Water and Land Management Training and Research Institute - Memorandum of Association and Rules– Amendments

Water and Land Management Training and Research Institute (WALAMTARI) –
Memorandum of Association and Rules – Amendments – Issued.
G.O.MS.No. 160 Dated: 15-12-2015

Read the following:
1. G O Ms. No. 43, Irrigation & CAD Department, dated 03-05-1982.
2. G. O. Ms. No. 75, Irrigation Utilization & Command Area Development (II)
Department, dated 27-11-1982.
3. G. O. Ms. No. 203, Irrigation & CAD (CAD–IV) Dept., dated 23-06-1992
4. From the Director General, WALAMTARI, Hyderabad Letter No.
8369/Team-8/HRM/2014/077, dated 15-05-2015.
                                           <<>> <<>> <<>>

       In the G. O’s first and second read above, Government sanctioned
establishment of Water and Land Management Training and Research Institute
(WALAMTARI) at Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, in view of the need to converse
and optimize the utilization of water resources and to bridge the gap between
creation and utilization of irrigation potential under irrigation projects.

2. WALAMTARI was made autonomous and was registered as a society
under the Andhra Pradesh (Telangana Area) Public Societies Registration Act,
1350 F (Act No. 1 of 1350 F) vide G. O. 3rd read above with Registration
No. 3591/92.

3. In the G. O. 3rd read above, rules issued regarding the composition of
first member of the Society, Governing Council, Executive Committee and their
powers and functions of Governing Council, Executive Committee, Chairman,
Director General and Administrative Officer.

4. As per Section 75 (1) of the A. P. Reorganisation Act, 2014, the
Government of the State of Andhra Pradesh or the State of Telangana, as the
case may be, shall, in respect of the institutions specified in the Tenth
Schedule to this Act, located in the State, continue to provide facilities to the
people of the other State which shall not, in any respect, be less favourable to
such people than what were being provided to them before the appointed day,
for such period and upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon
between the two State Governments, within a period of one year from the
appointed day or, if no agreement is reached within the said period, as may be
fixed by order of the Central Government.

5. In the G. O. 2nd read above, the Constitution of first members of Society,
Governing Council, General Body & Executive Committee is made with the
Hon’ble Chief Minister, Hon’ble Minister for Minor Irrigation, Secretaries and
Officials of erstwhile Government of Andhra Pradesh.

6. As per Section – 101 of the A. P. Reorganisation Act, 2014, for the
purpose of facilitating the application in relation to the State of Andhra
Pradesh or the State of Telangana of any law made before the appointed day,
the appropriate Government may, before the expiration of two years from that
day, by order, make such adaptations and modifications of the law, whether by
way of repeal or amendment, as may be necessary or expedient, and thereupon
every such law shall have effect subject to the adaptations and modifications so
made until altered, repealed or amended by a competent Legislature or other
competent authority.

7. In view of the above provisions, as the Institute belongs to Government of
Telangana, the orders issued in G. O. Ms. No. 203, Dated 23-06-1992 has to be
modified suitably and constituting the first Members of the Society, Governing
Council, Executive Committee with Hon’ble Chief Minister, Hon’ble Minister for
Irrigation, Secretaries and officials from Telangana State.

8. Accordingly proposals were submitted by the Director General,
WALAMTARI for issuing necessary orders vide reference fourth read above. The
composition of the first Members of the society are as follows:

Sl.No. Designation of their locus standi in the society: Occupation:

1. Chairman                 Hon’ble Chief Minister, Government of
Telangana, Hyderabad.

2. Vice-Chairman        Hon’ble Minister for Irrigation & CAD
Department, Govt. of Telangana, Hyderabad.

3. Member                   Secretary to Government (CAD), Irrigation &
CAD Dept., Govt. of Telangana, Hyderabad.

4. Member                   Secretary to Government, Finance
Department, Govt. of Telangana, Hyderabad.

5. Member                   Engineer-in-Chief (AW), Irrigation & CAD
Department, Govt. of Telangana, Hyderabad.

6. Member                   Engineer-in-Chief (Irrigation), Irrigation & CAD
Department, Govt. of Telangana, Hyderabad.

7. Member-Secretary   Director General, WALAMTARI, Himayatsagar,

9. Government after careful examination of the matter hereby approve the
Memorandum of Association and Rules and direct the Director General, Water
and Land Management Training and Research Institute (WALAMTARI) to
register modified Memorandum of Associates under Societies Registration Act.

10. This orders issues with the concurrence of Finance (WP) Department vide
their U. O. No. 11414/200/A1/WP/15, dated 21-09-2015.


                                                   ANNEXURE – I

                                MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION


                (Registered as a society under the Andhra Pradesh (Telangana area)
                     public societies registration Act, 1350 (Act No. 1 of 1350 F)
                                                (Regd. No. 3591/92)

1. The name of the society shall be “Water and Land Management Training
and Research Institute”(herein after referred to as WALAMTARI).

2. The registered office of the WALAMTARI shall be situated at
Himayatsagar, Hyderabad – 500030 in the State of Telangana.

3. The main objectives for which the Institute is established are:

(a) to train different level Government functionaries of the department
of Irrigation and Command Area Development and the department of
Agriculture and other allied departments and agencies of the State
Government dealing with aspects relating to Water and Land
management in Planning, designing, construction, operation and
maintenance of irrigation and drainage networks, etc., with due
emphasis on micro – level functioning and “On Farm” irrigation practices
to ensure optimum utilization of water and land Resources;

(b) to ensure full understanding of the principles of efficient
operational plans and improved irrigation practices at all levels of
scheme management and among the farmers;

(c) to provide a better understanding among the water users of the
optimal utilization of water and land resources and to inculcate a sense
of belonging;

(d) to function as an Apex body on all matters relating to water and
land management and render advice to the State Government and the
departments of the State Government, dealing with these matters,
pertaining to policies of water and land management with a view to
improve the performance; and deal with any other issues entrusted by
the Government to the Institute;

(e) to provide consultancy services to the Government, local bodies
associations and individuals in the areas of water and land management;

(f) to undertake intensive and need based research on water and land
management with the collaboration of other institutions, associations
and societies interested in similar objects;

(g) to establish and maintain project training centers and create such
facilities as may be necessary for field training of officials and nonofficials,
farmers, and conduct Research on field oriented problems in
Irrigation Water and Land Management as considered desirable for the
promotion of the objectives of the Society;

(h) to depute within the country and abroad the staff of the Institute
for specialized training in water and land management and allied areas;

(i) to start, conduct, print, publish and exhibit magazines,
periodicals, newspapers, books pamphlets or posters that may be
considered desirable for the promotion of the objects of the society;

(j) to invest and deal with the funds of the society;

(k) to make rules and byelaws for the conduct of the affairs of the
society and the Institute and from time to time add to, amend, vary and
rescind them.

4. With a view to facilitating the society’s activities and for achieving its
objects the society may:

(a) acquire by gift, purchase, exchange, lease, hire or otherwise
howsoever any land, buildings easements, rights-in-common and any
other property both movable or immovable, including machinery,
equipment or estate, or interest, for the furtherance of all or any of the
objects of the society;

(b) borrow and raise moneys without or on the security by way of
mortgage, charge and hypothecation or pledge of all or any of the
immovable or movable properties belonging to the society or in any other
manner whatsoever with the prior permission in writing of the
Government of Telangana;

(c) sell, mortgage, charge, lease, exchange and /or otherwise transfer
of dispose of all or any property immovable or movable of the society
provided that when the value of the immovable property exceeds one
lakh of rupees with prior permission in writing of the Government of

(d) solicit, obtain and accept from any person, firm, company
corporation, Institution, local body or authority of State or Central
Government or any other organizations/agencies national or
international, subscriptions, donations, grants, gifts, bequests of money
and all kinds of property movable and immovable either unconditionally
or any special terms and conditions or on trusts not being inconsistent
with the objects of the society as the society may think fit;

(e) invest and deal with the money of the society, in such manner as
may from time to time be determined by society;

(f) construct, maintain, repair, extend, alter, improve or develop any
buildings or works necessary or convenient for the purposes of the

5. In carrying out its objects the society may:

(a) pay out of the funds belonging to the society, or out of any
particular part of such funds, all expenses that are incidental to the
formation of the society, and for achieving its aims and objectives,
including management and administration of the society and the said
Institute, including all rents, rates, taxes, outgoings and the salaries of
the employees of the society and the Institute;

(b) draw, make, accept, endorse and negotiate cheques, hundies,
promissory notes or other negotiable instruments;

(c) for the purpose aforesaid or any of them, to sign, execute and
deliver such assurances and deeds as may be necessary;

(d) construct and maintain buildings, works, and conveniences of all
kinds suitable for any of the purposes of the society;

(e) subscribe, or ‘otherwise assist or guarantee moneys to charitable,
benevolent, scientific, national, public or any other institutions,
objects or purposes;

(f) purchase or acquire from any Government or such authorities,
any licenses, concessions, grants, decrees, rights, powers and privileges,
whatsoever, which may seem to the society capable of being turned to
account and take action to work develop, carry out, exercise, and turn to
account the same;

(g) apply for, purchase, or otherwise acquire any patents, brevets de
inventions, licenses, concessions and the like conferring exclusive or
non-exclusive or limited right to use any secret of other information as to
any inventions which may seem capable of being used for any of the
purposes of the society or the acquisition of which may directly or
indirectly benefit the society and to use, exercise or develop or grant
licenses in respect of, or otherwise, turn to account, the property, right
or information so acquired;

(h) make donations to such persons or institutions whether of cash or
any other assets, as may be, that are directly or indirectly conducive to
any of the society’s objects, or otherwise expedient and in particular, to
remunerate any persons or corporations introducing or assisting the

(i) establish and support or aid the establishment of, and support
associations, institutions, societies, funds, trusts and conveniences for
the benefit of the employees or ex-employees or persons having
connections of such persons and in particular friendly or other benefit of
societies and to grant pensions, allowances, gratuities, either by way of
annual payments, or by way of lumpsum and to make payments towards
insurance and to form and contribute to provident and benefit funds to
or for such persons;

(j) generally to do and execute all such other acts, matters and things
as are incidental or conducive to or necessary for the attainment of the
above objects or any of them;

(k) to do such other things as are necessary for the conduct of the
affairs of the society on furtherance of its objectives and in accordance
with rules made therefore;

6. The income and property of the institute howsoever shall be used
towards the promotion of the objects as set forth in this Memorandum of
Association subject to such conditions and limitations as the Government may,
from time to time, impose. No part of the income or property of the Institute
shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividend or bonus or
otherwise howsoever, by way of profit to the persons who, at any time, have
been the members of the Institute or to any of them or to any persons claiming
through them, provided that nothing herein contained shall prevent the
payment in good faith or remuneration to members thereof or other persons in
return for any service rendered to the Institute.

7. No member of the Institute shall have personal claim on any movable or
immovable property of the Institute or make any profit whatsoever by virtue of
its membership.

8. After winding up or dissolution of the Institute there shall remain, after
the satisfaction of the debits and liabilities and property whatsoever the same
shall not be paid or distributed among the members of the institute or any of
them but shall be dealt with in the manner as provided in the Andhra Pradesh
(Telangana Area) Public Societies Registration Act, 1350 F).

9. No benefaction shall be accepted by the Institute which in its opinion
involves conditions or obligations opposed to the spirit and objectives of the

10. The State Government may appoint one or more persons to review the
work and progress of the Institute and to hold enquiries into the affairs hereof
and to report thereon in such manner as the Government may stipulate. Upon
receipt of any such report the State Government, as it may consider necessary
in respect of any of the matters dealt with in the report and the Institute shall
be bound to comply with such directions.

11. The names, occupation and addresses of the first members of the Water
and Land Managements Training and Research Institute, to whom by the rules
of the Society the management of its affairs is entrusted, are as follows (as
required under the Andhra Pradesh (Telangana Area) Societies Registration Act,
1350 F (Act No.1 of 1350 F):

1) Hon’ble Chief Minister, Government of Telangana,
Hyderabad                                                                              Chairman

2) Hon’ble Minister for Irrigation & CAD Department,
Government of Telangana, Hyderabad                                  Vice- Chairman

3) Principal Secretary to Government, Irrigation & CAD
(CAD) Department, Government of Telangana, Hyderabad                         Member

4) Principal Secretary to Government, Finance Department,
Government of Telangana, Hyderabad                                  Member

5) Engineer-in-Chief (AW), Irrigation & CAD Department,
Government of Telangana, Hyderabad                                  Member

6) Engineer-in-Chief (Irrigation), Irrigation & CAD
Department, Government of Telangana, Hyderabad             Member

7) Director General, WALAMTARI, Himayatsagar, Hyderabad      Member/ Secretary

We respectively hold ourselves responsible to run the affairs of the
society according to the rules annexed herewith.


                                             ANNEXURE – II


1. These rules may be called the “Telangana Water and Land Management
Training and Research Institute Rules, 2015”, herein after referred to as


2. In these rules, unless there in anything repugnant in the subject or
context, otherwise indicated:-

i) “Institute” means Water and Land Management Training and
Research Institute.

ii) “Government” means Government of Telangana.

iii) “The Governing Council” means the Governing Council of the

iv) “The Executive Committee” means the Executive Committee of the

v) “The President” means the President of the Governing Council of
the Institute.

vi) “The Vice President” means the Vice President of the Governing
Council of the Institute.

vii) “The Chairman, means the Chairman of the Executive Committee
of the Institute.

viii) “The Co-Chairman” means the Co-Chairman of the Executive
Committee of the Institute.

ix) “Rules” means any of the Rules and Regulations of the Institute.

x) “Year” means the period from the 1st April to 31st March.

xi) “The Bye-laws” means the Bye-laws framed under the Rules of the

xii) Unless where the context otherwise indicates:

a) Words importing the singular number shall also include the
plural number and vice versa; and

b) Words importing the masculine gender also including the
feminine gender.

First members:

3. Signatories to the Memorandum of Association of the Society shall be the
First Members of the Society.

Terms of Membership:

4. Out of the first members of the Society, every member of the society shall
continue to be member of the society so long as he holds office and shall cease
to be a member of the society as soon as he ceases to hold such office.

General Body:

5.         a) All the members of the Governing Council and the First Members
of the Society are the members of the General Body.

b) There shall be annual General Body meeting of the society to be
held at such time, date and place as may be determined by the chairman
of the Society in the month of April to review the general functioning of
the Society.

c) The quorum for General Body meeting shall be half of its members.

d) The Chairman may at any time convene a Special meeting of the
Society whenever he thinks fit.

Composition of the Governing Council:
a) The Governing Council consist of the following members, viz.,

i The Hon’ble Chief Minister of the State of Telangana                    President

ii The Hon’ble Minister for Irrigation & Command
Area Development of the State of Telangana.Hyderabad     Vice-President

iii The Secretary to Government Irrigation and
Command Area Development Department Govt., of
Telangana, Hyderabad                                                            Member

iv The APC & Secretary to Government, Agriculture
Department, Govt., of Telangana, Hyderabad                       Member

v The Secretary to Government Finance
Department, Govt., of Telangana, Hyderabad                       Member

vi The Commissioner Command Area Development,
Government of Telangana                                                      Member

vii The Engineer-in – Chief, (Admin.) Irrigation and
Command Area Development Department
Govt., of Telangana,                                                               Member

viii Member of Central Water Commission, Incharge of
State Training Institutes, Govt., of India.                              Member

ix Any one of the Ex-director Generals, of the Institute
as Expert.                                                                                Member

x The Chief Engineer, IRMIO, Central Water
Commission, Govt. of India.                                                  Member

xi One of the Directors of the National Institutes
located in Hyderabad and working in the area of
Water Management / Agriculture.                                          Member

xii Two of the Directors of WALAMI/IMTI from
neighbouring states.                                                                Member

xiii The Engineer-in-Chief (Irrigation), Irrigation & CAD
Department, Govt., of Telangana                                           Member

xiv The Chief Engineer, Minor Irrigation, (Godavari
Basin) Govt., of Telangana                                                     Member

xv Four Chief Engineers from the Major Irrigation
Projects in Telangana                                                              Member

xvi The Director of Research, Prof. Jayashankar
Telangana state Agricultural University.                                Member

xvii The Director General, WALAMTARI, Himayatsagar,
Hyderabad.                                                                             Member/Secretary

xviii Such members of the Society as may be determined
by the State Government from time to time.                          ----      

b) The Government may increase the number of the members of the
Governing Council as deemed necessary from time to time.

7. (a) The details of the members of the Governing Council are as follows:

Sl.No. Occupation & Address                                                                                             Designation
1 Hon’ble Chief Minister , Government of Telangana                       President

2 Hon’ble Minister for Irrigation & CAD., Govt. of Telangana
Hyderabad                                                                              Vice-President

3 The Secretary to Government Irrigation and Command
Area Development Department, Govt., of Telangana,
Hyderabad                                                                              Member

4 APC & Secretary to Govt., Agriculture Dept., Govt., of
Telangana, Hyderabad                                                            Member

5 Secretary to Finance Department, Govt., of Telangana,
Hyderabad                                                                              Member

6 Commissioner, CAD, Govt., of Telangana, Hyderabad                  Member

7 Engineer-in – Chief, (Admin.) I&CAD Department, Govt.,
of Telangana , Errum Manzil, Hyderabad                              Member

8 Member of Central Water Commission, Incharge of State
Training Institutes, Govt., of India, New Delhi                     Member

9 Expert members- Ex – Director General, WALAMTARI,
(Dr. K. Tirupataiah,) H. No.: 3-3-111/8, Siri Enclave,
Hyderguda, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-48.                          Member

10 Chief Engineer, IRMIO, C.W.C, Govt. of India, New Delhi       Member

11 Director, NAARM, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad                           Member

12 Director, IMTI, Trichy, Tamilnadu                                                Member

13 Director, WALMI, Aurangabad, Maharashtra.                             Member

14 Engineer-in-Chief (Irrigation), Govt., of Telangana,
Hyderabad.                                                                             Member

15 Chief Engineer, Minor Irrigation, Godavari Basin,
Hyderabad, Telangana.                                                           Member

16 Chief Engineer, Sri Ram Sagar Project, Hyderabad.                     Member

17 Chief Engineer, Nagarjuna Sagar Project, Hyderabad.                 Member

18 Chief Engineer (Projects), Mahaboobnagar, Hyderabad.              Member

19 Chief Engineer, Godavari Lift Irrigation Scheme,
Hyderabad.                                                                             Member

20 The Director of Research, Prof. Jayashankar Telangana
State Agricultural University, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad.    Member

21 Director General, WALAMTARI,
Himayatsagar, Hyderabad.                                                     Member/Secretary

b) The Institute shall have the status of Grade-I Institutes established
under the State Government.


8.         (a) Out of the first members of the Society, every member of the
Society shall continue to be a member of the Governing Council only so
long as he holds office and shall cease to be a member of the Governing
Council as soon as he ceases to hold such office.

(b) The Government may, at any time and from time to time, appoint
new members in place of the persons so ceasing to be members of the
Society or appoint additional members subject to like conditions as to
the terms of membership and in case of such new or additional members
the provisions of Rules 8(a) above shall take effect as if such new or
additional members were the signatories to the Memorandum of
Association and the respective offices held by them were the offices
specified against their names.

(c) Where any person is the member of the Governing Council by
reason of holding office, his membership of the Governing Council shall
terminate when he ceases to hold that office or appointment and in his
vacancy his successor in office shall automatically be a member of the

9. The institute shall keep a roll of members along with their addresses and
occupations and every member shall sign the same on each occasion of the
meetings of the Governing Council.

10. In the event of any change in addresses of any member, it will be notified
by the member to the Director General, WALAMTARI failing which the recorded
address shall be deemed to be his address.

11. Whereas particular members of the Governing Council is listed by
reason of office or appointment, his membership of the Governing Council shall
terminate automatically if and when the ceases to hold that office of

12. Members of the Governing Council shall cease to be members on
conviction of a criminal offence involving moral turpitude or in the event of
non-attendance of 3 consecutive meetings of the Governing Council.

13. Resignation from membership of the Governing Council shall be tendered
to the Member Secretary of the Governing Council and shall not take effect
unless it has been accepted on behalf of the Institute by the President.

14. Casual vacancies in the Governing Council other than that of Ex-Officio
members shall be filled by nomination by the President of the Governing

Explanation: Casual vacancy means a vacancy caused by resignation or
death of a member.


15. The Governing Council shall have the following officers:

a) President
b) Vice- President
c) Member Secretary


a) The president of the Governing Council shall be the Chief Minister
of Telangana.

Vice- President

b) The Vice President of the Governing Council shall be the Minister
for Irrigation & CAD, Govt., of Telangana.

Member Secretary

c) The Member- Secretary to the Governing Council shall be the
Director General of the Institute.


16. The Governing Council shall have the following powers and functions:

(i) to give overall policy guidance for the efficient functioning of the

(ii) to review the working of the Institute with reference to the Annual
Plan of Action and the expectations of the State Government;

(iii) to consider the Annual Report of the Institute approved by the
Executive Committee;

(iv) to adopt the budget Estimates as approved by the Executive
Committee and to forward them to the State Government for sanction.

17. The president shall provide general guidance and shall have the
authority to periodically cause the work and progress of the Institute to be
reviewed in order to ensure that the activities of the Society are carried out in
accordance with the provisions of the Memorandum of Association, By-laws,
Rules and Regulations of the Institute. The Review thus undertaken shall be
sent to the Executive Committee for appropriate action.

18. All meetings of Governing Council shall be presided over by the President
and in his absence by the Vice-President. If the President / Vice-President is
not present at the meeting of the Society, any member of the Society, appointed
for the purpose by the president in writing, shall be the President of the
meeting. If there is no authorization by the president in favour of any member
of the society a member chosen by the members present at the meeting shall
be the President of the meeting.

Note: The President may invite any person other than a member to attend a
meeting of the Governing Council; such invitee shall not, however, be
entitled to vote at the meeting.

19. Seven members of the Governing Council present in person shall
constitute the quorum at any meeting of the Governing Council.

20. Not less than 10 days clear notice of every meeting of the Governing
Council shall be given to each member of the Governing Council.

21. Every notice calling a meeting of the Governing Council shall state the
date, time and place at which such meeting will be held and shall, except as
otherwise provided in these Rules and Regulations, be under the signature of
the Member-Secretary.

22. The Governing Council shall hold atleast one meeting in a year at such
place and time as the President may decide.

23. Each member of the Governing Council including the President shall
have one vote and if there is equality of votes on any question to be decided by
the Governing Council, the President shall, in addition, have a casting vote.

24. Any business, which it may be necessary for the Governing Council to
perform, may be carried out by so circulating and approval by the majority of
the members signing shall be as effective and binding as if such resolution had
been passed at a meeting of the Governing Council, provided that atleast half of
the members of the Governing Council have recorded their approval of the


25. The Officers of the Institute shall be the President, the Director General
and such other persons as may be designated as such by the Governing

26. (a) The WALAMTARI shall have a full-time Director General. The
Director General of the Institute shall be an Officer from Irrigation & CAD
Department of the rank of Engineer-in- Chief.
(b) The Director General shall be Member Secretary of the Governing
27. (a) In addition to Governing Council there shall be an Executive
Committee for the Institute.
(b) The Executive Committee may appoint any other Committee for
any purpose as it may deem necessary from time to time.

28. The affairs of the Institute shall be administered by the Executive
Committee subject to these rules and overall supervision of the Governing


29. The following members shall comprise the Executive Committee:

(1) Secretary to Government, I & CAD (CAD) Department
Govt. of Telangana., Hyderabad                                                        Chairman

(2) Director General, WALAMTARI, Himayatsagar,
Hyderabad                                                                                          Co-Chairman

(3) Commissioner of Agriculture, Government of
Telangana,Hyderabad                                                                         Member

(4) Commissioner, Command Area Development,
     Government of Telangana, Hyderabad                                         Member

(5) Engineer-in-Chief (Admn.), Irrigation & CAD
     Department, Government of Telangana, Hyderabad.                   Member

(6) Engineer-in-Chief (Irrigation), Government of Telangana,
      Hyderabad                                                                                    Member

(7) Chief Engineer, Nagarjuna Sagar Project                          Member

(8) Chief Engineer, Sri Ram Sagar Project, Hyderabad                     Member

(9) Chief Engineer, Central Designs Organization, Irrigation
Department, Government of Telangana, Hyderabad                         Member

(10) Director, Engineering Faculty, WALAMTARI,
Himayatsagar, Hyderabad                                                                  Member

(11) Director Agriculture Faculty, WALAMTARI,
Himayatsagar, Hyderabad                                                                  Member

(12) Administrative Officer, WALAMTARI, Himayatsagar,
Hyderabad                                                                                          Member-Convener


30. (a) The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the pursuit of
the objectives of the Institute in letter and spirit by ensuring the
functions and activities of the Institute are carried out efficiently.

(b) The Executive Committee shall exercise control and manage all the
affairs, funds and resources of the Institute and shall have authority to
exercise all the powers of the Institute;

(c) The Executive Committee shall approve the Annual Budget of the
Institute and recommend it to the Governing Council for adoption and for
forwarding it to the Government for sanction;

(d) With the prior approval of the State Government, the Executive
Committee shall have powers to frame and amend Bye-laws, Rules and
Regulations of the Institute for the administration and management of
the affairs of the Institute;

(e) Within the Rules and Regulations, the Executive Committee shall
have powers excepting those that are within the purview of the powers of
the Director General as herein after defined, to sanction posts and
appoint all categories of officers and regulate the terms and conditions of
their services.

(f) The Executive Committee shall have the power to enter into
arrangement with the State and Central Governments and other Public
or Private Organizations or individuals for furtherance of the objectives of
the Institute, for implementation of the programmes and for securing and
accepting endowments, both movable and immovable, grants-in-aid,
donations or gifts, provided that it shall not be inconsistent or in conflict
with the objectives and rules of the Institute or of the policies of the State

(g) The Executive Committee may, by resolution, appoint, any
Advisory Board or other Special Committees for such purposes and with
such powers as it may deem fit and it may also dissolve any or all such
committees set up by it;

 (h) The Executive Committee may delegate to the Director General of
the Institute, such administrative and financial powers not vested in him
by virtue of his post as herein after defined, and impose such duties as
deemed proper and also prescribe limitations within which these powers
and duties are to be exercised or discharged.


31. (a) Every meeting of the Executive Committee shall be presided over
by its Chairman and in his absence by the Co-Chairman or in their
absence by a member chosen by the members present at the meeting;

(b) The Chairman of the Executive Council may himself call or by a
requisition in writing signed by him, may require the Director General to
call a meeting of the Executive Council at any time;

(c) The Chairman shall have one vote and in case there shall be an
equality of votes on any question to be decided by Executive Committee,
it’s Chairman or in his absence the person presiding over the meeting
shall in addition have a casting vote;

(d) The Chairman of the Executive Committee may invite any person,
other than a member to attend a meeting of the Executive Committee.
Such invitee shall not, however, be entitled to vote at the meeting;

(e) Any business which it may be necessary for the Executive
Committee to perform may be carried out by circulation among all its
members and any resolution so circulated and approved by a majority of
the members signing shall be as effectual and binding as if the resolution
had been passed at a meeting of the Executive committee, provided that
atleast six members have recorded their views on the resolution.


32. (a) The Director General shall be a whole time employee of the
Institute and shall be the Principal Officer of the Institute. He shall be
responsible for the proper administration of the affairs of the Institute
under the direction and guidance of the President and the Executive

(b) It shall be the duty of the Director General to coordinate the
functions of the various units and the activities of the Institute.

(c) The Director General shall be the Chairman of the Sub-Committee
constituted by the Executive Committee for any special purpose as
deemed necessary.

(d) The Director General shall have the powers as that of Engineer-in-
Chief of Irrigation & CAD Department/Head of the Department in the
Government/Head of the category I institute established by Government.

(e) The Director General shall be responsible for the proper
maintenance of the accounts of the Institute and their audit.

(f) The Director General may delegate any of his powers and functions
to any other persons working on a whole-time basis in the Institute or
authority appointed or established under the rules;

(g) The Director General shall deal with all legal issues, suits and
other proceedings on behalf of the Institute and shall have powers to
compromise and settle as deemed necessary duly following the
Government procedures and to engage a legal counsel as and when

(h) The Director General shall perform any other duties assigned to
him from time to time by the Executive Committee.


33. (a) The Administrative Officer as Member-Convener of the Executive
Committee shall prepare the Agenda in consultation with the Chairman /
Co-Chairman. He shall issue notices of meetings to the members of the
Executive Committee; shall maintain the proceedings of the Executive
Committee; shall prepare the minutes of the Executive Committee
meeting and circulate them to the Chairman/Co-Chairman and members
of the Executive committee for confirmation;

(b) He shall perform and carry out all such works delegated/assigned
to him from time to time by the Director General.


34. Whenever it appears to the Chairman and any other members of the
Executive Committee that it is advisable to modify the Institute’s Rules and
Regulations, the Chairman, or the Member of the Executive Committee as the
case may be, shall submit the proposition to the Executive Committee of the
Institute in a written report and the Director General shall cause to convene a
special meeting as per Rules and Regulations of the Institute to consider such

35. No amendments shall be carried into effect unless such report shall have
been delivered or sent by post to other members of the Executive Committee
14 clear days prior to the special meeting convened by the Chairman for the
consideration thereof; nor unless such proposition shall have been agreed to by
the votes of two third of the members present at a second special meeting
convened by the Chairman at an interval of atleast one month after the former
meeting. No amendment as approved by the Executive Committee, however,
shall become effective unless such amendment has been approved by the


36. The Financial year of the Institute shall be the same as that of the State

37. The Institute shall maintain proper accounts and other relevant records
and prepare an annual statement of Accounts, including the balance sheet, in
such form as may be prescribed by the State Government.

38. The accounts of the institute shall be audited annually in the manner as
the Executive Committee may direct and any expenditure incurred in
connection with the audit of the accounts of the society shall be payable by the

39. The accounts of the Institute as certified by the auditors together with
the audit report thereon shall be forwarded annually to the State Government.


40. Once in every year the list of office bearers and members of the institute
as required under the Andhra Pradesh (Telangana Area) Public Societies
Registration Act, 1350 F (Act No.1 of 1350 F) shall be furnished to the State of


41. If the Society needs to be dissolved, it shall be dissolved as per provisions
laid down under the Andhra Pradesh (Telangana Area) Public Societies
Registration Act, 1350 F (Act No. 1 of 1350 F) as applicable to the State of


42. In case the society has to be wound up, the movable and immovable
property and funds of the society shall be transferred or paid to some other
Institution with similar aims and objects or to the State Government itself with
approval of Government of Telangana.


43. All the provisions of the Andhra Pradesh (Telangana area) Public
Societies Registration Act, 1350 F (Act No.1 of 1350 F) shall be applicable to
this institute.


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