Purchase of damaged paddy by the A.P. State Civil Supplies Corporation Ltd with discolouration or damage upto 10%


Civil Supplies- Damage of paddy due to cyclonic storm and heavy rains in
November, 2015 in the rain affected districts – Purchase of damaged
paddy by the A.P. State Civil Supplies Corporation Ltd with discolouration
or damage upto 10%. – Orders – Issued.

G.O.Ms. No.26 Dated:13.12.2015

Read the following:
1. Commissioner of Civil Supplies Lr.No.Proc.I/447/2015, Dt. 19.11.2015
2. Joint Commissioner(S&R), M/o CA, F&PD, D/o F&PD.,
Govt.Of India New Delhi, Lr.No.8-8/2015-S&I, Dt.08.12.2015.
O R D E R:
                    In the reference 1st read above, the Commissioner of Civil
Supplies has informed that due to a cyclonic storm followed by heavy
rains during 15th to 17th November 2015, major damage to the standing
paddy crop and harvested paddy was reported in the districts of East
Godavari, West Godavari and Krishna. The paddy crop was inundated in
the flood water causing shattering of the grains and discoloration. As per
the MSP norms, FAQ paddy alone has to be procured by the State
Agency- the APSCSCL. Unless FAQ norms are relaxed by GOI, the State
Agency cannot procure discoloured paddy. The GOI was requested to
relax the specifications for purchase of paddy and rice.

2. In the reference read 2nd above, based on the report of Joint team,
the Govt. of India have permitted for procurement of paddy and Rice with
relaxations in FAQ specifications as detailed below:


Damaged, Discolored, Sprouted & Weevilled grains upto 10% against the existing limit of 5% subject to the condition that damaged, sprouted, & weevilled grains should not exceed 5% with full value cut.


Refraction     Limit under Uniform Specification         Proposed Relaxed Limit
Damaged /
grains                                     3%                                                       4%
Discolored Grains   3%                                                       5%
Broken Grains                     25%                                                     30%
3. After careful consideration of the matter and to mitigate the
hardship to the farmers and to protect them from distress sale, the
Government hereby order that the APSCSCL shall purchase the rain
affected paddy with damaged, discolored, sprouted, and weevilled grains
upto 10% without value cut by paying full MSP to the farmers, subject to
the condition that damaged, sprouted, & weevilled grains should not
exceed 5%.

4. It is further ordered that the above relaxations shall be restricted to
the proportion of affected paddy to the tune of 2.37 lakh tons in East
Godavari district and 2.59 lakh tons in West Godavari district, total 4.96
lakh tons only. The relaxations are applicable for kharif crop only. The
resultant CMR milled out of the 4.96 lakh tons of affected paddy should
not exceed the relaxed specifications as shown below;

Refraction                             Relaxed Limit
Damaged / Slightly
damaged grains                                4%
Discolored Grains               5%
Broken Grains                                 30%

5. The Commissioner of Civil Supplies AP Hyderabad has estimated
the additional expenditure involved in purchasing the discolored paddy
without cut is Rs. 36.00 Cr and requested the government to release the
additional budget to proceed further for procurement of discolored paddy.
After consideration of the above proposal in consultation with finance
department they have advised this department to meet the proposed
additional expenditure of Rs.36.00 Cr from the overall budget of the
department, during the financial year 2015-16. The CCS AP is therefore
requested to take necessary action for assessment of the actual
expenditure done so far and take necessary action in the matter.

6. The additional expenditure incurred in purchase of the damaged/
discoloured paddy, shall be reimbursed to the A.P. State Civil Supplies
Corporation Ltd. The A.P. State Civil Supplies Corporation Ltd shall meet
the working capital for purchase of the damaged paddy from out of the
funds / cash credit available with them. Detailed proposal for
reimbursement of the additional expenditure incurred by the AP State
Civil Supplies Corporation Ltd., shall be submitted on completion of the
procurement of discoloured paddy.

7. The Collectors of East Godavari and West Godavari districts are
requested to ensure that the A.P. State Civil Supplies Corporation Ltd.,
procure the affected paddy with damaged, discoloured, sprouted &
weevilled grains up to 10% against the existing limit of 5% subject to the
condition that damage, sprouted, & weevilled grains should not exceed
5%. The Collectors shall arrange wide publicity through press and
scrolling on the T.V Channels besides giving wide publicity by beat of
dandora (tom – tom) in the villages concerned for the benefit of the
farmers. To avoid rush at the Paddy Purchase Centres tokens should be
issued to the farmers, pamphlets indicating village-wise programme, the
date, time and location of the purchase centre shall be distributed on
large scale in each village affected due to heavy rains so that the farmers
could come to the purchase centres on the specified dates without any

8. The District Purchase Committees headed by the Joint Collectors
shall take appropriate action for engaging required number of technical
man power; procure the adequate number of equipments to conduct the
quality tests besides cleaning of the paddy brought by the farmers to
purchase centres. They shall make arrangements for the availability of
sufficient number of gunnies to transport paddy from PPCs and to make
necessary payment to the farmers and have scientific godowns to store
paddy purchased besides other logistics. The damaged paddy purchased
shall be stacked separately at each scientific godown like SWC, CWC, and
AMC etc. Special care should be taken to protect the stocks to be
procured under relaxations for different categories.

9. The paddy purchased by the APSCSCL with relaxed specifications
has to be custom milled and the resultant CMR to be delivered
immediately to the APSCSCL or FCI as per the relaxed specifications. The
paddy under relaxed specifications shall be procured directly from
farmers and resultant CMR rice obtained from relaxed paddy shall be
consumed in the state through DCP mode only on overriding priority for
TPDS and other welfare schemes. Separate account shall be maintained
for paddy and resultant rice procured under uniform specifications and
under relaxed specifications.

10. The District Collectors should take personal attention on
procurement of paddy exclusively from farmers only. No middle men
should be entertained.

11. The VC & Managing Director, A.P., State Civil Supplies Corporation
Ltd shall take further action for issue of detailed guidelines for purchase
of damaged / discoloured paddy, delivery of CMR and furnish details of
paddy purchased and CMR delivered daily to the Commissioner of Civil
Supplies, A.P, Hyderabad.



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