eGovernance Authority, Electronics & IT Agency, Innovation Society

ITE&C Dept – Blue Print – Reimagining Andhra Pradesh – Role of E-Governance, Electronics
and IT – Setting up of (3) Entities for development of ICT Industry – eGovernance Authority,
Electronics & IT Agency, Innovation Society - Administrative Orders - issued - Reg.

G.O.MS.No. 24  Dt. 08-12-2014
Read the following:
Government of AP Vision – Blue Print “Reimagining Andhra Pradesh” version 4.0
Dated 9 th July 2014.
The residual State of Andhra Pradesh, formed on 2 nd June 2014, has many challenges
confronting it. The new State of AP has to be practically re-imagined and reconstructed in a
planned manner, if the hopes and aspirations of its people have to be fulfilled. To fulfill the
aspirations of the people, following Vision Statement has been drawn up from the perspective
of e-Governance, Electronics and IT:
“To develop Andhra Pradesh as a knowledge society of global repute, with a focus on
enhancing the quality of life of its citizens, through high-quality education and healthcare,
increased productivity in agriculture and allied activities, creation of requisite employment
potential by promoting electronics and IT industries, and above all, by providing good
2.  As a first step to realize this objective, a blue print Reimagining Andhra Pradesh – Role
of e-Governance, Electronics & IT has been released vide reference read above, wherein the
broad approach to be adopted for realizing the vision has been spelt out. Following are the
goals envisaged to be achieved by 2020:
• To be FIRST in India in Quality & Quantity of e-Services
• To be known as the Silicon Corridor of India
• To attract Investments of US $ 2 bn in IT and US $ 5 bn in Electronics manufacturing
• To attain 5% share in national exports of Software
• To provide 5 lakh additional direct employment by 2020.
• To reach Gigabit to All Villages – Digital AP
• To make at least one person e-literate in every house.
3.  To quickly implement the recommendations made in the Blue Print and to achieve the
envisaged results in a time-bound and coordinated manner, Government after careful
examination and consideration hereby constitutes (3) Entities for development of ICT Industry
which would henceforth be named as eGovernance Authority, Electronics & IT Agency and
Innovation Society. The Terms of Reference of the (3) Entities along with the composition are
detailed below.
(1)  e-Governance Authority
Terms of Reference
a) One of the immediate tasks of the eGovernance Authority is to work on giving a
concrete shape to the policies and frameworks required to be put in place, as envisaged
in the Blue Print Document.
b) Designing and implementing an overall architecture for realizing the vision of providing
ALL G2C and G2B services through multiple channels.
c) Defining a portfolio of G2C, G2B, G2E and G2G services and prioritizing them for
d) Establishing a new State Data Centre. The eGovernance Authority should attempt to
design a state-of-the-art SDC, taking advantage of emerging technologies like the Cloud
(e.gMeghRaj initiative of GOI) and the Big Data Analytics.
e) Take Fibre to the Village.
f) Facilitate the undertaking of an extensive Government Process Re-engineering by the
line departments so as to make the delivery of services, simple, convenient and
transparent to the citizens.
g) The service delivery infrastructure should be redesigned keeping in view the need for
citizen convenience, accessibility, look and feel, branding and financial viability of the
service centres.
The eGovernance Authority shall be constituted as a Society under the AP Societies Registration
Act, 2001 and shall be headed by a CEO / Director who can either be an eGov expert with
adequate experience and drive, with a passion for transformation or from the IAS. In order to
effectively monitor the functioning of the society as per the mandate set out in the Blue print,
the Authority shall have Governance structure with a II - Tier mechanism as given below:

Secretary, IT may invite Prl. Secretaries/Secretaries/ Academicians/Industry Representatives
as and when required to Governing Council / Executive Council for their value addition
(2)  Electronics & IT Agency
Terms of Reference
a) To create a set of policies relating to Promotion of Electronics & IT as envisaged in the
Blue Print Document
b) To create a set of implementation guidelines to translate the above policies into reality;
c) To take steps for getting clearance of GOI for ITIRs to be established in the State;
d) To explore the potential for establishing electronic manufacturing units and prepare
proposals for 10 Electronic Manufacturing Clusters in the State (the number is
e) To design blueprints for establishing the Mega IT Hub and the other IT hubs at carefully
selected locations;
f) To design a plan for marketing the ‘Advantage AP’ brand among top players in IT and
Electronics manufacturing sector globally and create the roadmap to attract
investments into the Electronics sector to the tune of US$ 5 Billion by 2020, and into the
IT sector to the tune of US$ 2 Bil by 2020;
g) To create an employment potential of 0.5 mil by 2020 in the IT and electronics sectors;
h) To identify the top electronic products/components for which demand exists in the
country and take proactive steps to encourage creation of IP and manufacturing
capacities for those products/ components in AP;
i) To administer the incentive schemes to be designed and approved for the Electronics
j) To promote the Fabless semiconductor industry as a thrust area;
k) To coordinate with the industry bodies in furtherance of the above objectives; and
l) To identify the areas in which promotion of use of electronics would lead to enhanced
productivity, like smart grids, smart meters, low-cost access devices, smartcards etc and
promote investments/ innovation in such areas.
The Electronics & IT Agency shall be constituted as Society under the AP Societies Registration
Act, 2001 and shall be headed by a CEO who shall be technocrat, with wide industry experience.
In order to effectively monitor the functioning of the Agency as per the mandate set in the Blue
print, the Agency shall have Governance structure with a II - Tier mechanism as given below:

Secretary, IT may invite Prl. Secretaries/Secretaries/ Academicians/Industry Representatives as
and when required to Governing Council / Executive Council for their value addition.
(3) Innovation Society
Technology survives and thrives through innovation. All the 3 areas, namely, e-Governance,
Electronics and IT are substantially technology-based and hence innovation has to be
promoted. Moreover, specific capacities and skillsets are required to be built/ harnessed for
successfully promoting these sectors. Hence the need arose for a society for Innovation.
Terms of Reference
a) Creation of an Innovation Policy and agenda, with more focus on Electronics and IT;
b) Design and establish an Innovation and Transformation Academy for creating a pool of
highly talented professionals and entrepreneurs, who can contribute significantly to the
development of the State.
c) AP has to take advantage of the situation to leapfrog in terms of the technology and
business models, processes and procedures. The innovation required for such
leapfrogging in all areas involving technologies, would be the responsibility of the
d) Nucleating Start-up villages and providing guidance and support for their growth;
e) Accelerating the implementation of the various schemes of GOI for Capacity Building in
the ESDM sector, as already alluded to in section D2;
f) Creating and implementing a framework for enhancing the quality of graduates in IT and
Electronics, with active collaboration of the Industry;
g) Launching a knowledge portal as the repository all best practices in e-Governance, IT
and Electronics;
h) Designing innovative, futuristic and cost-effective blue-print for the Information
Infrastructure and Systems required for the New Capital for AP.
The Innovation Society shall be constituted under the AP Societies Registration Act, 2001 and
shall be headed by a CEO who shall be technocrat, with proven record of promoting innovation
in technology areas. In order to effectively monitor the functioning of the society as per the
mandate set in the Blue print, the Society shall have the Governance structure with a II - Tier
mechanism as given below:

Secretary, IT may invite Prl. Secretaries/Secretaries/ Academicians/Industry Representatives as
and when required to Governing Council / Executive Council for their value addition.
4.  The Governing Council shall meet once in a quarter to review the performance of the
Society and to provide overall policy guidance and directions for the efficient functioning of the
Society. The Executive council shall meet once in a month to monitor the performance of the
above entities and pass such executive instructions as deemed appropriate, to ensure that
objectives/goals envisaged are realized within the stipulated time frames.
5.  All the three Entities shall function under the administrative control of ITE&C
Department. The three entities shall have freedom to structure their organization as is deemed
appropriate with flexibility to hire the requisite professionals/experts/ subject specialists as per
their requirement.
6.  The department shall take further necessary action to form the above three Entities,
following due procedures as stipulated under the AP Societies Registration Act, 2001. The
societies shall be created as autonomous entities with functional and financial flexibility to
enable them to deliver the predetermined goals. Appropriate budgetary allocations for
functioning of the above Entities and execution of plans and programmes as envisaged, shall be
made annually as per the requirement.
7.  Copy  of  this  order  is  available  on  Internet  and  can  be  accessed  at

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