Enhancement of age of superannuation of regular University Teachers working in the State from 60 years to 62 years with effect from 02-06- 2014

Higher Education – Enhancement of age of superannuation of regular University Teachers working in the State from 60 years to 62 years with effect from 02-06- 2014 –Orders –Issued.

G.O.MS.No. 59 Dated 24-12-2014
 Read the following :
1. G.O.Ms.No.147, Fin.[HRM.IV] Dept., dt.30-06-2014,
2. From faculty of S.V.University representation dt.2-06-2014, 
3. From A.P.Federation of University Teachers Association, dt.12-06-2014,
4. Govt.LR.No.5914/UE/A2/2014, dt.04-07-2014,
5. From the APSCHE Lr.No.APSCHE/UM- 777/ AP. UGCRPS Superannuation- 2nd Coomt./2014, dt.18-07-2014,
                                     .. .. ..
O R D E R :
 In the reference 1st read above, the age of superannuation of Government employees in the State was enhanced from 58 years to 60 years w.e.f. 02-06-2014 as envisaged in Act 4 of 2014. Consequently, certain representations were received requesting the government to enhance the age of  superannuation of University Teachers from 60 to 65 years or at least 62 years on par with government employees from the month of June, 2014.

2. In the reference 4th read above, Government have referred the matter to  Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education for their specific remarks in the matter. In the reference 5th read above the A.P.State Council of Higher
Education has informed that the Council has constituted a two men Committee to examine the matter and to come up with suitable recommendations. The said Committee has examined the matter and gave the following recommendations vide their report, dt.17.07.2014.

[i] The Committee, having considered the fact that the request for revision of retirement age has been pending for more than 15 years and after assessing the merits and demerits of enhancing the retirement age of University teachers, foresees a significant advantage in utilizing the services of the senior faculty in the universities funded by the Government of Andhra Pradesh up to the age of 62 years w.e.f. 02.06.2014 i.e. the date from which the retirement age for Government employees including College teachers have been enhanced.

Incidentally, this is also in consonance with the objectives and progressive perceptions of the Government of Andhra Pradesh enshrined in Act 4 of 2014.

[ii] In case of teachers who have retired from the service from 02.06.2014 till the date of issue of orders, the said period may be treated as Extra Ordinary Leave for the purpose of continuity and counting of the services.

[iii] The Government may simultaneously initiate necessary action to permit the universities to release the advertisements for recruitment of staff as per the vacancy position at the entry level of Assistant Professor after a due assessment of the need.

[iv] By implementing the above recommendations and considering the number of retirements in the next two years, which is around 118, it is obvious that the youngsters’ growth and employment opportunities in the University system will not be hampered.

3. Government after careful examination of the entire matter hereby enhance the age of Superannuation of regular University Teachers in the State from 60 years to 62 years with effect from 02-06-2014. 

4. The Registrars of all the Universities are advised to place the matter before the Executive Councils of the respective Universities and take necessary action in the matter accordingly.


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