to promote Textile Industry for sustainable
growth of the sector.
a) The State will provide reimbursement of Interest Subsidy to
Spinning / Textile industries in addition to the TUF Scheme
(Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme of Ministry of Textile,
Government of India).
b) Reimbursement of interest subsidy @ 4% for spinning activity
(excluding Ginning) for period of (5) years from the Date of
Commencement of Commercial Production.
c) Reimbursement of interest subsidy @ 6% for Industries involved in
composite activities i.e., Spinning and Weaving/Knitting/Dyeing/
Garmenting (excluding ginning) for a period of (5) years from the
Date of Commencement of Commercial Production.
d) The total interest subsidy including under TUF Scheme should not
exceed the rate of interest levied by Financial Institutions on the
sanctioned and disbursed term loan to the unit.
5.  27% of incentive amount shall be earmarked for Backward Classes and
12% for minorities.
6.  To promote Telangana as the best investment destination for investors
in India, the State Government have offered various incentives/benefits to all
eligible new industrial enterprises set up in the State except in the Municipal
Corporation limit of Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation excluding
existing Industrial Estates/Parks, Industrial Estates notified/ to be notified and
commence commercial production on or after 1/1/2015 but before 31-3-2019.
However, the Industrial Enterprises located in Sanathnagar, Azamabad,
Chandulal Baradari and Kattedan Industrial Estates of Hyderabad and
Rangareddy Districts are not eligible for any incentives/concessions. However,
the service activities set up in all Municipal Corporation limits as appended in
Annexure–I are eligible only for investment subsidy and all other service /
Business activities are not eligible for any incentives set up anywhere in the
State. Projects involving substantial Expansion / Diversification of existing
industries in the eligible lines of activities are also entitled for benefits offered
under the policy. The list of ineligible Industries/ activities will be notified
7. The activities indicated in the Annexure-I will be reviewed from time to
time for any revisions required.
8.  Necessary amendments/ Orders will be issued by the Commissioner of
Industries. Detailed operational guidelines will be issued by the Commissioner
of Industries separately.
9.  Government may review and modify the incentives from time to time.
10.  This order is issued with the concurrence of Finance Department, vide
their No.454/PFS/14, dt.25.11.2014.
11.  Copy of this order is available on Internet and can be accessed at
address http://goir.telangana.gov.in.

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