IT Promotion - Administration of Incentives to the eligible ICT industry/companies – Operational Guidelines

ITE&C Department– IT Promotion - Administration of Incentives to the eligible ICT
industry/companies – Operational Guidelines - Orders –Issued.
G.O.MS.No. 23. Dated: 05.12.2014
Read the following:
1. AP IT Policy 2014-2020, issued vide G.O Ms.No:13, ITE&C Dept, dated: 11.08.2014
2. Electronic Policy 2014-2020, issued vide Go Ms. No: 16, ITE&C Dept, dated: 09.09.2014.
3. Innovation &Startup Policy 2014-2020, issued vide Go Ms.No:17, ITE&C Dept,
4. G.O.Ms.No.13, ITE&C (Promotions) Department, dated: 31.07.2010.

In order to achieve the objective of promotion of Information & Communications
Technology Sector as a prime growth engine for employment generation and overall socio-
economic development of the State of Andhra Pradesh, Government after due consideration,
issued orders vide reference first read above, putting in place the Andhra Pradesh Information
Technology (IT) Policy 2014-2020.
2. Further to enable Information & Communications (ICT) companies to set up, sustain,
function and grow their operations in an investment-friendly, proactive, conducive and hassle
free environment in the State, while identifying specific Focus Areas, Government has also
pronounced certain incentives and facilitation measures in the said IT Policy.
3. Taking into consideration the feed-back of IT Industry and in continuation of the
orders read above, Government hereby issues the following operational guidelines for
transparent administration of various incentives to the eligible ICT industry/companies as
4. (a) IT: means the Information Technology (IT) and Communications Industry
(b) IT Industry means and includes Information Technology (IT), Information Technology
Enabled Services (ITES), IT/ITES units/companies include IT software, IT services and IT
Enabled Services / BPO / Medical Transcription/Knowledge Process Outsourcing/Legal
Process Outsourcing, SMAC (Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) &Animation,
Gaming/Visual Effects/Digital Entertainment and IT Engineering Services Companies.
(c) Communication Technology Industry means IT/ITES and communication companies
engaged in the activities of development of communications software and related IT Enabled
(d) IT Infrastructure companies means the real estate Infrastructure developer or a builder,
registered under Indian Companies Act, 1956, having core competency in constructing IT
Office space for sale/lease or for lease-cum-sale to IT Industry for the purpose of IT activities
by the IT Industry defined above.
(e) IT/ITES Park, is defined as an exclusively delineated or earmarked site/area managed and
developed/to be developed with IT office space and other amenities and made available on
lease basis for IT industry, to provide “plug & play” facilities as per the stipulations
contained herein.
(f) IT/ITES Campus is defined as IT office space and other amenities developed by an IT
Company on its own land and for its own use.
(g) IT/ITES Special Economic Zone (SEZ) is a notified IT/ITES SEZ developed by a
developer or co-developer, according to the provisions of SEZ Act, 2005 of Govt of India and
amendments thereon.
(h) SC/ST Entrepreneurs are those IT companies, having a stake of more than 51%
shareholding of SC/ST entrepreneurs, in the said ICT company/unit/activity.
(i) Women entrepreneurs are those IT units established as sole Proprietress or invariably
having 51% share of women entrepreneurs in the said ICT company/unit/activity.
(j) Stakeholders means the representatives of IT industry & Associations.
(k) Date of commencement of commercial operations means the date on which commercial
operations of the company has commenced, i.e. the date of the first commercial sale bill/
invoice raised by the IT Company.
The above definitions are generic in nature and CCITI is empowered to
add/modify/alter or interpret the definition of any vertical, as is appropriate and needed.
Operational/Implementation Guidelines and Procedure for claiming incentives under
IT Policy:

7.  Process , release and monitoring of incentives are, if need be, subject to verification
of authenticity of information furnished on turnover, investment, employment and continuity
in operations of business, from the statutory agencies, such as, STPI, SEZ Commissioner,
Commissioner of Industries or any other appropriate/concerned statutory agency etc.
8. In case it is found at any point of time that any particular incentive is claimed by any
IT company through misrepresentation of facts/furnishing of false information and in case it
is found that the respective company is not eligible for the incentive so sanctioned or claimed,
Government can seek the refund of the same from the company and initiate, any other penal
action as is deemed fit.
9. The interpretation and decisions of the Government is final with regard to applications
made by the IT Industry for any of the incentives available as per IT Policy 2014-
2020.Government shall not entertain any correspondence against its decision nor can the
matter be subjected for any challenge in any court of law at any point of time.
10. The operational guidelines issued for administration of Incentives available under IT
Policy 2014-2020 to the eligible IT industry/companies as mentioned above shall be in force
and co-terminus with the validity period of the IT Policy 2014-2020.

(*Subject to changes based on mutual agreement)
This Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) is entered into on this, the ……. day
of……..……, at Hyderabad;
The Governor of Andhra Pradesh represented by the Secretary to the Government,
Information Technology, Electronics and Communications Department, Government of
Andhra Pradesh (herein after referred to as “GoAP” which expression shall unless repugnant
to  the  context  or  meaning  thereof  be  deemed  to  mean  and  include  its
successors/representatives) of the First Part;
M/s........................., a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 having its
registered office at …………………….. represented by Sri. ……………, …………
(hereinafter referred to as M/s......................... which expression shall unless repugnant to the
context or meaning thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and permitted
assigns) of the Second Part.
WHEREAS, GoAP has announced Information Technology (IT) Policy 2014-2020 through
G.O.Ms.No.13, Information Technology & Communications Department, dated 11 th August,
2014, pursuant to which M/s........................., has agreed to set up an IT facility for its own
use at …………… in the State of Andhra Pradesh to undertake activities such as IT Software
Development/IT Services/ITES/BPO (hereinafter referred to as “Activities”, and which
Activities fall within the scope of the IT Policy) and for this purpose wishes to
purchase/acquire certain land (more fully described in Schedule attached hereto and herein
after referred to as “Plots”) under the terms of the IT Policy 2014-2020 and on the terms and
conditions contained herein; and
WHEREAS, GoAP has agreed to facilitate the establishment of the facility by
M/s.........................and the parties hereto have agreed to set out the broad terms of their
understanding as under.
1. Basic Understanding
In consideration of the lease premium/price per acre as determined, GoAP has agreed to
cause................ (allotment agency) to allot on long lease basis and M/s......................... agrees
to take on long lease basis from Allotment Agency the Plot subject to the terms and
conditions contained herein. The parties hereto further agree that M/s......................... shall
use the Plot for the purpose of undertaking of IT/ITES Activities.
2. Terms & Conditions
The completion of the transaction envisaged under this MoU is subject to the fulfilment of
the following conditions precedent:
(a) The Government of Andhra Pradesh, in due consideration of this Memorandum of
Understanding shall cause Allotment Agency to allocate an area of about ………….acres of
land situated in ……….. at ……………to M/s......................... @ Lease premium/price per
acre towards land cost/development charges (approximately) payable and as determined by
Govt/ Allotment Agency as per the terms and conditions prescribed herein. The Development
Cost amount mentioned is subject to variance depending on the actual ground conditions.
(b) The undeveloped land/plot is considered for allotment in ‘as is where is’ condition.
(c) Completion of satisfactory due diligence by M/s......................... of the Plot, but not
limited to, an environmental due diligence of the Plot, suitability of the Plot, for the purpose
of undertaking the activities in the manner satisfactory to M/s.........................,availability of
adequate utilities and ownership title of the Plot.
(d) Obtaining by M/s......................... of the requisite corporate and regulatory
approvals,(including approvals from the parent company) including approvals to install and
operate the various communication facilities on the Plot, Allotment Agency facilitating such
assistance that M/s......................... may reasonably require in order to obtain such approvals
as may be necessary and required by M/s......................... to undertake the Activities;
(e) Employment of 500 is to be guaranteed for every acre of allotment.
(f) M/s......................... has to commence the construction within 6 (six) months from the date
of handing over possession of land, complete the project within 15 months of taking over and
commence operations within 3 months of completion. Otherwise the allotment will be
cancelled without any notice.
(g) M/s......................... will construct an IT campus for their own purpose within the said
land of about five acres of Plot with an estimated investment of approximately Rs……..
crores on the five acres Plot and build its IT campus with total built up area of……………
(h) M/s......................... have to make their own arrangements to provide all infrastructure like
power, water, bandwidth, road connectivity etc., to their allotted plot within the lay out.
(i) M/s......................... should lay their own approach road, within the lay out upto their plot,
on their own cost within 3 months from the time of signing of the MoU – under the
supervision of Allotment Agency.
(j) Allotment Agency shall be the nodal agency for all permissions and shall supervise the
optimum utilization of allotted lands.
(k) The Allotment Agency lay out in which the Plot is allotted to M/s......................... would
be part of an approved IT Special Economic Zone (SEZ). The expenditure incurred for
construction of common compound wall for customs bonding facility by Allotment Agency
or payment made by Allotment Agency to any consultant for development of the layout as
SEZ, over and above the development charges mentioned at (c) above, shall have to be
shared by M/s......................... proportionately with other allottee IT Companies in the Lay
(l) M/s......................... shall pay the management cost, maintenance costs, local area
administration costs, in the form of property tax, water charges, power charges, etc., to
Allotment Agency and any other statutory agencies from time to time as is applicable to other
allottees and as per Municipal/ Local/ Civic Administration Rules/Acts/Statues in force.
(m) This allotment of land is subject to compliance of all the Rules, Regulations, Terms
&Conditions of allotment of APIIC, ICT Policy 2014-2020 of GoAP and SEZ Rules, 2006of
Govt of India (GOI) imposed from time to time.
(n) M/s......................... shall not approach any court of law on the above clauses. Any
disputes/differences of opinion will be amicably settled by the IT&C Department/Allotment
(o) Any other terms and conditions as deemed fit from time to time imposed by the GoAP on
the allotment made are binding upon M/s..........................
3. Consideration
a) The parties hereby agree that M/s. ........................ employs ………. eligible employees as
stipulated in the IT Policy 2014-2020, on the said Plot within three years from the date of
taking over possession of the Plot.
b) Further the parties agree that if by the end of the third year, the total number of eligible
employees is less than ……….., then in such an event, M/s. ........................ shall refund the
cost of land pro-rata, on the value of the Plot indicated at existing market rates, equivalent to
the shortfall along with interest calculated on a daily product basis at 16% per annum with
quarterly rests from the date of signing the MOU to the date of payment, without there being
any other liability, financial or otherwise, resulting from shortfall in employing ……. Eligible
employees by the end of the third year.
4. Completion Date
Under this MoU, the Completion Date shall mean the date on which all the conditions,
precedents stated in Clause 2 & 3 above are completed by M/s......................... execution of
definitive agreements by the parties, registration of the Lease Deed with the appropriate Sub-
Registrar of Assurances and handing over the vacant and peaceful possession of the Plot to
5. IT Policy and SEZ Policy
The incentives, terms & conditions of the IT Policy of GoAP, SEZ Policy under the SEZ Act
shall be applicable to the proposed allotment of the Plot to M/s..........................
6. Miscellaneous
(a) Use of Premises: Alienation of the Premises: M/s......................... shall not assign,
transfer, or in any manner alienate the Plot to any person other than to an IT/ITES companies
as defined in the IT Policy 2014-2020 and SEZ Act 2005, without the prior written approval
of ITE&C Dept, Govt. of AP.
(b) Term: This MoU shall remain in force for a period of three months from the date of
execution, unless such term is extended by the mutual consent of the parties hereto.
(c) Non-binding: This Memorandum of Understanding constitutes an expression of interest,
and should not be in any manner construed to be a legally binding commitment for either
party. Both sides understand that prior to proceeding to execute a definitive agreement,
M/s......................... and Allotment Agency are required to obtain certain corporate and
regulatory approvals, and in the event such approvals are not obtained before expiry of the
term, this Memorandum of Understanding would terminate without any liability to either
On obtaining the requisite approvals, the parties shall communicate the same to each other.
However, M/s......................... shall obtain all necessary approvals/ clearances within (90)
days from the date of entering into the MoU.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the aforementioned parties have affixed their signatures and seal
on the date, month and year first above written.
Govt of Andhra Pradesh M/s.........................
Secretary, ITE&C Dept
1  1
2  2
Schedule to the Memorandum of Understanding dated: ………….
All  of  the  freehold  land  located  in  ………….  at  ………………  to
M/s.........................,admeasuring about ………. acres.

Online ITC Policy Sanction of Incentives Service -
Application Form
1. Creation of User ID in MeeSeva Portal:
Desire Login ID*:_________________________
Confirm Password*:_______________________ Secret Question*
Answer *:_______________________________
Contact Information:
Alternate E-mail*:___________________ Registered mobile no. *:___________________________
Incentive Applying Company Details:
Company Name*:______________________ Company address *:____________________________
District*: ________________________________ Mandal*: _________________________________
Village*: _____________________________ Pin Code *: ___________________________
MD/Director Names: * 1._______________________________________________
Constitution of Organization *: _________________________________
Company URL*:____________________
2. Company Profile Creation:
Classification of Company:
? MSME ? Women Enter pruner ? SC ? ST  ? Rural IT Unit ? Mega
Date of Incorporation Of firm*: ___________Date of Incorporation Of firm*:
Date of Commencement of Commercial Operations*:____________
Existing Status: _____________Investment on plant and
Machinery*:______________ Investment on Land and Buildings* ____________
Total Investment*: ______________________ Electricity Service No
Last Three years performance Details (In Lakhs Of Rupees)( E.g. Enter 100 for
100 Lakhs):

Note: In case of new company enter Turnover as zero
Address for Communication:
Contact person Name*: ____________________ State*: _______________________________
Door No*: ________________ locality/Landmark*: ___________________________________
District*: _________________ Mandal*: _________________Village*: ______________________
Pin Code: ______________
Bank Details:
Account No*: ___________________________Branch
Branch IFSC Code*__________________________ Location
Documents List :
(NOTE: 1.Total size of Upload Document should not exceed 3 MB. 2. All Upload Documents should be in PDF Format Only)
1. MOA, AOA or Audited Statement Mentioning the current share holding pattern and current
Directors of the company *
2. Latest Audited balance Sheet& P&L Statement (Giving Investment / Turnover figures*
3. Certificate of Incorporation *
Applying for Sanction of Incentives
3. Incentive Application filing
Incentive Applied For*:
? Power Subsidy ? Internet Bandwidth Subsidy ? Market Development Incentive
? Lease Rental Subsidy ? Recruitment / Training Assistance ? Performance linked Grant
? Investment Subsidy ? Interest Subsidy ? Quality Certificate Incentive
? Technology Up gradation Cost Reimbursement ? Subsidy on Cleaner Greener Production
? Exemption for electricity Duty ? Interest Rebate ? Capital Subsidy ? Sales Tax
? Registration & Stamp Duty ?Patent Filing Cost Reimbursement ? VAT/ CST Reimbursement
? Skill Up gradation & Training ? Rebate on Land Cost ? Allotment of Government Land
? Technology & Market Support ? Business Networking and Promotional Events
? Incubation space/built space in IT Towers
Power Subsidy/Industrial Power Category Conversion:
Activity *: ? IT ? ITES ? Electronics ? Animation ?Social Media ? Mobile
Communication? BPO ? Call Center ? Cloud
Category *: ? Micro ? Small ? Medium ? Mega ? Start Up ? Incubator
?Accelerator? Venture Capitalist ? Angel Investor ? Infrastructure Provider
Amount Claimed *: ____________________________
Documents List:
1. Enclose Letter / Document from concerned DISCOM that the electricity meter/
service connection is in the name of the company*
2. Electricity Bill and Payment / Receipts made*
Internet Bandwidth Subsidy :
Activity *: ? IT ? ITES ? Electronics ? Animation ?Social Media ? Mobile
Communication? BPO ? Call Center ? Cloud
Category *: ? Micro ? Small ? Medium ? Mega ? Start Up ? Incubator
?Accelerator? Venture Capitalist ? Angel Investor ? Infrastructure Provider
Amount Claimed *: ___________________ Band Width *: ________________________
Internet Service Provider *:___________________________
Documents List:
1. Internet Bills& Payment / Receipts made*
Market Development Incentive /Exhibition Subsidy / Technology & Market Support / Business
Networking and Promotional Events:
Activity *: ? IT ? ITES ? Electronics ? Animation ?Social Media ? Mobile
Communication ? BPO ? Call Center ? Cloud
Category *: ? Micro ? Small ? Medium ? Mega ? Start Up ? Incubator
?Accelerator? Venture Capitalist ? Angel Investor ? Infrastructure Provider
Amount Claimed *: ____________________________
Documents List:
1. Invoice /Payment made to the organizers of the Exhibitions / Networking /
Promotional events participated*
Lease Rental Subsidy :
Activity *: ? IT ? ITES ? Electronics ? Animation ?Social Media ? Mobile
Communication ? BPO ? Call Center ? Cloud
Category *: ? Micro ? Small ? Medium ? Mega ? Start Up ? Incubator
? Venture Capitalist ? Angel Investor ? Infrastructure Provider
Amount Claimed *: ____________________________
Documents List:
1. Invoice / Payment made to the Lessee pertaining to lease rentals *
2. Lease Agreement*
Recruitment / Training Assistance :
Activity *: ? IT ? ITES ? Electronics ? Animation ?Social Media ? Mobile
Communication ? BPO ? Call Center ? Cloud
Category *: ? Micro ? Small ? Medium ? Mega ? Start Up ? Incubator
?Accelerator? Venture Capitalist ? Angel Investor ? Infrastructure Provider
Amount Claimed *: _______No of IT Professionals employed in the last 6 months *: _____
Documents List:
1. List of employees giving name , designation, date of joining and salary drawn
duly certified by the authorized signatory of the company & the auditor along
with invoice for the amount claimed*
Performance linked Grant :
Activity *: ? IT ? ITES ? Electronics ? Animation ?Social Media ? Mobile
Communication ? BPO ? Call Center ? Cloud
Category *: ? Micro ? Small ? Medium ? Mega ? Start Up ? Incubator
?Accelerator? Venture Capitalist ? Angel Investor ? Infrastructure Provider
Amount Claimed *: ____________ Last year revenue*: __________________________
Current year revenue*: _____________________________
Documents List:
1. Enclose latest annual report indicating last year revenue and current year revenue
duly certified by the authorized signatory of the company & the auditor along with
invoice for the amount claimed*
Investment Subsidy :
Activity *: ? IT ? ITES ? Electronics ? Animation ?Social Media ? Mobile
Communication ? BPO ? Call Center ? Cloud
Category *: ? Micro ? Small ? Medium ? Mega ? Start Up ? Incubator
?Accelerator? Venture Capitalist ? Angel Investor ? Infrastructure Provider
Amount Claimed *: ________ Fixed asset value of the current Company*: ____________
Share Capital / Share Application Money Pending Allotment*: __________________
Documents List:
1. Bills/ Invoices on the assets procured along with latest annual report where a mention has
been made about acquiring new investments duly certified by the authorized signatory of
the company & the auditor along with invoice for the amount claimed*
Interest Subsidy :
Activity *: ? IT ? ITES ? Electronics ? Animation ?Social Media ? Mobile
Communication ? BPO ? Call Center ? Cloud
Category *: ? Micro ? Small ? Medium ? Mega ? Start Up ? Incubator
?Accelerator? Venture Capitalist ? Angel Investor ? Infrastructure Provider
Amount Claimed *: ________
Yearly Working Capital taken for 5 years or starting from Commencement of Operations*:
Documents List:
1. Certificate from the bank on the loan amount taken , no. of installments paid
on principal repayment, towards interest payment along with the amounts
thereon *
Quality Certificate Incentive:
Activity *: ? IT ? ITES ? Electronics ? Animation ?Social Media ? Mobile
Communication ? BPO ? Call Center ? Cloud
Category *: ? Micro ? Small ? Medium ? Mega ? Start Up ? Incubator
?Accelerator? Venture Capitalist ? Angel Investor ? Infrastructure Provider
Amount Claimed *: _____________
Quality Certifications Obtained: CMM Level 2 & Above / BS7799 / COPC / ESCM*: _______
Documents List:
1. Certificate Proof of filing / achieving quality certification*
2. Invoice Copies*
Technology Up gradation Cost Reimbursement :
Activity *: ? IT ? ITES ? Electronics ? Animation ?Social Media ? Mobile
Communication ? BPO ? Call Center ? Cloud
Category *: ? Micro ? Small ? Medium ? Mega ? Start Up ? Incubator
?Accelerator? Venture Capitalist ? Angel Investor ? Infrastructure Provider
Amount Claimed *: ____________________________
Documents List:
1. Bills/ Invoices on the assets /machinery procured for technology up gradation along with
latest annual report where a mention has been made about acquiring new investments duly
certified by the authorized signatory of the company & the auditor along with invoice for the
amount claimed*
Subsidy On Cleaner Greener Production :
Activity *: ? IT ? ITES ? Electronics ? Animation ?Social Media ? Mobile
Communication ? BPO ? Call Center ? Cloud
Category *: ? Micro ? Small ? Medium ? Mega ? Start Up ? Incubator
?Accelerator? Venture Capitalist ? Angel Investor ? Infrastructure Provider
Amount Claimed *: ____________________________
Documents List:
1. Bills/ Invoices on the assets /machinery procured for clean and greener production along
with latest annual report where a mention has been made about acquiring new investments
duly certified by the authorized signatory of the company & the auditor along with invoice
for the amount claimed*
Exemption for electricity Duty:
Activity *: ? IT ? ITES ? Electronics ? Animation ?Social Media ? Mobile
Communication ? BPO ? Call Center ? Cloud
Category *: ? Micro ? Small ? Medium ? Mega ? Start Up ? Incubator
?Accelerator? Venture Capitalist ? Angel Investor ? Infrastructure Provider
Amount Claimed *: ____________________________
Documents List:
1. Invoice / Bills from SPDCI *
Interest Rebate :
Activity *: ? IT ? ITES ? Electronics ? Animation ?Social Media ? Mobile
Communication ? BPO ? Call Center ? Cloud
Category *: ? Micro ? Small ? Medium ? Mega ? Start Up ? Incubator
?Accelerator? Venture Capitalist ? Angel Investor ? Infrastructure Provider
Amount Claimed *: ____________________________
Documents List:
1. Certificate from the bank on the loan amount taken , no. of installments paid on
principal repayment, towards interest payment along with the amounts thereon *
Capital Subsidy :
Activity *: ? IT ? ITES ? Electronics ? Animation ?Social Media ? Mobile
Communication ? BPO ? Call Center ? Cloud
Category *: ? Micro ? Small ? Medium ? Mega ? Start Up ? Incubator
?Accelerator? Venture Capitalist ? Angel Investor ? Infrastructure Provider
Amount Claimed *: ____________________________
Documents List:
1. Bills/ Invoices on the assets /machinery procured along with latest annual report where a
mention has been made about acquiring new investments duly certified by the authorized
signatory of the company & the auditor along with invoice for the amount claimed*
Sales Tax Exemption :
Activity *: ? IT ? ITES ? Electronics ? Animation ?Social Media ? Mobile
Communication ? BPO ? Call Center ? Cloud
Category *: ? Micro ? Small ? Medium ? Mega ? Start Up ? Incubator
?Accelerator? Venture Capitalist ? Angel Investor ? Infrastructure Provider
Amount Claimed *: ____________________________
Documents List:
1. Invoice / Receipt towards sales tax paid*
Registration & Stamp Duty :
Activity *: ? IT ? ITES ? Electronics ? Animation ?Social Media ? Mobile
Communication ? BPO ? Call Center ? Cloud
Category *: ? Micro ? Small ? Medium ? Mega ? Start Up ? Incubator
?Accelerator? Venture Capitalist ? Angel Investor ? Infrastructure Provider
Amount Claimed *: ____________________________
Documents List:
1. Invoice / Receipts paid towards registration charges, stamp duty and transfer
fee to the sub registrar and copy of the Sale / Lease /Mortgage Deed entered *
Patent Filing Cost Reimbursement :
Activity *: ? IT ? ITES ? Electronics ? Animation ?Social Media ? Mobile
Communication ? BPO ? Call Center ? Cloud
Category *: ? Micro ? Small ? Medium ? Mega ? Start Up ? Incubator
?Accelerator? Venture Capitalist ? Angel Investor ? Infrastructure Provider
Amount Claimed *: _________________ No of Patents Filed*: _________________
No of Provision Patents Obtained*:____________ No of Patents granted*:______________
Documents List:
1. Certificate Proof of filing / achieving patent*
2. Invoice Copies*
VAT/ CST Reimbursement:
Activity *: ? IT ? ITES ? Electronics ? Animation ?Social Media ? Mobile
Communication ? BPO ? Call Center ? Cloud
Category *: ? Micro ? Small ? Medium ? Mega ? Start Up ? Incubator
?Accelerator? Venture Capitalist ? Angel Investor ? Infrastructure Provider
Amount Claimed *: ____________________________
Documents List:
1. Invoice / Receipt towards VAT /CST paid*
Skill Up gradation & Training:
Activity *: ? IT ? ITES ? Electronics ? Animation ?Social Media ? Mobile
Communication ? BPO ? Call Center ? Cloud
Category *: ? Micro ? Small ? Medium ? Mega ? Start Up ? Incubator
?Accelerator? Venture Capitalist ? Angel Investor ? Infrastructure Provider
Amount Claimed *: ____________________________
Documents List:
1. Invoice / Receipts on payments made on skill up gradation and training to the
agency and list of employees trained*
Rebate on Land Cost:
Activity *: ? IT ? ITES ? Electronics ? Animation ?Social Media ? Mobile
Communication ? BPO ? Call Center ? Cloud
Category *: ? Micro ? Small ? Medium ? Mega ? Start Up ? Incubator
?Accelerator? Venture Capitalist ? Angel Investor ? Infrastructure Provider
Amount Claimed *: ____________________________
Documents List:
1. List of employees recruited on the land allotted giving name , designation,
date of joining and salary drawn duly certified by the authorized signatory of
the company & the auditor along with invoice for the amount claimed and PF
returns filed or Income tax returns (form16) filed *
2. Document authenticating the activity / category of the company*
Allotment of Government Land:
Activity *: ? IT ? ITES ? Electronics ? Animation ?Social Media ? Mobile
Communication ? BPO ? Call Center ? Cloud
Category *: ? Micro ? Small ? Medium ? Mega ? Start Up ? Incubator
?Accelerator? Venture Capitalist ? Angel Investor ? Infrastructure Provider
Employment*: __________ Investment*: _________ Turnover*:________________
Extent of Land Required*:_______________________ District *: ____________________
Mandal *: ________________________ Village *: _______________________________
Documents List:
1. Business Plan*
2. List of existing employees giving name , designation, date of joining and
salary drawn duly certified by the authorized signatory of the company & the
auditor and PF returns filed or Income tax returns (form16) filed
3. Certificate of Incorporation*
4. Date of Commencement of Commercial Operations(proof on date of first
invoice raised)*
5. Copy of the latest annual balance sheet / P&L account indicating present
investment / turnover of the company
Incubation space/built space in IT Towers:
Activity *: ? IT ? ITES ? Electronics ? Animation ?Social Media ? Mobile
Communication ? BPO ? Call Center ? Cloud
Category *: ? Micro ? Small ? Medium ? Mega ? Start Up ? Incubator
?Accelerator? Venture Capitalist ? Angel Investor ? Infrastructure Provider
Area *: ? Tirupathi ? Visakhapatnam ? Kakinada
Extent of warm shell/built up are requested in IT Tower required *(In SFT) ______________
No of employees to be accommodated in built up space sought *:______________________
Investment to be made in the built up space requested *:____________________________
Documents List:
1. Business Plan*

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