The Andhra Pradesh Capital City (Formulation and Implementation Rules, 2015

Municipal Administration & Urban Development Department – The Andhra Pradesh
Capital City (Formulation and Implementation Rules, 2015 - Notification – Issued.

G.O.Ms.No.1 Dated: 01.01.2015
 Read the following:

1. G.O.Rt.No.3234 GA(Cabinet) Department, dated:24.09.2014.
2. Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority Act,
 2014 (Act No. 11 of 2014).
3. G.O.Ms.No.252, MA & UD (M2) Department, dated: 30.12.2014
4. G.O.Ms.No.253, MA & UD (M2) Department, dated: 30.12.2014
5. G.O.Ms.No.254, MA & UD (M2) Department, dated: 30.12.2014
6. G.O.Ms.No.255, MA & UD (M2) Department, dated: 30.12.2014
7. G.O.Ms.No.257, MA & UD (M2) Department, dated: 30.12.2014
O R D E R:
The Andhra Pradesh Reorganization Act 2014 (Central Act 6 of 2014),
which came into force on 2nd June, 2014, provided for the reorganization of the
existing state of Andhra Pradesh. One of the most critical priorities for the new
state is the formation of the New Capital city, which is very important from the
perspective of economic development, cultural integrity and administrative
2. The Government of Andhra Pradesh has decided to establish a green field
capital city as a liveable, environmentally sustainable and people’s capital. For this
purpose, the location of the capital was identified between Vijayawada and Guntur
cities on the bank of the river Krishna and also to go for decentralized
development of the state with 3 Mega cities and 14 smart cities. It is proposed to
go for Land Pooling Scheme to be worked out by the Cabinet Sub-Committee.
3. Accordingly, the Government vide G.O 1st read above have constituted a
Committee with Group of Ministers to work out modalities on Land Pooling
Scheme. The Group of Ministers have convened a series of meetings.
4. The Government vide Act 2nd read above have enacted Andhra Pradesh
Capital Region Development Authority Act, 2014 (Act.No.11 of 2014) for the
declaration of the New Capital Area for the State of the Andhra Pradesh and
establishment of the Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority for
the purpose of Planning, Co-ordination, Execution, Supervision, Financing, Funding
and for Promoting and Securing the Planned Development of the Capital Region
and Capital City Area for the State of Andhra Pradesh and for managing and
supervising urban services in the New Capital Area and for the matters ancillary
5. In the G.O 3rd read above, the Government have appointed the provisions
of the Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority Act, 2014 (Act.No.11
of 2014) has come into force with effect from 30th day of December, 2014 under
provisions of the said Act.

6. Further in G.O’s 4th & 5th read above, the Government have notified the
area of about 7068 Sq.Kms for Capital Region and 122 sq.kms as Andhra Pradesh
Capital City area under the provision of the Andhra Pradesh Region Development
Authority Act, 2014 (Act.No.11 of 2014).
7. The Government in G.O 7th read above, have issued authorization orders to
the Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority to undertake
development scheme as provided in chapter IX of Andhra Pradesh Capital Region
Development Authority Act, 2014 (Act.No.11 of 2014) through voluntary Land
Pooling Scheme in the capital city area.
8. In view of the above authorization orders, the Government have decided to
prescribe the ‘Andhra Pradesh Capital City Land Pooling Scheme (Formulation and
Implementation) Rules 2015’.
9. A copy of this order is available in the Internet and can be accessed at the
10. Accordingly, the appended notification shall be published in an Extraordinary
issue of Andhra Pradesh Gazette dated:01-01-2015.
11. The Commissioner, Printing, Stationery & Stores Purchase, Hyderabad is
requested to publish the said rules by notification and furnish 300 copies of the
notification to the Government.

In exercise of the powers conferred under clause (f) of
sub-section (2) of Section 18 of Andhra Pradesh Capital Region
Development Authority Act, 2014 [Act 11 of 2014] the Government of
Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following rules, namely, “Andhra
Pradesh Capital City Land Pooling Scheme (Formulation and
Implementation) Rules, 2015”.
1. Introduction. In keeping with the will of the Government to build
‘people’s capital’, land procurement mechanism has been designed to be
voluntary and based on consensual process of land pooling. Land pooling
mechanism is mainly adopted for development of the capital city area
wherein the land parcels owned by individuals or group of owners are
legally consolidated by transfer of ownership rights to the Authority, which
later transfers the ownership of a part of the land back to the land owners
for undertaking of development for such areas. These rules are applicable
to the capital city area for which zonal plans have been approved. The
broad objective of the scheme is to do justice to the families affected by
the construction of a livable and sustainable capital city for the state of
Andhra Pradesh by making the land owners and local residents as
partners in development.
2. Short title and commencement. (1) These rules may be called as
‘Andhra Pradesh Capital City Land Pooling Scheme (Formulation and
Implementation) Rules 2015’.
(2) They shall come into force with effect from the date of publication in the
Andhra Pradesh Gazette.
3. Definitions. In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires:--
‘Act’ means the Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority
Act, 2014;
‘Authority’ means the Capital Region Development Authority constituted
under sub-section (1) of section 4 of the Act;
 ‘government’ means the State Government of Andhra Pradesh;
 ‘peri-urban’ means an area immediately surrounding a urban local body.
‘public & semi public’ means area set apart for developing social
infrastructure as per the standards and norms laid down in the master
plan or any other area development plan;
‘commercial’ means area set apart for developing commercial space to
undertake commercial activity as per the standards and norms laid
down in the master plan or any other area development plan;
‘residential’ means area set apart for developing residential space as per
the standards and norms laid down in the master plan or any other
area development plan;
‘website’ in the context of Land Pooling refers to official website of the
Authority; and
Words and expressions used but not defined in these rules shall have
meanings assigned to them in the Act.
4. Applicability. These rules shall be applicable to the entire area notified
as ‘capital city’ under sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Andhra Pradesh
Capital Region Development Authority Act, 2014, hereinafter referred to as
the Act.
5. General. (1) The Authority may undertake to develop a land pooling
scheme pursuant to the notification issued under subsection (5) of section
43 of the Act.
 (2) The Authority shall guarantee the return of reconstituted land and
payment of benefits to the land owners per every acre of original land
surrendered under the land pooling scheme as follows:

(3) The Government shall provide pension of two thousand five hundred
rupees per month per family for a period of ten years to all landless
families through a capital region social security fund.
(4) The Government shall also provide all the benefits to the affected
families as listed in clause 1 of Schedule III.
 (5) The Government shall bring out guidelines for any other laws sufficed by
land owners and other affected families in the process of implementation
of Land Pooling Scheme. Guidelines may include compensation given to
structures in areas other than gramakhantam for standing annual crops.
(6) The plans made under land pooling scheme shall be in accordance with
the plans sanctioned under Chapter VII of the Act.
(7) The land use of the land taken up under LPS shall automatically stand
changed to the land use proposed under the LPS provided the land use for
such lands in the approved master plan is earmarked for peri-urban use,
conservation use, agriculture use or any other non-conflicting use.
However, such automatic change of land use under LPS shall not apply in
cases where the approved master plan reserved the land for prohibited
uses such as bio-conservation, water bodies, buffer zone and forest.
(8) The Authority where it warrants, duly recording reasons therefor, has the
right to merge, split, alter, or revise one or more or all the components of
the land pooling scheme and implement accordingly.
(9) The lands proposed in land pooling scheme shall be contiguous and
approachable by an existing public road.
(10) The Authority in the overall interest of the development of the area and
for the reasons specifically mentioned may take up the realignment of
road network which was proposed in the sanctioned plans, if the said
realignment is within the scheme area.
(11) The provisions, content, infrastructure and amenities to be provided,
and cost of the land pooling scheme shall be as provided under sections
Chapter VIII of the Act.
(12) The Authority may itself undertake the whole or part of the process
related to the preparation and implementation of the LPS or may delegate
the function to any officer or local body or Competent Authority for Land
Pooling appointed by Government.
(13) The Authority may develop the secured land either on its own or in
partnership with reputed agencies selected following prescribed
procedure, which is fair and transparent.
(14) Development of the share of land meant for reconstituted plots to the
land owners shall be taken up on priority.
(15) The details of objectives, process, roles and responsibilities under the
LPS shall be as provided in the schedules I to IV to these rules.
6. Declaration of intention. (1) Upon the requisition by Commissioner,
the Government may appoint any officer not below the rank of a deputy
collector as Competent Authority for Land Pooling under the functional
and administrative control of the District Collector. Both the District
Collector and the Competent Authority for Land Pooling shall periodically
report the progress of the land pooling to the Authority and seek guidance
for effective pooling together of various land parcels.
(2) Pursuant to the notification issued under subsection (5) of section 43 of
the Act, the Competent Authority within fifteen days from the date of
such notification by the government (hereafter referred to as the
‘Declaration of Intention’) shall issue a notice in Form 9.1:
(i) inviting objections and suggestions on the proposed LPS by receiving
objections and suggestions in Form 9.2 from the land owners within
thirty days from the date of publication;
(ii) inviting participation of land owners in the proposed LPS by
receiving consent applications in Form 9.3 from the land owners; and
(iii) specifying the dates of conduct of stakeholder consultations (not
earlier than 7 days from the date of publication) in order to explain the
details of the scheme.
(3) The notice shall contain the details of the broad objectives of the
scheme, process of the scheme, role and responsibility of the Authority,
role of the land owners, area, extent, schedule of boundaries, survey
numbers and ownership details available in revenue records, extent of the
land reserved under subsection 1(e) and 1(f) of section 53 of the Act, the
compensation package provided to the land owners/landless families, and
other salient features; and shall be published in the following manner:
(i) in the District Gazette;
(ii) in two daily newspapers circulating in the locality of such area of
which one shall be in Telugu;
(iii) in Telugu in the Gram Panchayat, Municipality or Municipal
Corporation, as the case may be and in the offices of the District
Collector, the Revenue Divisional Officer, the Tehsildar, the District
Registrar and Sub-registrar in the scheme area; and
(iv) on the website of MAUD and CRDA.
(4) The notice shall also state that a copy of the plan of the proposed area is
kept open for inspection of the land owners including the public at the
office of the local body concerned, Competent Authority for Land Pooling
during office hours and also in the website.
7. Notification of final area. (1) All the objections and suggestions
received pursuant to rule 6 (2) (i) and any request for modifying the
extent of the scheme area shall be examined in detail, considered and
disposed off by the Competent Authority with in fifteen days. All the
disposals shall be prepared in the Form 9.4.
(2) After approval of the details and the extent subject to modifications by
Government upon consideration of such objections and suggestions, the
Competent Authority for Land Pooling shall within fifteen days of the
date of approval by the Authority notify the finalized area for the
preparation of draft LPS in Form 9.5 in the manner provided at rule 6(3).
8. Procedure for verification of ownership (section 48(1) and
section 50 of the Act): (1) On issue of notice under rule 6 (2),
individual notices in Form 9.6 shall be sent to all the land owners pursuant
to rule 6 (2) (ii) in accordance with procedure laid down under section 133
of the Act, informing them to submit applications along with the land
ownership records, tenure details and any other details required, within a
period of thirty days, for participation in LPS and for filing objections
relating to ownership.
(2) The Competent Authority for Land Pooling may receive applications and
issue an official receipt in Form 9.7 from the willing land owners to
participate in the notified LPS.
(3) Within seven days from the last date for receipt of applications from the
willing land owners, verification of the title of the land owners covered
under the LPS shall be done with reference to the Revenue records,
Registration documents and such other documents, and/or local enquiry
and a list of such land owners shall be published in Form 9.8, in the local
area and website, calling for objections from the persons interested within
a time period of fifteen days from the date of such publications.
(4) Within fifteen days from the last date of filing of objections from willing
land owners, in case of Government lands / assigned lands / endowment
lands / wakf lands/ bhoodan lands or such other categories of lands, a
field verification or verification of land records and certification of the
occupancy / veracity of ownership / claim of the applicant shall be
conducted by the Competent Authority for Land Pooling himself or upon
his requisition in Form 9.9 by the collector.
(5) Within fifteen days from the last date of filing objections from willing
land owners, the Competent Authority for Land Pooling or his officers after
receiving all objections in writing verify the veracity of the claims on
ownership of all the persons interested, conduct due enquiries as required
for ascertaining the true owner/owners for each parcel of land and
apportionment if any and pass such orders recording the reasons for
accepting or otherwise, of the applications. Such order shall be issued in
Form 9.10 under the revenue seal and signature of the Competent
(6) The Competent Authority for Land Pooling shall identify the list of land
owners and the lands who have not given consent under land pooling
scheme and submit a report to the Commissioner with full details in Form
(7) The Competent Authority for Land Pooling shall by order in Form 9.12
determine the extent of the reconstituted plot for each land owner in lieu
of the land contributed by the land owners for Land Pooling Scheme as
per the norms given in Rule 5.
(8) As soon as the ownership is established, Competent Authority for Land
Pooling shall report the list of land owners and such other details in Form
9.13 to the Commissioner and thereupon the Competent Authority shall
enter into an agreement in Form 9.14, to firm up the irrevocable powers
of Authority to alter the boundaries, develop and make requisite changes
in the land pool area.
(9) Such cases where disputes with regard to land ownership remain
unresolved shall be referred to a Court of competent jurisdiction and such
referral shall not act as a bar for including the land under the land pooling
9. Draft LPS. (1) As soon as may be, after the notification of intention to
make the LPS, the Commissioner shall complete the preparation of the
draft LPS within 180 days in consultation with land owners. The lands
falling under acquisition within LARR Act, 2013 shall also be included while
preparing draft LPS.
(2) Preparation of draft LPS requires preparation of Final Base Map in the
following manner -
a) collection of all the revenue village maps,
b) collection of adangal details,
c) digitizing the maps,
d) preparation of a Preliminary Base Map, and
e) conduct of Electronic Total Station (ETS) survey of LPS Area, in the
presence of a representative from the Revenue Department informed
through a notice in Form 9.15, for identification of field boundaries. For
the purpose of the survey of the area, the land owner or occupier shall
also be informed giving twenty four hours notice in writing in Form 9.16
informing him to be present during the survey of his land.
f) overlay of the Preliminary Base Map on the total station survey drawing
to obtain the area under possession and prepare the Final Base Map,
Area Statements and Ownership Status in the LPS Area.
(3) Competent Authority shall certify both the area statement and the Final
Base map, and prepare a final list of land owners duly taking technical
support from planning wing of the Authority and Assistant Director Survey
& Land Records Form 9.17.
(4) The entire land pooling area shall be divided into sectors and the
reservation and allotment of land for various purposes shall be in
accordance with section 38 and section 53 of the Act.
(5) The draft LPS shall contain the details specified under section 45 of the
Act as well as the cost of LPS prepared in accordance with section 47 of
the Act. The LPS inter alia shall contain a detailed narration on due
diligence of the proposal, including cost-benefit analysis, modalities of
maintenance, cost of maintenance, user charges, recovery schedule and
risk analysis. It shall among other things contain:
a) An explanatory note explaining the salient features of proposed
development, in particular, the sources of drinking water supply,
arrangements and sites for disposal and treatment of storm and
sewage water, rain water harvesting, solid waste management, water
recycling etc.
b) A guide map on a scale of not less than 1:10,000 showing the location
of the neighborhood areas to be developed in relation to surrounding
geographical features to enable the identification of the land.
c) A survey plan of the land under the proposed Land Pooling on a scale
of 1 : 1000 showing the spot levels at a distance of 30 meters and
where necessary, contour plan. The survey will also show the
boundaries and dimensions of the said land, the location of streets,
buildings and premises within a distance of at least 30 meters of the
said land and existing means of access to it from existing roads.
d) Layout plan on a scale of 1: 1000 showing the existing and proposed
means of access, the width of roads and streets, sizes and type of
plots, sites reserved for open space, community facilities, with area
under each and proposed building lines, Landscape Plan and
Transportation / Parking Plan shall also be prepared and submitted
along with the layout plan.
e) Cross section plans of the proposed roads indicating, in particular the
width of the proposed drainage ways, sewerage lines, utility ducts,
cycle tracks and footpaths, green areas, position of electric poles and
any other works connected with such roads.
f) Services plans indicating the position of sewers, storm water channels,
water supply and any other public health services.
g) Detailed specifications and designs for sewerage, storm water and
water supply systems and their disposal systems with estimated cost of
h) Detailed specification and designs for electric supply including street
(6) The reconstitution of land shall be done as follows.
(a) The reconstituted plots will be obtained by reconstituting the original
lands by alteration of its boundaries and by the transfer of any
adjoining lands if necessary;
(b) The reconstituted plot may lie in any sector of the LPS area;
(c) In order to allocate the land under subsection 1(e) and 1(f) of section
53 of the Act, it is necessary to indicate the sectors with the name and
number of the plots, roads and the developed reconstituted plots which
shall be allotted to the land owners and that of the sectors to be
retained for the capital city development. Depending on the nature and
requirement of development, the Draft LPS shall show this allotted land
for the sectors of capital city development or for residential or
commercial or public or semipublic or any other purposes as approved
by the Authority.
(d) The size and shape of every reconstituted developed plot shall be
determined, so far as may be, to render it suitable for development and
complying with the provisions of the scheme.
(e) In order to satisfy the requirement of accommodating various sizes of
original land ownerships depending on the eligibility, it is necessary to
prepare the draft LPS with various categories of plot sizes within the
provisions of the layout and building regulations and to satisfy the
proportionate sizes depending on the ownership of the original land.
(f) The proportion and extent of eligibility for each land owner shall be
determined at the time of the draft LPS itself. ‘Original Plot Area’ in the
context of Land Pooling means the parcel of land vesting with the
owner as per revenue records or in physical possession as on the day of
declaration/application for LPS, whichever is less.
(g) Prior to notification of draft LPS, two or more participating land owners
may request in Form 9.18 for joint allotment of reconstituted plot/land
as a common reconstituted plot.
(h) Prior to notification of draft LPS, a land owner may request in Form
9.18 for allotment of a common reconstituted plot for two or more
original plots belonging to the land owner.
(7) Consultations under subsection (1) of section 56 shall be held by the
Competent Authority with land owners relating to provisions made under
section 44 of the Act and such consultations shall be recorded in writing
and signed by the Competent Authority on behalf of the Authority in Form
(8) After the preparation of the detailed draft LPS in full shape the same shall
be placed before the Authority for approval.
10. Final LPS. (1) After the approval of the Draft LPS, the Competent
Authority shall publish it in Form 9.20 calling for objections or suggestions
from the land owners giving a time period of thirty days from the date of
such notice, in the manner specified in rule 6(3).
(2) Any person affected by the said draft LPS may submit objections or
suggestions of the LPS in Form 9.21 and the Competent Authority shall
consider the same and propose modifications to the Scheme if required.
(3) Within a period of thirty days from the last date of filing objections to
the draft LPS a decision shall be taken by the Authority.
(4) Upon approval, the draft LPS becomes the Final LPS and the Competent
Authority shall publish it in Form 9.22 within fifteen days of approval, in
the manner stated under rule 6(3). Competent Authority for Land Pooling
shall thereafter take over possession of the land from the owner/owners in
Form 9.23, which shall thereupon vest absolutely in the Authority free
from all encumbrances.
11. Vesting of land in Authority and issue of Land pooling
ownership certificate. (1) After notification of the final LPS, all the
lands for the purposes of laying of roads, drainage, lighting, water supply
and other utilities mentioned in sub-sections (4) to (8) of section 44 as
well as the notified area shall vest absolutely in the Authority free from all
encumbrances under subsection (2) of section 57, and the Commissioner
may summarily evict illegal occupants and enforce the scheme.
(2) Within sixty days from the date of notification of final LPS, physical
marking of road pattern and land earmarked for reconstitution of
plots/land shall be done.
(3) Within thirty days from the date of physical marking, the allotment of
reconstituted plots shall be done by draw of lots in an objective and
transparent manner with due publicity under video cover while ensuring
the presence of not less than one third of the total number of land owners
at the time of draw of lots.
(4) Within thirty days of drawal of lots, the Competent Authority shall issue
a Land Pooling Ownership Certificate [LPOC] in Form 9.24 which
shall be the final proof of the holder’s title to that land and thereafter
cause entry of such ownership details into the records of the registration
department without any cost to the land owner. The LPOC contain details
of the land owner’s original land and that of the reconstituted plot,
including its original ownership details, along with a sketch of the
reconstituted plots with schedule of boundaries to each land owner shall
be given duly taking prior approval of the Commissioner.
(5) After notification of the Final LPS, the Authority shall submit the entire
sanctioned LPS documents to the District Collector for updating and
mutation of land records; new land records will be prepared and issued to
the reconstituted plot owners and the old records shall cease to exist.
(6) The details of the LPOCs and parcels of land contributed by the land
owners for LPS shall be made available on the website in Form 9.25.
(7) The copies of the documents, plans and maps relating to the Final LPS
shall be sent to the Stamps and Registration department as well as
Mandal Revenue Office, where such copies shall be kept and made
accessible to the public.
12. Implementation of final LPS. (1) After the notification of the Final LPS:
(a)the Authority shall take over all lands reserved for the parks, play
grounds and open spaces, roads, social amenities and affordable
housing which are deemed to be handed over to the Authority and
enter the details in Form 9.26 in separate registers pertaining to each
(b)the Authority shall take over all lands allotted to it and shall enter the
details of all such lands in Form 9.27 register.
 (2) The notified Final LPS is a deemed layout development permission by
the Authority valid for a period of three years. The land owners may
apply for the development permission and the Commissioner shall accord
approval for such cases expeditiously.
(3) Within one year from the date of notification of final LPS, the Authority
shall complete the basic formation of roads and physical demarcation of
plots in the Final LPS.
(4) Within twelve months of the date of notification of final LPS, the
Authority shall handover physical possession of reconstituted plots in Form
9.28 to the land owners.
(5) The Commissioner shall ensure that LPOCs granted under section 51 and
subsection (4) of section 57 of the Act are in accordance with the
provisions of the Registration Act, 1908 without charging registration fee
from the land owners.
(6) Within three years from the date of final LPS the Authority shall develop
the infrastructure in a phased manner.
13. Completion of final LPS. (1) Within a period of thirty days from the
date of completion of development of infrastructure, the Commissioner
shall publish a notice of Completion of the Final LPS in Form 9.29, duly
furnishing the details of completion of the works along with the necessary
infrastructure plans.
(2) The Commissioner shall also publish in Form 9.30, the details of
reconstituted plots with in thirty days after mutations are carried out in
land records.
(3) On verification of the above details, the Commissioner shall issue the
Completion Certificate in Form 9.31 along with layout of Final LPS.
(4) The owners shall be responsible for the following, namely,
(a) all the required infrastructure within the Final Plot;
(b) obtaining all ‘No Objection Certificates’ required for the
development of the reconstituted plot and following the prevailing
Development Promotion Regulations and Building Regulations /
Rules depending on the type of development proposed; and
(c)payment of necessary fees and charges as per the rules for the
sanction of development permission.
14. Maintenance of the common infrastructure & facilities after
issue of completion certificate. (1) Reconstituted plot owners and any
other purchaser of the reconstituted plot shall have to pay for the usage,
consumption and maintenance charges levied by the agencies responsible
for the common infrastructure and respective services including roads,
street lighting, solid waste management, sewerage treatment facility,
water supply, parks and play grounds or such other amenities.
(2) The Commissioner either on his own or by authorizing a local body,
elected Residential Welfare Association or any other agency to maintain
the infrastructure and amenities in the LPS area by collecting the
necessary user charges for such maintenance.
15. Powers of Competent Authority. (1) The Competent Authority for
Land Pooling or his officers shall be competent to enter and conduct land
survey, under the relevant rules and establish the true area falling under
the land pooling or to confirm true area of the claim of person/persons
interested and ascertain the original plot area or the apportionment of
land, wherever required.
(2) The Competent Authority for Land Pooling or his officers shall have the
powers to ascertain the owners / resolve the disputed ownership from the
subsisting revenue acts and laws such as:
i.To summon and examine the witnesses (Form 9.32) or the records,
verify and confirm the ownership of the applicants.
ii.To conduct due enquires to apportion the respective claims among
the multiple persons interested for a parcel of land.
iii.To pass orders in Form 9.10 duly establishing the owner of the land
under land pooling scheme.
16. Miscellaneous. (1) The Authority’s decision shall be final in all matters
relating to LPS.
 (2) The Authority, for the purposes of effective preparation and
implementation of the LPS, may delegate powers to the extent required to
the officers of the Authority.
(3) The Commissioner may extend time limits for any of the activities
mentioned under these rules in respect of any village for valid reasons.
(4) Competent Authority for Land Pooling shall act as the grievance redressal
officer at any stage and decision of the committee in this regard shall be
(5) The Government may modify any of the forms appended to these rules
with the purpose of bringing clarity.

Schedules & Forms

1. Process of the scheme:
• finalise the LPS area after calling for objections and suggestions.
• prepare draft LPS, invite objections and notify final LPS.
• transfer ownership rights to the Authority from willing land owners for the
purpose of development and reconstitution.
• assemble original plots and reconstitute the plots on ground after ear
• transfer ownership rights to the land owners through issue of land pooling
ownership certificates to the land owners.
• handover physical possession of reconstituted plot to the land owners.
• incorporate final LPS in the sector development plans.
• complete development under LPS.


1. Role and responsibility of the Authority:-
(i) towards land owners under the land pooling scheme:
• to undertake the implementation of land pooling scheme and develop the
land meant for providing reconstituted plots.
• to issue statutory receipt for consent application with documents.
• to allot reconstituted plot by lottery.
• to return land to the land owners near pooled land / within 5 km radius of
pooled land subject to other planning requirements.
• to issue statutory land pooling ownership certificate [LPOC] with alienable
rights within 9 months of agreement with all willing land owners.
• to handover physical possession of reconstituted plot within 1 year of issue
of LPOC.
• to complete the development of the scheme area within 3 years of issue of
• to provide reconstituted plots in one area to a land owner having original
plots in different areas as per the category of original land.
• to provide reconstituted plots in one area to different land owners
requesting for joint allocation as per the category of original land.
• to issue LPOC and pay annuity to the religious institutions or charitable
trusts under the purview endowment department in cases where original
lands belong to them.
(ii) towards development of the area under LPS:
• to declare areas under land pooling scheme and preparation of layout plans
and sector plans based on the requirement of physical infrastructure.
• to superimpose revenue maps on the approved master plan.
• to demarcate all the roads as per layout plan and sector plan within the
assembled area and give approval of layout plans/detailed plans.
• to develop of sector roads/internal roads/ infrastructure/services (including
water supply lines, power supply, rain water harvesting, sewage treatment
facilities, water treatment facilities, etc. falling in the share of the land
guaranteed to the land owners.
• to create infrastructure facilities, roads, parks, cremation facility for all
religions, community needs etc. at the city level.
• allot the prescribed built up space/ dwelling units for economically weaker
• to develop identified land in time bound manner with master plan roads,
provision of physical infrastructure, and traffic and transportation
infrastructure inclusive of metro corridors.
• to complete external development in time bound manner.
• to complete development in time and maintain it with all the neighborhood
level facilities i.e. open spaces, roads and services.


1.Role and responsibility of the Government:-
(i) towards land owners under LPS:
• to provide registration for LPOC without payment of registration charges.
• to provide one time exemption from stamps and registration fee, NonAgricultural
Land Assessment and development fee.
• to exempt registration fee for registering the agreements with Competent
Authority for Land Pooling.
(ii) towards others residing within the area under LPS:
• to provide one time agricultural loan waiver of up to one lakh fifty thousand
rupees per family to farmers as per prescribed procedure of Government.
• to demarcate village sites / habitations duly following procedures of
revenue department.
• to issue possession certificates in village sites in order to enable the
occupants to regularize house sites.
• to provide housing to houseless as well as those losing houses in the
course of development.
• to provide interest free loan of up to 25 lakhs to all the poor families for self
(iii)towards other promises made:
• to provide free education and medical facilities to all those residing as on
8th December, 2014.
• to establish old age homes.
• to establish NTR canteens.
• to enhance the limit under NREGA up to 365 days a year per family.
• to establish skill development institution and provide training with stipend
to enhance the skills of cultivating tenants, agricultural labourers and other
needy persons.
• to engage tractors belonging to residents for construction activity.
• to issue ownership and transit permission through forest department for
cutting and sale teak trees in private lands duly exempting the relevant
• to name one building after M.S.S. Koteswara Rao.
• to allow standing crop to be harvested.
2. Role of the land owners
• to give consent application, and facilitate survey and demarcation.
• to prove rights over the land.
• to transfer ownership rights to the Authority against a guaranteed return of
reconstituted plot in the vicinity of pooled land.
• not to create any encumberances after entering into agreement with the
Competent Authority for Land Pooling.
• to handover physical possession to the Competent Authority for Land
Pooling for development.


 Extent of the land reserved under subsection 1(e) and 1(f) of
Section 53 of the Act:



NOTE: ‘9’ in the form numbering indicates chapter 9 of the Act.


FORM - 9.1
[under Rule 6(2)]
References: 1) Declaration of Capital Region and Capital City Area u/s 3 of APCRDA
Act 2014, published in A.P. Gazette …………. dated ………….
2) Notification under sub Sections (5) of Section 43 of the Act published in
A.P. Gazette dated.
3) Powers vested in the APCRDA constituted U/s 4 of the Act.
4) Section 55 of the Act.
1. In pursuance to the references, the Competent Authority declares the intention to
notify the area specified in schedule 1 for land pooling scheme and calls for:
(i) Objections and suggestions in Form 9.2 from interested persons within 30 days from the
date of publication of this notification; and
(ii) applications from willing land owners in Form 9.3, for the lands specified in
schedule 2 expressing consent to participate in the land pooling scheme, in accordance
with the provisions of the Act, and the broad objectives, process of the scheme, role and
responsibility of Authority/Government/land owners, other salient features and terms
and conditions for the land pooling scheme at schedule 3. The applications shall reach
the Competent Authority within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this
notification in the village.
2. A copy of the plan of the proposed area for the land pooling scheme is kept open
for inspection of the land owners including the public at the office of the Competent
Authority for Land Pooling Scheme during office hours and also in the web site of the
3. The Competent Authority will conduct stakeholder consultations in the villages as
given below in order to explain the details of the scheme.

4. Any objections or suggestions which are received after the due date or which do
not clearly explain the nature of the senders interest in the proposed lands are liable to be
summarily rejected.
5. The objections and suggestions received within the –[insert: date], will be enquired
into on ------------------------- at -----------------and the concerned objectors will be at liberty
to appear in person or through an advocate to adduce any oral or documentary evidence in
support of their objections.
Enclosure: 1) Filling Objections/Suggestions in Form 9.2.
 2) Consent applications from the Landowners in Form 9.3

Date:                                                                Competent Authority for Land Pooling



[See rule-6(2)(i)]


References: 1) Notification under rule 6(2) in Form 9.1 dated .
I am herewith submitting my objections / suggestions on the Land Pooling
Scheme under Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority Act, 2014
and Andhra Pradesh Capital City Land Pooling Scheme (Formation and
Implementation) Rules, 2015.







FORM - 9.3
[under Rule 6(2)(ii)]
The Competent Authority for Land Pooling,
Andhra Pradesh Capital City Area.
Subject: Application for becoming partner(s) under the ‘Land Pooling Scheme (LPS)’ and allotment of developed and reconstituted land in lieu of compensation amount and other benefits.
Reference: Notice issued vide proceedings                  under rule 6(2) dated                    published in official gazette                    no.                      date. .


1. I S/o /we S/o am/are the individual owner(s)/co-sharers, identified with the
land as per the description mentioned in schedule 2 situated in capital city area of Andhra Pradesh, hereby
agree to the land pooling scheme(LPS) and thereby willing to relinquish/forego my/our alienable rights in
land in favor of CRDA and allotment of part of the developed land as per my/our entitlement at the time of
final notification ofLPS in lieu of consideration by CRDA as detailed in the Act and the rules and the terms
and conditions of the notice in the reference.
2. A copy of the documents mentioned in schedule 2 confirming that the above land is under my / our
ownership, is enclosed for reference / record. Original copies shall be provided during enquiry.
3. This is to submit that I / we have read/got explained and understood the provisions of the Land
Pooling Scheme vide reference above and the detailed notified rules. I / We wish to become partner(s) in the
development process under the said Land Pooling Scheme and am / are willing to surrender the prescribed
land under schedule 2 under the Land Pooling Scheme.
4. Further, I / we agree to the final allotment of proportionate share of reconstituted land as mentioned
in the reference above (whole or part) by CRDA as per layout plan prepared within the framework of
approved Development Plans.
5. I / We are fully conscious that, having opted to become partners under the Land Pooling scheme I /
we would have no right, whatsoever, to claim, any cash compensation or any other benefits under prevailing
LA, R&R Act, 2013.
6. I / We enclose the undertaking at Schedule 1.
7. I/We state that the contents mentioned above are true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge
and belief and which I/We believe to be true and correct. No part of it is false and nothing material
has been concealed therein. I/We undertake to abide by the options exercised on our own in this
affidavit in accordance with the provisions of land pooling scheme and agree that the option
exercised by me/ us is irreversible.
8. Further, I/We declare that the alienation/Transfer of land for land pooling scheme is not in
contravention of the provisions of The Andhra Pradesh Land reforms (Ceiling on Agricultural
Holdings) Act 1973, The Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Act, 1976, The Andhra Pradesh
Scheduled Areas Land Transfer Regulation, 1959 and The Andhra Pradesh Assigned Land
(Prohibition of Transfer) Act, 1977.
9. I/We got Ryotwari land ownership/possession over the land mentioned in schedule 2. There are no
pending civil disputes regarding the title/possession/any interest whatsoever over the property.
10. I state that No Government /Endowment/Wakf lands are there in the schedule mentioned property
proposed for the land pooling scheme.
11. I state that the lands are not covered by unsettled Inam/Zamindari/Jagirdari Abolition Acts.
12. I state that the lands are not covered by any land acquisition notification/ alienation proposals.
13. I state that there are no amounts due to the Government or any Bank or Agency. (or) I state that an
amount of Rs……….. is due to ……………(name of the institution/agency) (strike of whichever is not applicable).


I/We the following,

do hereby verify and state that the information provided in this form is true and correct and that the consent
given by me/us are true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief and nothing material has been
concealed therefrom. I further consciously state that I/we opted to transfer of my/our land to the Land
Pooling Scheme without any coercion, force or undue influence whatsoever by any person or authority.
Yours faithfully,



Verified that I/we have exercised the irrevocable option to become partners under the 'Land
Pooling Scheme' after complete understanding of the Scheme and its provisions stipulated in the
notified rules without any pressure or persuasion by any other person or authority. The contents of
my above application are true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief and which
I/we believe to be correct. No part of it is false and nothing material has been concealed therein.
I/We covenant / undertake to abide to the following terms and conditions in accordance with
the notified Land Pooling Scheme and detailed rules/regulations of the Government:
1. That the said Land is free from all kinds of encumbrances such as prior sale, gift, mortgage,
disputes, litigation, requisition, attachment in the decree of any court, lien, court injunction,
notices, claims, Will, trust, exchange, lease, loan, surety, security, stay order, prior agreement to
sell, collaboration, Memorandum of Understanding, joint venture, court attachment, stay order,
family disputes, trespassers, structures, transformers, squatters, option, security interest, liability,
place(s) of worship, hazardous material, pollutants, underground/over head water tanks, pipelines
and transmission lines, water body(ies), wells, or any other proceeding or encumbrance etc of
any kind.
2. That there is no order of attachment by the Income Tax Authorities or any other authorities under
the law for the time being in force or by any other authority in respect of the said Land.
3. That there is no notice of default or breach on the part of the Owner of any provisions of law in
respect of the said Land.
4. Land owner shall be responsible for ensuring that the pooled land is free from all encroachments
till issue of Land Pooling Ownership Certificate by CRDA. All encumbrances/ encroachments
on the land returned to land owner at a later date shall not be responsibility of Authority.
5. That in case any of the representations/assurances made by the land owner are found to be untrue
and/or if the whole or any portion of CRDA's share is ever taken away or goes out from the
possession of the CRDA on account of any legal defect in the ownership and title of the land
owner, then the land owner will be liable and responsible to make good the loss suffered by the
CRDA and shall keep the CRDA saved, harmless and indemnified against all such costs,
damages, losses suffered by the CRDA.
6. That on the requisite LPOC being granted to the land owner, he shall inform CRDA about the
sale of LPOC before entering into sale agreement with any purchaser (transferee) and shall
incorporate appropriate conditions in the sale agreement making it mandatory for the purchaser
to (i) get his/her name entered in the CRDA record by presenting a certified copy of registered
sale deed to CRDA within 90 days of registration; and (ii) to be bound by the condition of LPOC
that would be issued by CRDA and the CRDA policies / time limit for construction as applicable
from to time.
7. The land owner shall neither challenge possession of CRDA's land share nor shall they seek
injunction against the construction over the Land by the CRDA or his contractor (s) or their
8. That in the event of any grievances at any stage, it shall be sorted out by the Competent
Authority for the Land Pooling and such decision.
9. That a ‘possession taken over receipt’ will be given by CRDA immediately after handing over
the land under the land pooling scheme.
10.That the reconstituted plot shall be allotted by lottery.
11.That the return of land to the land owners will be as to near to the pooled land as possible subject
to other planning requirements.
12.That a statutory land pooling ownership certificate [LPOC] with alienable rights shall be issued
within 9 months of entering into agreement with all willing land owners and to complete the
development of the scheme area within 3 years of issue of LPOC.
13.That the reconstituted land will be returned and annuity paid to the land owners as indicated in
the table below per every acre of original land surrendered under the land pooling scheme.

14.That reconstituted plots will be provided in one area to a land owner having original plots in
different areas as per the category of original land, who have requested for the same.
15.That reconstituted plots will be provided in one area to different land owners requesting for
joint allocation as per the category of original land.
16.That one time agricultural loan waiver of up to one lakh fifty thousand rupees per family will be
done as per prescribed procedure of Government.
17.That LPOC and annuity payment shall be done to the religious institutions or charitable trusts
under the purview endowment department in cases where original lands belong to such
18.That ownership and transit permission shall be issued through forest department for cutting
and sale of teak trees duly exempting the relevant fees.
19.That standing crop as on the date of this agreement shall be allowed to be harvested.
20.That the land owners are provided with a one time exemption of stamps and registration fee,
Non-Agricultural Land Assessemnt and basic infrastructure development fee.


The details of land of the applicants herein, as mentioned in Para 1 of this
application are certified to be correct as per the latest revenue records / mutations /
sale deeds available in this office.

                                                              (Competent Authority for Land Pooling)

[See rule-8(2)]
Rc. No. Dt.
 This is to acknowledge that Sri ___________________________________
have submitted their application for becoming partners under the Land Pooling
Scheme in respect of their land measuring ________ acres situated in situated in
village _______________, mandal ________________, district
________________, capital city area of Andhra Pradesh. This receipt is issued in
acknowledgement of the said application. The following applications / documents
are received for verification of title.

See rule 7(1)
In pursuance of Notification published / notice issued for declaration of
intention to make land pooling scheme in an area u/s 43(3) read with Sec 55(1) of
the APCRDA Act, calling for objections / suggestions and also individual notice
informing the land owner to file objections / suggestions if any with in ………….
date specified in such notice, the following objections were received from the land
The objections / suggestions were examined and gist of disposals are
prepared in the list as mentioned below.

Name of the Village:                                        Name of the Mandal:
Name of the Gram Panchayat:                         Name of the District:

Suggestions / Objections along with recommendations for finalizing the modified
area placed before the Authority for approval on Merits.

Place:                                                                       Competent Authority

See rule 7(2)
After conducting enquiry on the objections / suggestions made on the
notification of declaration of intention to make LPS u/s 55(1) and with prior
approaval of the Authority the following area is declared as modified and finalized
area for taking up of Land Pooling Scheme u/s 55(6) for preparation of draft Land
Pooling Scheme.


Name of the Village :                                                     Name of the Mandal :
Name of the Gram Panchayat :                                      Name of the District:

The Landowner / Landowners shall file two sets of applications along with
certified documents within 30 days from this Notification so far as modified extents
are concerned.

Place:                                                                    Competent Authority

See rule-8(1)
 Notice is hereby given that the Authority has published a Notification
declaring the intention to make Land Pooling Scheme in the lands given in the
schedule under Sec. 55(4) of the APCRDA Act 2014. You are required to
appear in person / by authorized agent on …………. or before …………..
at……….by ………… time before the undersigned to put in a statement in
writing showing the nature of your interest to the land, ownership details,
tenure details, encumbrances, the name of every other person possessing any
interest in the land or any part of it, as Co-proprietor or mortgagee, tenant or
otherwise the nature of such interest and rents and profits received or
receivable on account of it for 3 years next preceding the date of statement,
Encumbrance Certificate for 15 years with due verification by Revenue
Authorities and also it is to inform …….. is the last date for filing suggestions
/ objections on the area for under taking Land Pooling Scheme.


                                                                    Competent Authority

Sri / Smt.-------------------------

See rule-8(2)
See Form 9.3

Orders of the Competent Authority: (reasons for coming to a conclusion that the reputed
owner is having alienable rights and eligible for entering agreement with the authority for
undertaking LPS shall be mentioned)

                                                                                                       Competent Authority

See rule-8(7)
Rc. No. Dt.
In pursuance of the Notification of modified area of the Land Pooling
Scheme published on___________, it is found that Sri / Smt.
______________________, S/o / W/o ______________________is the established
owner of an extent of Ac. ______ ……….. Dry Ac. ……….. Assigned lands, Ac.
…………… Jareebu lands and executed consent agreement with the Competent
Authority and handed over lands. As per Rule 8(7) a share of total area of the
scheme specified by the Authority for reconstituted plots / land for re-allotment to
lands owners Sri / Smt. ____________________________, S/o / W/o
_________________________ is entitled for allotment of an extent of ________
Square Yards of Residential Plot and _______ Square yards of Commercial plot as
shown below:

1) Total extent of land contributed by the land owner : Ac. Cts.

2) Eligible extent for re-allotment :

3) Allotment of Residential Plot No. L.P. No. :
Sector No. Zone No.

4) Allotment of Commercial Plot No. L.P. No. :
Sector No. Zone No.

Place: Competent Authority

Sri / Smt.________________
Copy to the Tahsildar,
Copy to the Sub Registrar,

See rule-8(8)
Rc. No. Dt.

In pursuance to the final Notification of Land Pooling Scheme published
on___________,and after considering all objections and suggestions and finalizing
the title disputes the following land owners are established with their extents of
lands owned and their share of land to be re-allotted.

District:                         Mandal:                                         Village:

Place:                                                                                  Competent Authority

FORM - 9.14
[under Rule 8(8) ]
Reference: (1) Sections 55 & 56 Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority
Act, 2014
(2) Rule 8(8) of Andhra Pradesh Capital City Land Pooling Scheme (formulation
and Implementation) Rules, 2015
This Deed of Development Agreement-Cum-Irrevocable General Power of
Attorney is made and executed on this _____ day of _______, 2015, at ______,
____________, by and between:
Sri. ___________________________________, S/o. Sri
___________________, aged about _____ years, Occupation: _______, R/o.
(Hereinafter called as “Party No.1”)
The Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority, a statutory body
constituted under the provisions of Andhra Pradesh Capital Region
Development Authority Act, 2014 having office at Vijayawada, hereinafter
short referred to as the “CRDA” (Party No. 2), which expression shall, unless
repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, always mean and include the side
CRDA, acting through its (to be decided) as PARTY NO. 2.
(Hereinafter called the “Party No.2”)
The expressions, "Party No.1" and "Party No.2" shall mean and include their
legal heirs, legal representatives, assignees, administrators, successors in
interest etc. wherever the context permits.
Whereas, the Government of Andhra Pradesh by Notification G. O. Ms. No._____,
MA & UD Department has declared the Andhra Pradesh Capital City Area
which includes (__) Districts, (__) Mandals and (___) Villages and (__) Urban
Local Bodies covering an area of ____ km2
Whereas the Party No. 2 has powers under sections 55 to 60 of CRDA Act, 2014
empowering it to undertake and develop Land Pooling Scheme in its region.
Whereas the Party No. 2 vide the Notification G.O. Ms. No. ____, MA&UD
Department dated _____ authorized Party No.2 to undertake land pooling
Whereas, _________________________________is the original pattadar and
possessor of land admeasuring Ac.-______ cts in Survey No.________ situated
at ___________ Village, _________________ Mandal,
Whereas the said piece and parcel of land was mortgaged by the Party No.1 to the
interested party by a mortgage Deed No. dt that the ---- executed by the owner of the first part and the Interested party of the other part and registered with the
Sub-Registrar at ____ under serial No. _____ at pages -------- to ------- of Volume No.
----- of Book (to be scored out if there is no interested party).
Whereas the said land / lands have been published vide Notice of Declaration of
Intention in Form-9.1 under Rule 6(2) of the Rules 2015 in Gazette Issue No.
___________ Dt. __________ published in News Papers on ____________ and noted
in Form-9.11 and Form-9.12 and whereas the Party No.1 and the interested party and
the Authority agreed for the handing over and taking over of the measuring an extent
of Ac.____cents in R.S. No._______ of _________ Village ________Mandal
_______ District and in lieu of contribution of the land by the owner to the Authority
the land owner is agreed for the his / her share of re-allotment of re-constituted plot/s
for an extent of _____ Sq.Yds.
Whereas, Tahsildar, _____________ Mandal and Revenue Divisional Officer
_____________ division issued Pattadhar Pass Book No.___________ and
Title Deed No.______________ with Khatha No.___ in favour of Owner in
respect of the above land.
Whereas, Sri.______________ sold the above land to the Owner No.__ herein
under vide registered sale deed dated ___________ bearing document
no.____________ on the file of __________________________.
Whereas, Owners after pursuing the Land Pooling Scheme rules understood the
Land Pooling Scheme, decided to give land admeasuring Ac______Cts in
survey No.______ of ____________________________ Village,
_________________________ Mandal, ____________________ District, more
particularly described in the Schedule-A annexed hereto and hereinafter called
the Schedule-A Property for the development under Land Pooling Scheme and
approached the CRDA and the CRDA has agreed for the same.

NOW THEREFORE, the owner or interested party do hereby agree with the Authority as
i. The Party No.2 shall be competent to alter the boundaries, develop and make
requisite changes in the land pool area as per terms of this agreement.
ii. If the Party No.2 desires that it is necessary to take immediate possession of the
land under Land Pooling Scheme area even though there is a standing crop on it,
the Authority will be entitled to do so provided that compensation for the standing
crop is also included in the agreement.
iii. That the Party No.1 shall not claim any amount in addition to the amount agreed
upon as aforesaid compensation and accept it without any protest.
iv. That the Party No.1 further agree that they will not claim for payment of higher
compensation in any court of law and will not be entitled to file any petitions and
such petition if field shall be void and illegal and that they shall abide by the
orders of the Authority.
v. Without prejudice to any other remedies for the enforcement of any refund or
indemnity the Party No.2 may recover any sum determined and certified by the
Party No.2 to be due and payable by the owner and the interested party to the
Government by way of refund or otherwise under these presents as arrear of land
vi. If any Government dues / shares / premium from this land / lands are payable by
the owner or interested party and the loans of any public financial institutions are
outstanding against the land / lands and same shall be deducted from the share of
the Party No.1.
vii. The Party No. 1 hereby grant the irrevocable rights to the Party No. 2 to
develop the Schedule A Property under Land Pooling Scheme purpose,
subject to the other terms of this Agreement and accordingly, delivered the
possession of the ‘A’ Schedule Property to the Party No. 2. The Party No. 1
hereby grant license to the Party No. 2 and authorize and empower it to
enter into and develop the Schedule ‘A’ Property.
viii. It is agreed that the Party No. 1 shall handover all original documents of
title pertaining to the A Schedule Property, including the receipts for
utilities, property tax receipts, etc., to the Party No. 2 simultaneously on the
execution of this Development Agreement Cum Irrevocable General Power
Of Attorney and Party No. 2 shall hand over the same to the Party No. 1
after the completion of the entire Scheme as per the terms and conditions as
mutually agreed upon.
ix. The Party No. 1 hereby declare and assure the Party No. 2 that there are no
encumbrances, prior agreements, joint family interests, leases / licenses,
charges or attachments over the A Schedule Property as on date and that
they have not incurred or knowingly suffered any liability or obligation in
respect thereof and that there are no other person(s) having any interest in
the A Schedule Property, except the Party No. 1 herein and further covenant
to indemnify the Party No. 2 and to keep indemnified the Party No. 2 from
all losses that may be caused due to any defect in the title of the Party No. 1
or otherwise. If there are any third party claims, the Party No. 1 shall alone
be liable to settle the same on their own cost and if they fail to settle the
same within reasonable time, the Party No. 2 shall be entitled, without being
bound, to settle such claims on such terms as the Party No. 2 may deem
proper and expedient and at the cost of the Party No. 1, which shall be
binding on the Party No. 1. The Party No. 1 alone shall be liable for
furnishing all the information and documents and answer the queries
required for scrutiny of title or for demarcation of boundaries, etc in respect
of A Schedule Property. That the Owner shall alone be responsible for
defects, if any, in the title or any third claim or institution claims, bank
claims or any other claims or any prior agreements, it any by the third
parties and their claims or any litigations shall make good of the same to his
own cost, expenses and the Party No. 2 shall not be responsible for the same
with regard to the title over the land.
x. That Party No. 1 hereby permits Party No. 2 to undertake the total station
survey within its lands plots/premises, preparing the Land Pooling Scheme
and undertaking the reconstitution of the land comprised in the aforesaid
Survey Nos. belonging to him/her as per the approved Policy Document of
Land Pooling Scheme of CRDA. The Party No. 1 shall not create any
objections or hindrance.
xi. The Party No. 1 will handover the land as per the Land Pooling Scheme to
the Party No. 2 to earmark the land for various purposes under Land Pooling
Scheme of CRDA Act, 2014.
xii. That if the Party No. 1 sells the land in his/her possession upon after signing
this Agreement then the conditions of this Agreement will be applicable on
the new Land Owners.
xiii. The Party No. 2 shall be entitled to include any other land for the purpose of
developing the same along with the A Schedule Property, without any
further reference to the Party No. 1, on such terms as the Party No. 2 may
deem it expedient for the Party No. 2, without anyway reducing the
Schedule Areas and enter into suitable agreement with third parties.
xiv. The Party No. 2 shall develop A Schedule property as Land Pooling Scheme
and all the “Original Plots” or “OP” will be reconstituted i.e., each plot will
be reshaped in a manner appropriate for development and given access. The
final reconstituted plots will be termed as “Reconstituted Plots”.
xv. The cost of Land Pooling Scheme shall comprise of all statutory fees &
charges like developmental charges, land conversion charges (if applicable)
payable to Land Conversion from Agricultural to Non–Agricultural
Charges, Registration charges and other administrative charges and
infrastructure costs. The components of infrastructure include roads with
street lighting, water supply, Sewerage lines & Sewerage Treatment
Facility, Development of open spaces and Avenue Plantation and Rain
Water Harvesting. These may change subject to requirements on ground.
xvi. Land will be appropriated from each Original Plot and will be used to
provide for the following components:

xvii. The notified Final Land Pooling Scheme (After issue of final notification)
shall be deemed to be development permission and all building permissions
shall be scrutinized accordingly.
xviii. The land required for open space, amenities and utilities will depend on the
population to be housed in the area which will in turn depend on the
proposed Zoning in the Land Pooling Scheme.
xix. The locations of the “Reconstituted Plot” will be retained close to its
original locations unless a specific planning concern warrants its shift. In
such case Party No. 2 reserves the right to locate the Reconstituted Plots and
evolve a policy duly discussing the same with Party No. 1 of “Original

xx. The Party No. 2 shall be entitled to advertise for sale of its share to third
parties and enter into agreements, receive consideration issue receipts,
appropriate the proceeds, execute Sale Deeds or other conveyance to such
third party purchasers and present the same for registration and the Party
No. 1 shall not have objection in this regard.
xxi. The Party No. 2 shall be entitled to do and is hereby authorized to approach
the government, State, Central or Local or other Authorities/Organizations
for the purpose of any permission, grant, service connection etc., and for the
purpose of carrying out the development works including submission of
plans permission etc., in respect of A Schedule Property.
xxii. That after completion of the development of Land Pooling area in all
respects, the Party No. 2 shall inform and deliver possession of the
“Reconstituted Plots” which are allotted to the Party No. 1 under the
Allotment Letters/Conveyance Deed by duly obtaining acknowledgement in
writing from the Party No.1.
xxiii. After handing over of the “Reconstituted Plot”, the Party No. 1 shall be at
liberty to sell/allot their share of the plots and to enter into any contract or
agreement for the allotment or sale of such plots at such price and on such
terms and conditions as the Party No. 1 may think fit. All such
Allotments/Sale shall be made by the Party No. 1 at their own cost and risk
and the Party No. 1 shall alone be responsible to such parties in connection
with all such transactions.
xxiv. The Party No. 1 shall not seek stay or stoppage of the development work on
the A Schedule Property and they are entitled for damages for breach of any
terms of this agreement by the Party No. 2 and the damages if entitled under
law. This clause is incorporated in the interest of prospective purchasers and
the scheme.
xxv. That all the matter difference questions, disputes arising out of present
Agreement shall be referred adjudicated upon by the Commissioner, CRDA.
Interpretation of the Clauses of this agreement, the LPS process and the
Policy document by the Commissioner, CRDA shall be final and binding
upon Party No. 1.
xxvi. That if due to any unforeseen reason the said Land Pooling Scheme is not
extended then the decision taken by the Commissioner, CRDA in this regard
shall prevail.
xxvii. The Courts at Krishna and Guntur districts shall have exclusive jurisdiction
to try and entertain any disputes arising out or in relation to this
Development Agreement subject to Arbitration clause contained herein.
xxviii. That, Party No. 2 reserves the right to cancel this agreement at any point of
time with out giving any reason thereof.
xxix. Notwithstanding anything hereinabove, the rights and share of the Party No.
2 hereunder, including the powers, shall not be revoked by death,
insolvency or such other reason on the part of the Party No. 1.
xxx. The Party No. 1 and the Party No. 2 shall enter into Supplementary
Agreement for earmarking their respective shares after final approval of
Land Pooling Scheme by the Authority and register the same. The extent
will be determined based on net area available after deducting circulating
spaces, open spaces and Social Amenities, housing for poor components
etc., CRDA’s share to meet the expenditure of roads and civic
infrastructure, administrative and legal costs, Registration Charges and other
expenditure for developing public amenities.
xxxi. Within __________ days from the date of the sanction of Land Pooling
Scheme, the Party No. 1 and Party No. 2 shall enter into Supplementary
Agreement for allotment of Final Plots. The Developer shall allot the “B”
Schedule Areas to the Party No. 1 preferable in the Schedule “A” property if
the plotted area is not available on any reason the shortfall of such plotted
area shall be allotted in the neighboring lands. After such division the Party
No. 1 and the Party No. 2 shall become the absolute Party No. 1 of their
respective portion of Schedule ‘A’ Property comprising of “Reconstituted
All that the land admeasuring Ac.________Cts in survey No._________ of
________________ Village, _______________ Mandal, ______________,
and bounded by:
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Party No. 1 and Party No. 2 signed on all
pages and all other parties hereto have put their hands and subscribed their
signatures in the last page of this Agreement, with free will and consent on
the above mentioned day, month & year, in the presence of the following
Shri/Smt. __________________
Age: __________________
Occupation: __________________
Address: __________________
SIGNED, SEALED BY Authorized Signatory,
Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority in presence of
Shri/Smt. __________________
Age: __________________
Occupation: __________________
Address: __________________
Shri/Smt. __________________
Age: __________________
Occupation: __________________
Address: __________________

This Deed of Supplementary Agreement is made and executed on this
________ day of ___________ 2015 at ------------, by and between:
Sri. ________________ , S/o _______________ aged about _____________
years, Occupation: _________________, R/o.
(Hereinafter called the “Party No.1”)
The Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority, a statutory body
constituted under the provisions of Andhra Pradesh Capital Region
Development Authority Act, 2014 having office at Vijayawada, hereinafter
short referred to as the “CRDA” (Party No. 2), which expression shall, unless
repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, always mean and include the side
CRDA, acting through its (to be decided) as Party No. 2.
(Hereinafter called the “Party No.2”)
The expressions, "Party No.1" and “Party No.2” shall mean and include their
legal heirs, assignees, agents, successors in interest, liquidators, executors,
directors, Successor-in-office etc., unless the context otherwise requires.
Whereas, the expressions Party No.1 and Party No.2 shall mean the same as
assigned to them in the registered Development Agreement cum Irrevocable
General Power of Attorneys dated _______________ bearing documents
No.___________________, Dated ________________ bearing document
No._____________________ on the file of Sub-Registrar, ______________
hereinafter referred to as Principal Agreements.
Whereas the owner No. ___________________ have entered into the
Principal Agreement dated __________________, bearing documents No.
______________ with the Party No.2 for the development of the land
admeasuring Ac.____________ Cts in Survey No._________________ and Ac.
____________ Cts in Survey No. _____ totally admeasuring Ac.____________
Cts situated at ________________ village, ______________ A of the Principal
Agreement on the file of Sub-Registrar, __________________ Guntur District
under Land Pooling Scheme.
Whereas, the Party No.2 has developed the Land of Party No.1 under L.P.S
duly following the guidelines under Land Pooling Scheme.
Whereas, Party No.1 and Party No.2 on mutual understanding agreed to
distribute the developed plots as for the terms mentioned in Principal
Agreement & Supplementary Agreement and decided to reduce the same into
writing to avoid the future doubts.
1. After developing the Land into Plots duly following the guidelines the plots
shown in Schedule-A have been allotted to Party No.1 as per their share. And
they become absolute owners at plot mentioned in Schedule-A
2. The plots shown in Schedule-B are allotted to Party No.2 as per the share as
mentioned in the Principal Agreement.
3. The Party No.1 are entitled to sell or lease or licence or any manner the
Schedule-A Property allotted to them as they become absolute Owner of the
Plots as mentioned Schedule-A.
4. The Party No.2 is entitled to sell or lease or licence or any manner the
Schedule-B areas allotted to it, without any further reference to Party No.1.
5. The Party No.2 is entitled to avail a project loan by securing the areas
allotted to it from the Bank/Financial Institutions by depositing the original
Principal Agreement and other documents by way of equitable mortgage by
depositing the title deeds and Register the same before concerned SubRegistrar
by exercising the power of attorney mentioned in clause 17 of the
Principal Agreement.
6. Hereinafter, the Party No.1 and /or the Party No.2 are entitled to sell their
share of the developed areas to the third party/ies and enter into agreements,
receive consideration, issue receipts, execute sale / conveyance deed/s or any
other deeds as may be necessary, from time to time.
7. Subject to the above modifications, all the terms and conditions of the
Principal Agreements are in full force in all respect and binding on both the
(Plots allotted to the Party No.1)

See rule-9(2)(e)
Rc. Dt.
In pursuance of the Notification of finalized area for Land Pooling Scheme
published on___________, u/s 55(6), consent agreement was executed between the
Competent Authority and Land Owner and following lands were taken possession.

District:                                 Mandal:                                         Village:

As per Rule 9(2)(e) of AP Capital City Land Pooling Scheme (Formulation
and implementation) Rules, 2015 conduct of Electronic Total Station (ETS) survey
of Land Pooling Scheme area in the presence of a representative from the Revenue
Department is required for identification of field boundaries and for preparation of
draft notification of land pooling scheme.
Hence the Tahsildar,……………. is requested to depute concerned Surveyor
and V.R.O. at the time of Electronic Total Station (ETS) Survey of LPS area
on _________.

 Yours faithfully,

 Competent Authority

The Tahsildar,
………….. Mandal.

Copy to the Collector, for information.
Copy to the RDO. For information

See rule-9(2)(e)
Rc. Dt.
In pursuance of the Notification of finalized area for Land Pooling Scheme
published on___________, u/s 55(6), consent agreement was executed between the
Competent Authority and Land Owner and following lands were taken possession.

District:                                 Mandal:                                           Village:

As per Rule 9(2)(e) of AP Capital City Land Pooling Scheme (Formulation
and implementation) Rules, 2015 conduct of Electronic Total Station (ETS) survey
of Land Pooling Scheme area in the presence of a land owner / authorized person
required for identification of field boundaries and for preparation of draft
notification of land pooling scheme.
Hence you are here by requested to be present at the time of Electronic Total
Station (ETS) Survey of LPS area on _________.

 Yours faithfully,

 Competent Authority

Sri / Smt…………………..
Copy to the Collector, for information.
Copy to the RDO. For information.
Copy to the Tahsildar, for information.

See rule-9(3)

In pursuance of notification issued under rule 6 (2) this is certify that the area
statement and the final base map and list land owners prepared duly conducting
Electronic total station survey of Land Pooling Scheme Area and by taking the
assistance of representatives of Revenue department, Land owners and by taking
Technical Support, duly depicting the original holdings of Land owners and
proposed reconstituted plots for allocation to land owners / authority / reserved

                                                       Competent Authority


See rule-9(6)(I)
(1) Name
(Land owners)
Competent Authority,
 The land measuring an extent of Ac.______Cents situated in the
following Survey Number/s and village/s shown below under Land Pooling
Scheme for the purpose of development CRDA constituted under Andhra Pradesh
Capital Region Development Authority Act, 2014 and Andhra Pradesh Capital City
Land Pooling Scheme (Formulation and Implementation) Rules, 2015 has been
handed over to the Authority on __________.

 Name of the Village:                                              Name of the Mandal :
 Name of the Gram Panchayat:                               Name of the District :

I/We am/are hereby giving my/our consent to allot one final plot in lieu of
my/our different parcels / land jointly as common final plot as per my/our total
share in the approved and published final Land Pooling Scheme.

Yours faithfully
 (Name:-                                              )

See rule-9(7)
section 44

The Competent Authority before preparing the draft LPS of the Area in
accordance with development plans consulted the Land owners relating to the
provisions made u/s 44. The consultations made are as stated below.


                                                                                Competent Authority

See rule-10(1)


Rc. No.                                                                                                                                    Dt.

            Where as finalized / modified area of the land pooling is published on ………….. for preparation of draft Land Pooling Scheme,  a final base map is prepared along with area statements and ownership status in the LPS area duly giving notice to Revenue Department and land owner to participate.

            The draft LPS containing Land / Ownership particulars, Land use break up, re-constitution of plots, method of re-allotment, plots / land allocation to Authority / land owners  land allocations for various purposes, land use, cost benefit analysis etc., as mentioned under Rule 9(1) to (8), is made and having the approval of the Authority, Notification of the Draft LPS u/s 56(2) is hereby issued calling for objections / suggestions from the landowners with in 30 days of the publication of the Notification.

            The detailed draft LPS along with map is kept in the office of the Commissioner, CRDA as well as its official website and may be inspected on any working day during office hours.

            By virtue of this publication of draft LPS, all the lands for purpose of laying roads, drainage, lighting, water supply and other utilities are liable to be vested absolutely in the Authority free from all encumbrances without affecting any rights of the land owner and illegal occupants are liable to be summarily evicted to enforce the scheme.


                                                          Land owner interested person

See rule-10(4)


Rc. No.                                                                                                                                    Dt.

            Where as Draft Land Pooling Scheme was published vide proceedings Rc.No. …….. , dated …………. Of the Competent Authority, CRDA and published vide District Gazette No…….. , dt…………. and published in the manner prescribed U/r 6(3), suggestions / objections received with in time for examined and after making necessary modifications if any required was placed before the Authority for approval and  the LPS has become final.
             Notice / LPS Final Notification is hereby made. A Notified area under the Final Land Pooling Scheme shall vest absolutely with the Authority free from all encumbrances for re constituting and implementing the LPS.
            The final approved LPS along with Map is kept in the office of the CRDA and may be inspected on any working day during office hours.


Name of the Mandal :                                                                              Name of the Village :

Place:                                                                                                   Competent Authority

See rule-10(4)


In pursuance to the final Notification of Land Pooling Scheme published on___________,and after considering all objections and suggestions and finalizing the title disputes, the landowners entered into agreement with Commissioner, CRDA / Competent Authority. Following schedule of land have been taken possession from Sri / Smt  ____________________________ S/o / W/o ___________________________ on __________________.
District:                                Mandal:                                        Village:

See rule-11(4)

Rc. No.                                                                                                                                    Dt.

In pursuance to the final Land Pooling Scheme published on___________,and as per 
the developmentagreement entered by you in Form-9.14 Sri / Smt. ______________________, S/o / W/o ______________________ resident of 
D.No._______________, Street ______________, _______________ Village, ____________Mandal, _____________ District has been allotted the plot shown in the 
schedule below. 

Eligible extent for re-allotment                                                :               _______Sq.yds.
Allotment of Residential Plot No.     L.P. No.                         :               _______Sq.yds in Sector No.     and Zone No.
Allotment of Commercial Plot No.     L.P. No.       :               _______Sq.yds in Sector No.       and Zone No.

1.      The allotment of plots were made by draw of lots, in the presence of one third or more land owners
2.      This certificate is the conclusive proof of evidence of the title and the Owner shall have alienable rights of property as per the provisions of Registration Act and Transfer of Property Act.
3.      Owner shall be responsible for all the required infrastructure with in the final plot, for obtaining all no objection certificates required for the development of Final plot and following the prevailing development promotion  regulation and Building Regulations / Rules depending on the type of development proposed, for payment of necessary fees and charges as per rules for the sanction of development permission.
4.      Final plot owners or any other purchaser of the final plot shall have to pay for the usage, consumption and maintenance charges levied by the Agencies responsible for the common infrastructure and respective services.

Encl: Sketch of Final Plots                                                  
Place:                                                                                                   Competent Authority

Sri / Smt.________________

            Copy to the Tahsildar,
Copy to the Sub Registrar

See rule-12(1)(a)

Register of RESERVED LANDS category wise

In pursuance to the Notification of the final Land Pooling Scheme published vide proceedings no. Rc. ___________, dt……… and published in District Gazette No. ………. , dt……… the Authority has taken over all lands reserved for the Parks, Play grounds and Open spaces, Roads, Social amenities and affordable housing and entered in the separate Registers, as per the powers vested u/s 57(6) of the Act.

See rule-12(1)(b)

REGISTER OF Lands taken over by the Authority / LAND OWNER

In pursuance to the Notification of the final Land Pooling Scheme published vide proceedings no. Rc. ___________, dt……… and published in District Gazette No. ………. , dt……… the Authority has taken over all lands reserved for the Parks, Play grounds and Open spaces, Roads, Social amenities and affordable housing and entered in the separate Registers, as per the powers vested u/s 57(7) of the Act.

See rule-12(4)


Rc. No.                                                                                                           Dt.
In pursuance to the final Land Pooling Scheme published in vide District Gazettee No……….. dt……….. and as per the Land Ownership Certificate in Form-9.25 issued on __________ Sri / Smt. ______________________, S/o / W/o ______________________ resident of D.No._______________, Street ______________, _______________ Village, ____________Mandal, _____________ District has been handed over the plot shown in the schedule below on the ____ day of___________.
Total extent of land contributed by the land owner :                                Ac.          Cts.
Eligible extent for re-allotment                                                :               _______Sq.yds.
Allotment of Residential Plot No.     L.P. No.                         :               _______Sq.yds in Sector No.     and Zone No.
Allotment of Commercial Plot No.     L.P. No.       :               _______Sq.yds in Sector No.       and Zone No.

Handed Over  by                                                                    Taken Over by

Competent Authority                                                                           Land Owner          


Sri / Smt.________________

Copy to the Tahsildar,

Copy to the Sub Registrar,


See rule-13(1)


Rc. No.                                                                                                           Dt.

            NOTICE under Section 59(1) of Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority Act, 2014 read with Rule 13(1) of Andhra Pradesh Capital City Land Pooling Scheme (formulation and Implementation) Rules, 2015 is hereby published, having completed final Land Polling Scheme.


District:                  Mandal:                 Village:                   Zone:                      Sector:

See rule-13(2)

Rc. No.                                                                                                           Dt.

            In pursuance of requirements u/s 59(2) of Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority Act, 2014 read with Rule 13(2) of Andhra Pradesh Capital City Land Pooling Scheme (formulation and Implementation) Rules, 2015, the details of re-allotment of final plots along with particulars of Land Pooling Owner Ship Certificates after under taking mutation in the records are here by published for purpose of Notification and issuing completion certificate along with layout of final LPS.

District:                  Mandal:                 Village:                   Sector:                    Zone:

See rule-13(3)


Rc. No.                                                                                                           Dt.

           The competition certificate of the Layout of Final Land Pooling Scheme is hereby issued after verification of the details published Under Section 59(3) of Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority Act, 2014 read with Rule 13(3) of Andhra Pradesh Capital City Land Pooling Scheme (formulation and Implementation) Rules, 2015. The particulars of the Layout of Final Land Pooling Scheme is shown in the schedule below:

District:                  Mandal:                 Village:                   Sector:                    Zone:

See rule-15(2)(I)


Rc. No.                                                                                                           Dt.


(Name and address of person)
            Whereas your attendance is necessary to give evidence and produce the following documents or articles in original…
1)      Land documents and Link documents
2)      Pattadar pass book / Title deed
3)      EC’s for 15 years
4)      Aadhaar card / Ration card/ Voter ID / PAN Card
5)      Bank Pass book
6)      Any other document necessary to prove ownership with reference to Revenue enquiry with respect to ascertaining alienable rights over the lands mentioned below now pending before me.
You are hereby summoned to appear in person before me on the __________ day of __ at ________ clock and not to depart hence until permitted by me.

Given under my hand and seem this _________ day of _________  2015

Seal                                                                                         Competent Authority


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