Fee Hike in IITs Subject to Protecting Interests of Poor Students

Fee Hike in IITs Subject to Protecting Interests of Poor Students
It has been decided to revise the tuition fee in IITs to Rs. Two lakh a year from the academic year 2016-17, subject to the following for protecting the interests of the socially and economically backward students:

(i) The SC/ST/PH students shall get complete fee waiver.

(ii) The most economically backward students (whose family income is less than Rs. One lakh per annum) shall get full remission of the fee.

(iii) The other economically backward students (whose family income is between Rs. One lakh to Rs. Five lakh per annum) shall get remission of 2/3rd of the fee.

(iv) All students shall have access to interest free loan under the Vidyalaxmi scheme for the total portion of the tuition fee payable.

The interests of the socially and economically backward students have been protected adequately, and even furthered in the above dispensation.

This information was given by the Union Human Resource Development Minister, Smt. Smriti Zubin Irani today in a written reply to a Rajya Sabha question. 


Literacy in Villages Under Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana
In order to give fillip to the advancement of goals and objectives of Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (SAGY) relating to adult education, an initiative was undertaken to align the Saakshar Bharat programme with SAGY in Saakshar Bharat districts through convergence of existing resources available under the scheme. As a part of this initiative, it was aimed to make all out efforts to achieve 100 per cent literacy in 408 Saansad Adarsh Grams in 276 Saakshar Bharat districts spread in 23 States and One UT by 31st March, 2016.

Plan-wise targets are fixed to achieve higher levels of literacy in a phased manner. The present targets are to raise the overall literacy rate of the country to 80 per cent and reduce the gender gap to 10 percentage points by the end of XII Five Year Plan.

This information was given by the Union Human Resource Development Minister, Smt. Smriti Zubin Irani today in a written reply to a Rajya Sabha question.


Pilot Project to Enlist Ex-Servicemen as Teachers
The Central Government is working on a pilot programme ‘Vidyanjali’ to involve retired teachers, retired government officials including retired defence personnel, retired professionals, people from Indian diaspora and women who are home makers to volunteer for co-scholastic activities in schools. These volunteers will not be replacement for regular teachers and will not be involved in formal teaching. In a meeting of State Education Ministers held on February 08th, 2016 by the Ministry of HRD, nineteen States/UTs had expressed willingness to participate in this programme on pilot basis.

Teachers of Government and aided schools undergo annual in service training for professional development which is supported under Centrally sponsored schemes of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) and Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA).
This information was given by the Union Human Resource Development Minister, Smt. Smriti Zubin Irani today in a written reply to a Rajya Sabha question. 


Linking Promotion of Teachers to Performance of Students
There is no such proposal at present to link promotion of teachers to performance of students. Recruitment and service conditions of teachers are in the domain of State Governments/UT Administrations. However, The Central Government has a scheme of National Award to teachers to recognize good performance of teachers across the country. School enrolment campaigns are launched by States at the start of the school academic year for awareness generation to enrol out-of-school children in schools and to reach out hitherto un-reached children in remote areas, working children, girls, children belonging to SC and ST communities, and children in difficult circumstances.

The performance of students is related to multiple factors including school and home environment. The Central Government has taken various steps to ensure teacher accountability in government and aided schools.

. The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) has developed Performance Indicators for Elementary Education (PINDICS) to track teacher performance and attendance in Government schools. PINDICS have been shared with State Governments/UTs to assess teacher’s performance.

Additionally, teachers attendance is being monitored by States/UTs through School Management Committees/School Management Development Committees/ Block Resource Centres/Clusters Resource Centres and in some cases by installing bio-metric attendance system etc.

The Central Government has launched the ‘Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching’ in December, 2014 with a vision to comprehensively address all issues related to teachers, teaching, teacher preparation, professional development, curriculum design, research in pedagogy and developing effective pedagogy.

As per the mandate of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act 2009, Government of India has notified the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) as the Academic Authority at the national level for teacher education and qualification. NCTE has prescribed teacher qualifications for various levels. It has also made it mandatory that all persons holding teacher qualifications as laid down by the NCTE must also pass a teacher eligibility test (TET).These two steps by NCTE are widely seen as efforts to improve the standards of teaching with eventual positive impact on quality of education.
This information was given by the Union Human Resource Development Minister, Smt. Smriti Zubin Irani today in a written reply to a Rajya Sabha question. 


Digital Textbooks for Reducing Burden of Bags
The Central Government has taken various steps to reduce curriculum load on the basis of recommendations of the report “Learning without Burden” of the National Advisory Committee chaired by Prof. Yashpal. The National Curriculum Framework (NCF-2005) brought a shift in the teaching learning paradigm by focusing on child centered; process oriented; constructivist approach which discourages memorization and rote learning. Based on this, the National Council of Educational Research and Training has developed revised syllabi and textbooks and States have also revised their syllabi and textbooks accordingly so as to reduce the burden on children. Further, in the 63rd meeting of Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE) held on 19th August, 2015, the issue of lightening the burden of school children was discussed with all States/UTs.

E-Pathshala was launched during the National Conference on ICT in School Education held on 7th November, 2015. It is a platform developed by National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT) for showcasing and disseminating all educational e-resources including textbooks, audio and video material, periodicals and a variety of other print and non-print materials. The platform addresses the dual challenge of reaching out to a diverse clientele and bridging the digital divide (geographical, socio-cultural and linguistic), offering comparable quality of e-contents and ensuring its free access at every time and every place. Students, teachers, educators and parents can access e-books through multiple technology platforms i.e. mobile phones and tablets and on web through laptops and desktops.
This information was given by the Union Human Resource Development Minister, Smt. Smriti Zubin Irani today in a written reply to a Rajya Sabha question.  

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