Andhra Pradesh Innovation & Start-up Policy 2014-2020

ITE&C DEPT - Andhra Pradesh Innovation & Start-up Policy 2014-2020- Orders –Issued. 

G.O.Ms.No:17 Dated:09 .09.2014
Read the following: 
1. G.O.Ms.No.13, Information Technology & Communications (Promotions) Department, Dated: 31.07.2010 
2. Blue Print for IT, Electronics & e-Governance 2014. 
Globally, the United States of America has been in the forefront in research and development in the recent past while Israel has been the leading spender in R&D and Innovation (in terms of % of GDP). In the last decade, India spent less than 1% of the GDP for R&D and Innovation. R&D in India is still largely financed by the government sources. Out of over 5,000 Incubators across the world, India has only 65. Countries like Netherlands, Singapore, Sweden, etc. have been giving more importance to R&D and Innovation. 
Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) have emerged as the major drivers of National Development globally. India has declared 2010-20 as the “Decade of Innovation”. The GoI has stressed the need to enunciate a policy to synergize science, technology and innovation. In 2013, GoI came up with Science, Technology & Innovation Policy, in order to create robust innovation culture and ecosystem. The 
Government of India proposes to increase the expenditure in Innovation R&D to 2% of the GDP. For the development of the Innovation culture in the country, the policy envisages creation of Conducive eco-system for the venture capital in the MSME sector with the initial corpus of Rs. 10,000 cr. 
The Constitution of India along with our fundamental rights has given every citizen 10 fundamental duties of which two are: 

a. To develop the scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of inquiry and reform; 

b. To strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity so that the nation constantly rises to higher levels of endeavour and achievement. 

A state needs world class scientific and technology ecosystems that would empower and enable its youth to carry out this fundamental duty to our beloved nation. For the development of Innovation, entrepreneurship and Start-up culture in the State, Andhra Pradesh proposes to set up an Innovation & Capacity Building Mission as envisaged in the Blueprint Document “Re-Imagining Andhra Pradesh – role 
of e-Governance, Electronics and IT” (available on The Vision envisaged for the new Innovation &Start-up Policy is: 
“To create a world class ‘technology start-up ecosystem’ by fostering ‘entrepreneurship and a culture of innovation’ which contributes to increased knowledge, wealth and employment in our society.”

The State of Andhra Pradesh shares a collective dream of a new India where new generation software products would be manufactured creating multiplier effects in growth of the state and nation, employment creation, and social transformation. 

Through the Innovation and Start-up Policy, the government intends to create an ecosystem that produces an 
entrepreneur in every family. The targets laid out for the Andhra Pradesh through this Policy by June 30 2019 are: 
• 100 Incubators / Accelerators to be established 
• 5,000 Companies & Start Ups to be incubated 
• 1 million sq ft of Incubation Space to be developed 
• Venture Capital of Rs 1000 Cr to be mobilized for Innovation 
• Foster Innovation Culture 
• Create at least one home grown billion dollar technology start-up. 

The Policy would have following Niche Themes as focus in the initial period: 

• Internet of Things (IoT) 
• ‘IT for X’ in the areas of Pharma, oil & gas, urban management. 
• Social Media, Mobility, Analytics and Cloud Computing (SMAC) 
• Fables Semiconductors 
• Animation & Gaming 
• Entertainment 
• Visual Effects 
• Health and Fitness 
• Automotive 

Though the IT policy of the state would be the mother policy for the start ups in the sector, a specific policy on innovation would top up the efforts of the IT policy. The new policy for innovation would base itself on the Five pillars, namely, Shared Infrastructure, Accelerators / Incubators, Human Capital, Funding and above all, a system of Good Governance (State Support). The efforts and activities to be taken up in these areas are listed below. 

1. Shared Infrastructure: 
The Government will endeavour to create world-class shared infrastructure for technology product Start-ups to operate at no cost and technology service Start-ups at nominal cost till the company achieves self-sufficiency. 

i. Existing Models of Development: The Government will encourage Host Institution of existing Technology Business Incubators (TBI’s) for setting up their TBI’s in the state to jump-start the Start-up ecosystem. Innovation and Capacity Building Mission would study the existing models of Incubation/ Start-up centres across the various locations and come up with recommendations on the facilities and 
shared infrastructure to be developed. 

ii. Incubation Infrastructure Development Fund: The Government shall develop physical incubation 
infrastructure through Public Private Partnerships. A New Incubation Infrastructure Development Fund will be setup under the Innovation Mission as a Revolving Fund that provides Conditional Grant for SPV’s, promoted by Host Institute of TBI’s and approved by NSTEDB, DST, GoI. The fund should be used for creation of Social Infrastructure in State of Andhra Pradesh for a full fledged Start-up 
Ecosystem, comparable with the best in the world, which has Incubation Facilities, Infrastructure for R&D Labs, Office Spaces, Small and Large Conference Rooms, Small Office Home Offices (SOHO), Residential Facilities like Hostels, Dormitories, 1-2-3 BHK’s, Office Spaces for Skunk Works, 
Innovation Zones and other modern amenities. The SPV mechanism also has to have an Escrow Account jointly with a Leading Financial Institution into which the entire rent collected would be deposited. The operational cost of running the facility would be covered from the rent such as building maintenance. The surplus cash, if generated each year, would be transferred back to the Revolving Fund until the total 
Project Cost is recovered completely.1.2.1 Along with the Incentives provided in the IT Policy, Host Institutes of TBI’s that are recognized by National Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board (NSTEDB) shall be entitled for lease of land and space for a period of 90 years for setting up TBI’s and related infrastructure to create world class Live- Work – Play environment sat Government owned IT Parks. The lease amount in such cases shall be payable in equal annual installments over the period of lease.
1.2.2 The responsibility of marketing the facilities created shall be with the selected partner. The Government shall provide such promotional support as needed. 
1.2.3 Appropriate relaxations will be provided from the zoning regulations and land usage conversions, 
subject to environmental safeguards. 
1.2.4 Relaxation to AP Building Rules would be considered, subject to the payment of City Level Infrastructure Impact Fee and clearances from Fire Services, Airport Authority and conformance to the National Building Code and statutory regulations. 
1.2.5 The principles of green buildings, green IT, e-Waste management, Walk-to-Work and Cycle-to-Work 
shall be followed while designing the facilities. 
iii. Common Infrastructure:
The Government would facilitate creation of support infrastructure for development of innovation ecosystem 
to attract new entrepreneurs, such as: 
a) Common Testing labs &tool Rooms. 
b) Enterprise Software & shared Hardware. 
c) Shared services like legal, accounting, technology, Patents, Investment Banking. 
d) Other Amenities and Facilities like individual accommodation, hostel rooms. 
e) Community for Start-ups. 

2. Accelerators & Incubators: 
The Government shall establish at least one world class Accelerator/ Incubator by inviting global 
Accelerators and Incubators to set up their programs in the state. 
i. The Government will also support small accelerators/incubators in multiple locations, by providing 
support and space to bring in expertise and Start-ups in the incubation centres through diverse models. 
ii. The government targets to create 1 million square feet of Incubation Space by 2019 
iii. Government proposes to partner with Indian and globally successful Incubators in order to replicate the  successful Funding and Mentoring Models. 
iv. Government proposes to partner with accelerators by providing support and space to bring in expertise in 
operating and managing the Incubation centres. 
v. The Government would focus on closely monitor the proceedings of the initial batches/ groups in the  Incubation centers  as these would seed the ecosystem which will fuel the subsequent batches. 
3. Human Capital: 
Inculcating the habit and embedding the idea of innovation among all the citizens in every aspect of economic activity is essential for promoting the culture of innovation in the people. This needs to be achieved through strong educational support to bring out innovators and techno-preneurs among the youth. 
The Government would work with universities, educational institutions and the industry to provide pre-trained manpower in emerging technologies and to foster a culture of entrepreneurship. 
i. Update Syllabus: The Universities will be advised to change the course curriculum to be in tune with the emerging technologies and align to the requirements of the Industry, and to introduce courses in entrepreneurship development through incubators. Industry Experts may be leveraged to teach courses at incubators and students who are interested may elect these courses. The evaluation provided by 
approved industry experts may be sent by the incubator to colleges/university for inclusion in the electives that students can learn as part of the degree course. 
ii. Faculty Up gradation: A special scheme of faculty up gradation shall be introduced. The Government 
would support enhancing infrastructure at existing universities to train the faculty for promotion of 
iii. Mandatory apprenticeship: All educational institutions offering under-graduate courses in shall implement a mandatory scheme of internship/ apprenticeship in the last year of the course in association with the industry. This may be waived off for students who are setting up their own Start-ups in Incubators. 
iv. Credits to MOOCs and insertion as electives: The Universities will be advised to give credits to the 
students successfully completing notified online courses (MOOCs) and their insertion as electives. The University in conjunction with Incubators operating in the state shall decide the number of credits and evaluation methodology for such courses. Students should be free to learn electives even in first or second year of college as part of degree completion. 
v. Gap Year - concept of Student Entrepreneur in Residence: Universities may introduce the concept of Student Entrepreneur in Residence. Outstanding students who wish to pursue entrepreneurship can take a break of one year, after the first year, to pursue entrepreneurship full time. This may be extended to two years at the most and these two years would not be counted for the time for the maximum time 
for graduation. Even though this can be done even now, our society is still not ready and thus having
this as a scheme from the University would allow the parents to be comfortable and confident that this is 
a government approved scheme that their children are availing. The Gap Year facility may be given to 
ensure syllabus continuity at the time of joining back and after an appraisal process by an incubator 
where the student is attached. 
vi. IT & Entrepreneurship @ College level:
• All Universities in Andhra Pradesh may give 5% grace marks and 20% attendance every semester for 
student Start-up teams, which have at least one woman as a cofounder. 
• Students may be permitted to undertake their Industrial Seminar, Project Seminar and Industrial Visit 
at Technology Business Incubators where the additional facilities are being setup. 
• Student’s entrepreneurs working on a Start-up idea from first year of college may be permitted to 
convert their Start-up project as their final year project towards degree completion. Mentors assigned 
by Incubators may be allowed to conduct Viva Voce. Project reports certified by the Incubators may 
be sent back to the respective colleges for forwarding to university 
All the above three proposals may be implemented by Universities from the Semester Starting from 
June-July 2014itself and may issue this with immediate effect. 
vii. Distribution of Raspberry Pi/Adruino/Little Bits Kits & Start-up boxes to the students: The 
schools in the state would be encouraged and helped to distribute Rasberry Pi, Adruino, Little Bits & 
Start-up boxes to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and ignite the imagination 
of students. The Government would also make efforts to bring in private sector and CSR funding for 
this purpose. 
3.7.1 Annual Science Fairs would be held to identify and promote innovation & Entrepreneurship at 
School Level. 
3.7.2 A program would be conceptualized to have district level competitions for business ideas for the 
Student groups from 8th to 10th Standards with a maximum grant of Rs. 25,000 per idea. A maximum 
of 50 ideas each year would be facilitated. 
viii. Innovation and Transformation Academy: An academy for fostering Innovation in the State would be 
established in Tirupati. This would help in institutionalizing culture of entrepreneurship in the state by 
providing leadership and entrepreneurship training. 
ix. Entrepreneurship Boot-camps – College and School Level Entrepreneurship Development Cells 
(Boot-camps) may be created through pilot incubators for creating support and awareness at local level 
inside the college campus itself. 
x. Entrepreneurship Learning – Pilot Incubators are to roll out one day training programmes in schools 
for exposure to entrepreneurship. At college level, entrepreneurship training has to be immediately 
provided as a weekend workshop done in partnership to be taken up by the Innovation and 
Transformation Academy 
xi. Attracting International Mentors: The Government will provide subsidy to Incubators for bringing 
international consultants, mentors and for hiring and training local fresh talent. 
xii. International Start-up Culture and Exchange Programme – An international Start-up programme 
would be setup to send the most brilliant start-ups, college and school students to leading Start-up 
destinations around the world for getting global exposure at a young age. Select College Principals and 
Teachers would also be send for gaining international exposure to learn about Start-up culture in 
universities like Stanford, Harvard and MIT and see how MOOC’s are being used in various schools and 
colleges for education. Similarly, tie-ups may be setup to bring world class Start-ups to work alongside 
Start-ups in Andhra Pradesh for faster learning and cultural exchange.
xiii. e-Literacy: The GOI scheme of e-Literacy would be implemented to make one person e-literate in every 
household, in partnership with the industry. 
xiv. Innovation Zones- All state departments have to setup Innovation Zones at Pilot Incubators in order to 
bring closer industry-institute interaction for creating innovative products and applications for the PSU’s 
under the Department, e Governance Applications, SMAC products etc in the Department 
xv. Market Support and State Database: The Government will focus on Start-ups while supporting 
industry associations (as decided by AP Inc) for conducting surveys and/or research on trends in 
technology, research, innovation and market intelligence on niche themes. The Government would also 
create a portal containing a database of innovations being carried out in the State. 
xvi. Business Networking and promotional events: The Government will promote and encourage 
participation in various national and international events by the industry and by leading a Government industry business delegation to the identified Exhibitions and Conferences. Government would also 
undertake various promotional events and road shows at various locations from time to time. 50% 
(100% for SC /ST & Women Entrepreneurs) reimbursement of the exhibition stall rental cost for 
participating in the notified national/international exhibitions limited to 9 sq. m of space would be 
provided to the Start-ups. 
xvii. Digital Marketing: Advertisement and marketing support subsidy will be provided for digital 
marketing as most of the SMAC enterprises are in the B2C space. 
4. Funding - State Innovation Fund: 
The government will create an Initial Innovation Fund of Rs.100 crore (1 billion) for entrepreneurs and 
i. The Fund will be in the nature of Fund of Funds. It does not invest directly into Start-up companies. It 
shall participate in the Capital of SEBI approved Venture Capital Funds, up to 15% as Limited Partner. 
The VC Fund in turn is free to invest in Start-ups located in AP, basing on its own criteria. 
ii. The fund would be professionally managed like a PE / Venture Fund with Industry leaders on the 
investment committee and would also leverage support from private partners and GoI. 
iii. The Fund would also support establishment of Pilot Incubators and Human Capital Developmental 
Programmes through Host Institutes approved by National Science and Technology Entrepreneurship 
Development Board, Government of India. 
5. State Support: 
A. Non Fiscal Incentives 
The fiscal and non-fiscal incentives applicable to all categories of IT industry would be applicable to the 
incubators, accelerators and start ups. In addition, 
i. Effective Single-Window System: A highly empowered ‘Single Window Clearance Unit’ will be 
created and operationalized for granting approvals & clearances to primarily first time and young 
entrepreneurs. A single window clearance will be provided for VAT, Labour, Municipal and other local 
registrations and compliances. It would be supported by state-of-the-art centralized help desk on 24x7 
basis duly leveraging the e-Biz portal set up by GoI. The objective of this window would be to (a) 
reduce time to set up business and (b) reduce cost of doing business. 
ii. Special provisions for the Start-ups: In addition, allocation of space will be provided to incubators and 
Start-ups on priority. Special dispensation for Start-ups backed by PE/VC funding would be created. 
iii. Awards for Innovation: The government will encourage innovation amongst the entrepreneurs through 
Innovation awards. The focus of these awards will be mostly on innovative products that attend to 
societal problems and would be awarded every year. 
iv. Technology – Server & Software: 
5.4.1 Cloud Server: Government would host a cloud sever that would connect all the incubation centres 
across the state. This server would be beneficial to all the Start-ups at low or nominal costs. 
5.4.2 Enterprise Software & Device Testing Labs: Based on the requirement, Government would 
procure Enterprise versions of key software required for testing and other purposes at incubators. 
These software and Labs can be utilized by the companies in the incubation space at nominal charges. 
5.4.3 MIT FAB LABS – In order to promote education in hardware manufacturing and creating prototypes 
of hardware products a High End FABLAB from MIT (Boston, USA) would be setup at a Pilot 
B. Fiscal Incentives 
The incentives available for MSMEs in the IT policy would also be directly applicable to the start ups, In 
addition to that: 
v. Reimbursement of VAT/ CST: Reimbursement of VAT/CST on goods supplied to the Incubator or 
incubatee and on sale or leasing of goods by Incubator to incubatee would be provided.
6. Governance of Innovation Policy 
i. APInC: An empowered ‘Andhra Pradesh Innovation Council (APInC)’ would be formed with the 
representatives of industry, incubators and the other stakeholders. The APInC would administer the 
incentives in a speedy, time-bound and transparent manner. 
ii. Empowered Mission for Innovation & Capacity Building: An empowered Mission would be 
established to give a fillip to the development of the sector and take faster and agile decisions. The 
mission would be headed by a Technocrat who has a proven record of promoting innovation in 
technology areas. It would consist of 3 experts one each in e-Governance, Electronics and IT, 3 
academicians and 3 representatives of industry.
7. Public Private Partnership Model 
The establishment of new incubators and accelerators would be in PPP model to leverage the risk taking 
strength of the Public Sector along with the execution skills of the Private Sector. The roles and 
responsibility of State Government and Private Sector is outlined below. 
i. Role of State Government 
7.1.1 Provide Administrative Guidance and Support to Private Partner for setting up Incubator. 
7.1.2 Provide guidance and support to arrange Infrastructure and other necessary support from time to time 
for successful running of Incubator based on existing government policies in effect from time to time. 
ii. Role of Private Sector as Host Institute 
7.2.1 Vision and Execution of Incubator. 
7.2.2 Organizational Responsibility and Management of Incubator. 
7.2.3 Establishing Support Eco-Systems, Capital Asset Management and Resources as required for the 
7.2.4 Management of the Incubator on day to day basis. 
7.2.5 Private Partner will be responsible for creating a self sustaining business model needed for the 
execution of the Incubator after the support period given to incubated Start-ups which is maximum of 
3 years in case of service Start-ups and 5 years in case of product Start-ups from the date of their 
entry into the incubator 
7.2.6 Shortfalls if any in revenue generation will be met by Private Partner post the support period. 
7.2.7 Private Partner will be responsible to find, Nurture and Support Incubatee companies with a flexible 
framework based on the changing Incubatee requirements in the Sector. 
7.2.8 Ensure pro-active participation of other Private Sector companies for the Incubator in terms of raising 
funds for incubator and angel investment for Start-ups. 
8. Establishment of Pilot Incubators in PPP Model 
i. Andhra Pradesh would be one of the first states in India to come out with a comprehensive Innovation 
and Start-up policy with thrust on PPP model of incubation. Thus, there are very few case studies or 
models to learn from and knowledge has to be built with pilot experimental projects to create a 
comprehensive roadmap for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the state. As the Indian Start-up 
Ecosystem is at a nascent stage, considerable support has to be provided by the State in terms of 
infrastructure and policy support with programme execution and expertise leveraged from the private 
ii. With a view to jump-start the Start-up ecosystem in the state of Andhra Pradesh, Reputed Pilot 
Incubator (Host Institute’), which are approved by National Science and Technology Entrepreneur 
Development Board , Dept of Science & Technology, Govt of India , will be selected on nomination 
basis & non-exclusive basis to setup a Pilot Incubators under Public Private Partnership model 
iii. Appropriate Selection Mechanism shall be created for selection of Pilot Incubators (Host Institutes). 
iv. Focus Areas– Initial for establishment of pilot incubators would be within the areas of 
• Telecom and Mobile Internet 
• Internet of Things (IoT) 
• ‘IT for X’ in the areas of Pharma, oil & gas, urban management. 
• Social Media, Mobility, Analytics and Cloud Computing (SMAC) 
• Fables Semiconductors 
• Animation & Gaming 
• Electronics 
• Entertainment 
• Visual Effects 
• Health and Medical Equipments 
• Sports and Fitness 
• Automotive 
v. Performance Linked Assistance: Assistance at Rs. 12,500 per month, for a maximum period of three 
years per incubated Start-up company located in the identified Incubation Centre developed by the State, 
would be provided to the Pilot Incubator (Host Institute) approved under the Pilot Projects. 10% annual 
increase in performance linked assistance would be provided. 
vi. Physical Infrastructure and Essential Infrastructure: Fully Furnished and Ready to use Plug and 
Play Infrastructure along with Computers with 1GBPS internet connectivity, Electricity, Water, Security 
and other office facilities would be provided as Infrastructure support from the State Government for the 
Pilot Incubators 
vii. Term and Duration: The Pilot Incubators, which are setup, would be initially for a period of five years. 
Based on successful performance review, they would be eligible for further support based on learning’s 
from the pilot. 
9. Establishment of Start-up – Bootup - Scaleup Model for a Product Start-up Nation 
i. The Government has published on its portal ( a Blueprint for development of IT, 
Electronics and e-Governance sectors in the State. To realize this vision, the Government of Andhra 
Pradesh will seek to co-create a product nation in India and will work to bring cutting edge policy 
recommendations necessary to enable creation of Indian owned Global Technology Companies based 
out of AP. 
ii. Government of AP will work with Industry Associations for Software Product Industry to be recognized 
as a new Industry with NIC (National Industrial Classification) Code 
iii. The Government will act as market maker for giving a massive fillip to Software Product Industry. In 
line with the State IT Policy, an Innovative Start-up-Boot up-Scale-up Model would be followed for 
attracting cutting edge Software Product Start-ups to Andhra Pradesh by leveraging the points of IT 
projects up to 50Lacs for Rural Companies, up to 5Cr for MSME’s registered in Andhra Pradesh and up 
to 50Cr per annum proposals to be taken up Suomoto using Swiss Challenge 
iv. Time bound approval of Proposals in 4 weeks would be given to Innovative Product Companies to 
demonstrate their product(s) as Pilot project i.e., Start-up Phase. Once the pilot is successful, the 
Government would encourage companies to do local product development for software companies and 
manufacturing (for hardware companies) i.e.-Boot up Phase. The companies, which have deployed their 
products in Andhra Pradesh, would then be given incentives as decided by the State Innovation Council 
to go National and International i.e.- Scale up Phase. 
This Policy would be valid till 2020 unless modified. 
A customized index would be created to track the quality of innovation ecosystem over time in the 
State by benchmarking to the National and International levels. The factors for this index would be drawn 
from renowned international indices such as World Bank Knowledge Economy Index, UNCTAD Innovation 
Capability Index, UNDP Technology Achievement Index, Arco Technology Index, RAND Science and 
Technology Capacity Index, European Innovation Scoreboard Summary Innovation Index, WEF Global 
Competitive Index, World Business and INSEAD Global Innovation Index etc. Based on the performance on 
this index and other experiences in the implementation, this policy would be updated every year in-order to 
strengthen the software products culture and ecosystem, crafting better polices and enabling creating market 
catalysts for the state of Andhra Pradesh. 
ITE&C Department shall issue appropriate Implementation/Operational Guidelines with simplified 
application Performa and procedure for claiming of the incentives. 

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