Intervention by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi at G-20 Working Dinner : Global Challenges – Terrorism and Refugee Crisis

Intervention by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi at G-20 Working Dinner : Global Challenges – Terrorism and Refugee Crisis [15 November 2015]


Terrorism is a principle global challenge. From regions in conflict to the streets of distant cities, terrorism extracts a deadly price.

Old structures of terrorism remain. There are countries that still use it as an instrument of state policy.

But, we also see the changing character of terrorism: global links, franchise relations, home-grown terrorism and use of cyber space for recruitment and propaganda.

There is a new level of threat to pluralist and open societies. The territory of recruitment and the target of attacks is the same – society.

Our global framework for security is defined for another era and for other security challenges. We don't have a comprehensive global strategy to combat terrorism. And, we tend to be selective in using the instruments that we have.

Excellencies, even more important than what we face is how we respond to the threat.

The world must speak in one voice and act in unison against terrorism, without any political considerations.

There should be no distinction between terrorist groups or discrimination between states.

We must isolate those who support and sponsor terrorism; and, stand with those who share our values of humanism.

We need to restructure the international legal framework to deal with the unique challenges of terrorism.

We should also adopt a Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism without any delay.

International cooperation in intelligence and counter-terrorism should increase.

We should strengthen efforts to prevent supply of arms to terrorists, disrupt terrorist movements, and curb and criminalise terror financing.

We have to help each other secure our cyber space, and minimize use of internet and social media for terrorist activities.

We need to involve religious leaders, thinkers and opinion makers for a social movement against extremism, particularly addressed to the youth. This is needed most in countries where it is most prevalent.

We need to delink terror and religion and work together to counter radicalization.

It is equally important to promote broader peace and stability in West Asia and Africa.

This is also required for addressing the current refugee crisis.


Today, there are an estimated 60 million people in need of protection worldwide.

The West Asian crisis has focused global attention on this acute humanitarian challenge. It also has wide-ranging impact in receiving countries.

We thank the countries that have opened their borders and shelters.

We also need a long term approach and a stronger role for the United Nations in dealing with one of our greatest human challenges across the world. 

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi and the Prime Minister of Australia, Mr. Malcolm Turnbull in their first bilateral meeting, on the sidelines of G20 Summit 2015, in Turkey on November 15, 2015.

PM's bilateral engagements on the sidelines of G20 Summit - Nov. 15, 2015

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, met Mr. Malcolm Turnbull, the Prime Minister of Australia, in Antalya, Turkey, on the sidelines of the G20 Summit.

The two Prime Ministers announced completion of procedures for the India Australia Civil Nuclear Agreement. With the completion of procedures, including administrative arrangements, the India Australia Civil Nuclear Agreement will enter into force. Shri Narendra Modi thanked Mr. Malcolm Turnbull, and described the nuclear agreement as a milestone and source of trust and confidence. 

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi with the President of the European Council, Mr. Donald Tusk in a bilateral meeting, on the sidelines of G20 Summit 2015, in Turkey on November 15, 2015. 

The Prime Minister also met Mr. Donald Tusk, President of the European Council, and Mr. Jean Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission. 

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